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So this is something I am playing with! Its gonna be a new series where I will blend different styles of audio. Its a hypnosis piece combined with some binaural drumbeats. I hope you like!




Okay that wasn’t even fair. Granted I didn’t exactly know what to expect but I really need to get less turned on. Eeee


For some reason, it shows no time and will not play.😥 I even clicked the mp3 link and it said 'expired URL'


don't know if you still wanted this ... I just downloaded it, sometimes it doesn't work right than you have to try it again and it works ... happens to me some times with some of the audios.


okay, while erotic hypnosis never makes me orgasm, I get all the tingles, and get close, and I was ever so close here


Gael you don't know how long I've been waiting for something like this! I can't even tell you how excited I am to listen. Thank you! ❤️❤️


I just said it on twitter that you should finally post it 😜😂💗🦊


I love Gael playtime. 💕


1st twice in one day? Quick, play the lottery! 😂😂


Thank you for your generosity today; it is much appreciated. Your voice is accompanying me as I get ready for my daughter's birthday party tomorrow. Normally I'm a stressed out mess over these things, but today I am all calmness and smiles. Wonder why. 😉 I hope you have a great weekend! 💋❤️


Yay Nina. I picked up your idea from the ideas thread! ( i am looking at that thread regularly and will get to each of your requests... if you have some more ideas don't hesitate to add them! Thank you! )


Two posts, one day. Thank you, Gael. 😁


Oh wow..had to stop at about 8mins in... This gonna have to wait till I can TOTALLY engage with G... late nite kinda listening!!! Ya know?!?!? Lol


Dearest Gael, I loved the binaural drumbeats!

Greek Goddess

It’s something different and I love it.If you are completely concentrated to his voice you will receive a large amount of pleasure in the end


I think I'm going to save this for later tonight. Kind of hard to focus on it in a loud room 🤗 Happy Friday 😝


Those tongue sounds will end me one day...! My gosh! This was pretty cool, G. It was different and really interesting to go from 'calm and relaxation' to...well, <i>that</i>, to that cool down to that state of total peace. And the drums were a nice touch :)


So fucking sloppy....mmmm...eat it baby...eat it...fuck


IM DYING!!!! Those kisses are so fuckin’ hot.😳❤️💦


If you don't mind sharing your thoughts, did this audio work for anyone? I mean in terms of inducing a trance-like state and becoming more open to suggestion. I've spent the last half hour or so trying to read about erotic hypnosis since I don't really know anything about it, and I'm wondering if anyone experienced this audio differently compared to Gael's other audios.


I was wondering the same, Doc. Found anything interesting?

Kathy M

This is like the best of both worlds. Relaxation and erotica blended perfectly together. Loved it! I know you're a humble guy but just accept this from me to you that you are seriously damn good at this. 💗💗💗


I'm not relaxed enough to feel the 'hypnosis' thing but I can definitely feel lost in the audio and just focus on your voice and sounds. This is the kind of audio I needed after surgeries, and I know I will use this audio more than once since I still experience pain and discomfort. It goes directly in the 'favourite and highly needed audios' category for me! 👍

Kathy M

Hi Doc, for me these 'hypnosis audios' are more about placing you in a calm state of mind. This one takes a turn with the added sexing but I pretty sure he didn't add any suggestions of us clucking like chickens at a chosen hidden command 😊😄💕


He's trying to torture me....*goes back to typing* "Wampanoags became angry long before the colonists livestock ever began destroying crops. Alexander, son of...'no...bad Emma, ignore it, you can listen later!' Wished to buy gun powder which the English gifted to avoid a precedent and..." dammit Sir! We need to just made maintenance spankings a thing here! This way, I could just pay for it ahead of time at the beginning of the weak before you torture me!


