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What a week it's been already!  I hope ya'll are keepin well!

This week's draw winners are:

♦ Emma Storm

♦ Phoebe R!

Have a great week, my Lovelies!!!




Congratulations ladies 😘


Tearable puns.....gfaw 😂


Congrats ladies -finger guns-


Oh Gael, always good for a giggle.😄 Have fun Ladies!


Those puns, though 😂😂😂😂😂 Congrats, ladies 😁 You too, G ☺️


Salut salut!Yup what a week G, trying to hold on tight tho💪✊✊ Have a great week boi!💟🌺🌴and lovelies💖! Congrats ladies felicitations😄!


Félicitations les filles ! Congrats 😃 !


I used to have a fear of hurdles, but then I got over it. *badum-bum* Congrats guys! ^^


I had a friend who was addicted to brake fluid. It's not a problem though, he said he can stop anytime.


Congrats ladies!! Love the puns!


Congratulations, girls! Have s great week, everyone. ❤️


Congrats ladies! And those are "tearable" puns and I loved every last one!🤣


Congratulations, you very lucky ladies! Can't say that you will be disappointed! :^) I hope everyone has a lovely week and finds time to enjoy yourself at least a little bit.


Can one of you lovely people explain the draw to me? I'm new to the Patreon train 😊


Congratulations, Lovely Ladies! 🎉


Guys we need to stop this. I'm going out on a limb here, but I'm feeling that this problem is really branching out. Let's get to the root of this issue please? Leef me alone! Tree problems no!


I'm going to be honest....I saw Emma and I was like yes! And then I saw Storm and I was like dammit!


Congratulations, ladies! Ah... it must be wonderful to be drawn and receive your very own PA. 😋😋😋


Hi, Jax! Welcome! Welcome! About the draw... if you're a part of the $4.99 tier, you automatically have a ticket to Gael's monthly draw! If you win, you get your very own personal audio!


Congrats ladies!


Congratulations, girls! Enjoy yourselves :D


Very sneaky Herr Gael, hiding in a post full of puns... you know the Queen detestssss them...


Congratulations Emma Storm and Phoebe R.






Congratulations ladieees ❤️❤️


sup! congrats!


Woop Woop. Congrats 🙌🏻


Congrats lovelies! ❤️


Congratulations ladies! ❤️ Last night I went to a nightclub, that was full of Orcs, Beasts and Trolls. It was Mordor on the dance floor. 😂




Very punny Gael! Congrats Emma an Pheobe R. Enjoy!


Guten Morgen my dears. Hope everyone has a good Mittwoch - Wednesday!? My little niece had her 1.Schultag - first day at school yesterday. She already complained about Hausaufgaben - homework. :) It´s really cold and rainy tonight. The kittens brought me a frog. The kilns are behaving. I haven´t seen the Queen for a while... maybe she´s sheeming or she´s sulking and eating captives. XD I´m too lazy for the Fragen :) One of you Fraugen has to ask some, please? Danke... and bis später XD


Hello, Frau Claudia and you lovely, sexy Fraugen! Happy-almost Mittwoch to you all. A little worried about the silence of the Queen. I only hope that our sexy Mayor survives her potential wrath. I know I would never do anything to tempt my fate, that’s for sure. I am happy to provide some random Fragen this evening to give our beautiful Fragen master a break. What is your favorite way to waste time? What is the most annoying habit someone can have? What is the best room in your house and why? What is your silliest fear? What is your guilty pleasure? There you go, ladies! Thank you for answering, and have a wonderful day!


Congrats ladies! xx


RUN AND HIDE!!!! Sexy Sirens of Gaelandia.... the Lizard Queen is REALLY ANGRY!!! Her scales are still red and her tail is all spiky! Apparently Herr Gael stole something from her AGAIN!!! She´s missing a bottle of her highly effective Lust Potion!... If you see her better run or quickly and demurely tell her the whereabouts of Herrn Gael! I´m off.... ahhhhh.....


<img src="http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/000/070/279/leostrutoriginal.jpg"> Some-one's gon-na ge-e-et i-i-it...🙃


Guten Morgen Gaelandia. A wonderful Donnerstag - Thursday to everyone! It´s a stormy night here... perfect to snuggle up, have some tea and listening to an audio. ;) So right to some simple Fragen... What´s your favourite? Colour of socks? Vogel - Bird? Thing to look forward to? Way to travel? Animal at the zoo? Thing you’ve done in the last 24 hours? Kuchen - Cake? And now clasp your hands together. Which Daumen - thumb is on top? Danke for your answers my dears... bis dann XD Danke Amy for yesterday´s Fragen PS: Beware of the Queen! I think she´s on the hunt for Indiana Gael´s tassty partsss. o.O


Hallo to Claudia and the Fraugen! My my, things have taken quite a turn for Gael, haven't they? I hereby pledge my electron-beaming, cryogen-handling services to our Queen's pursuit. I've no idea how they'll be useful, but I'm sure she'll find a way. Not much to report; didn't get the images of the things I drew with electrons taken today due to a processing delay. Tomorrow, however, if the microscope is willing to behave, I might have an image or two! And now, this: <b>Socks for all occasions?</b> — While most of my socks are navy blue thanks to three years in private school, I much prefer socks of varying colors with funny jokes on them. My current favorites are actually tan/pink/yellow with the words "Motherfucking GIRL POWER" in black. Yep, I wear them to work. <b>Feathered friend</b> — I