From what I've been reading, it seems like many erotic hypnosis experiences are meant to induce HFOs, but I'm sure there's no reason why a hypnosis audio couldn't be hands on. It also seems like a lot of emphasis is placed on the induction phase of getting someone into a trance so that the hypnotist can say things like, "When I call you my 'good girl', you'll feel a pleasurable tingle through your body", or something to that effect. So I'm guessing that the hypnotist guides the listener through what they should generally be feeling, while simultaneously trying to get the listener deeper and deeper into the trance.<br><br>I'm wondering if erotic hypnosis is the sort of thing that's more effective if it's either tailored to the individual, or generalizable enough that anyone could use it regardless of what their fantasy might be. For example, in this audio Gael had the listener feel their soft skin, then their breasts, and then their junk, all while incorporating more and more of a narrative. I wasn't actually playing along because that's not quite my way, but it made me wonder what someone would do if they were playing along and thought, <i>"But what if I don't want to start stroking my pussy/clit/(insert other body part here) yet? What if I just want to keep caressing my breasts? Or run my hands down my thighs instead?"</i> <br><br>Of course the listener is never obligated to follow any instruction they don't want, but if they're in a trance, would they feel compelled to do it anyway? Would any discrepancy between what they want and what they're asked to do break the trance? What would happen if a more generalized instruction like <i>"Touch yourself the way you long to be touched"</i> was used instead?<br><br>I recently came across an interesting concept in a book I've been reading - it essentially proposed that sexual experience could be enhanced if we stopped seeing achieving orgasm as the end goal, as the alpha and the omega. Certainly one is free to have an orgasm, but he/she is also free <i>not</i> to have one. You can go as far into a sexual experience as you want - from gently caressing yourself all the way to orgasming while actually having sex with a partner - and it's all good. Not having an orgasm doesn't mean that you did something wrong or that the experience itself just wasn't pleasurable enough. As long as you feel satisfied with it, then the experience was a successful one.<br><br>That's part of the reason why I stopped playing along with audios a few years back. Because whenever I did try in the past, I usually couldn't get how I felt to match up with how the audio artist suggested I should feel, and I never came at the same time (or at all) as the audio artist. And I actually ended up feeling bad because of it! I wondered if perhaps I hadn't paid enough attention to the audio artist's instructions, or if I was too much of a prude, or if they was actually something physiologically wrong with me because I couldn't get off while everyone else in the comments section did. I ended up enjoying neither the audio or the self-pleasuring, so from that point on I decided to keep the two entities separate.<br><br>So I guess if I was going to give an erotic hypnosis audio a try, I'd want to listen to one where the end goal was to feel some measure of pleasure and fun, but an explosive orgasm wasn't necessarily something the hypnotist was instructing me to do. Or something along those lines, anyway - I'm starting to get a headache from trying to wrap my mind around this so I'm just going to shut my brain off and hop on a treadmill for an hour 😝


Normally I'd say it's rude to slurp but I think I can be willing to make an exception here. You get a pass. LOL


Best...audio.. .ever.... 💖🎉🎆 awesome tingles. Excellent work Mr G x


❤️ Thanks v much. A joyful surprise.


I've always loved drums, and this has done nothing but intensify that love. This is so sexual AND sensual. The drums bring a primal feeling whilst relaxing (and squirming) to your voice and the pleasure. It's like you are speaking to my soul.


Amazing, G! I know hypnosis/binaural beats videos abound on YT, but I generally don't listen to them, because, for me at least, I would think that being hypnotized requires a certain level of trust that I don't bestow on just anybody. Funny story, actually. When I first started listening to you on YT, this one man's "sexy hypnosis" video kept appearing in my recommendations, like to a ridiculous degree. I avoided it, but they just would not give up. It got to the point where I was like, fine YT, if I watch this video, will you please stop recommending it to me?! So I did, and, how to put this? I love accents, love them, and I have no problem with the elderly, but this man sounded older than dirt, and like if he was the unsexiest vampire I'd ever heard speak. The way he pronounced pussy comes to mind. POO-sey, and he really punched the POO syllable. Plus the things he was saying were just creepy, and he wanted your credit card number at the end of it. The only effect it had on me was that I laughed so hard that my throat hurt and tears were streaming down my cheeks.😂 So, the one time I went against my better judgment and tried online hypnosis, it was a mess. However, you, Gael, you I trust. So I went into the hypnosis audios that you released today with an open mind, and I really liked them. I found myself feeling the pleasurable sensations of being relaxed, yet energized, and feeling sexy and turned on. Good job with this new type of audio. If it's to be a series, I'm definitely looking forward to hearing more. Thank you for all of these audios today, I feel spoiled.😙 Have a great weekend ❤. Xoxo


Me: yes! This is so relaxing! Five minutes in: Ah drums, yeeessss.... One minute later: What the?! Did this man just finagle me into touching myself?! Fffffffuuuuuu.....This ain't relaxation! Thank you for the compliments but I'm gonna want some when this is over, G! Just know that, ya here?! 😍 All jokes aside, this so indescribably delectable!!! Uuummm... *eyes crossed* Did he just slurp?? I'm done....✌️


I think I flatlined____/\__/\_________/\_____________________________ When I CAME too, all I remember was the feeling of being satiated! 👅💦💋


You are very gifted Gael, everything you produce is satisfying, and so considerate of the female. No matter how rough the day or week has been, you have just the right piece to take the edge off, to calm and soothe, arouse and play, or by taking or giving up.control... you always know just how to pleasure your lovelies, don't you? ;-)


Oh my goodness, what a story! 🤣 I agree about trust--I wouldn't trust anyone but G to "hypnotize" me. ❤️


Absolutely fabulous Gael, perfect!


This. was. Perfect. 🔥🔥❤❤ Hypnosis /sexy audio :I love it !!!!! Looking foward to hear more of these wow!!!👏👏👏👏👏


I'm gonna have to listen to this again because I didn't hear ANY drums...Loved that sexy voice though


I didn't hear any drums either! At first I thought my headphones were on the verge of breaking (which they ultimately did last night, so Sony's now on my shitlist), but at least I'm not the only person who didn't catch the drums 🤔




I'm going to have to go back and listen to this again tonight. Last night, I fell asleep during it, but man, it was a good sleep!


You crossed the streams -- yes!! And the world of Gaelandia didn't explode -- well, not with any lasting damage anyway. LOL I made the mistake of listening to this one first, then the YT version. Shouldn't have done that. I liked the one on YT, but since I knew where you were going to take it here, my mind was adding in what you said and did on this audio. Don't get me wrong -- I liked the YT one, it was relaxing and effective, just couldn't shut the brain off. This one, though -- I really like what you did here. It was soothing yet stimulating at the same time, not sure how that works. The idea of relaxing first to the point of almost sleeping then building the tension and momentum to the crescendo and then back down again as a meditative/hypnotic idea was so well done. Pat yourself on the back, man, mission accomplished here. I hope you try this style again -- I'm really curious to see where you go from here.


Powerful. Very powerful. I told you you were a hypnotist, hahaha!


I’ve never experienced this kind of audio pleasure in my life. Absolutely the best one yet. And that slurp was 🤸🏽‍♀️


Omg Gael. This was just what I needed after being admitted to the hospital overnight. Thank you. 😍🤗😘😘😘


iontach go hiomlán 👏👏


So my dear, now please explain to me how I get these dirty pictures out of my head. And how do I get rid of that gasping breath (Schnappatmung as we say here in Germany)? I thought you could help me with my insomnia and bring me into the land of dreams and Care Bears with your addictive voice. But it's definitely not going to happen anymore. On the other hand, the binaural sounds were really great. I've been using them for a long time, because they help to relax and my tinnitus is barely audible. So I'll say half a thank you. No, I'm just kidding. When I'm tired, I like to talk nonsense. It was fun😉


Just listened to this after your latest Double Gael that got me so hot and yearning for more. This. Was. Amazing. 😻💋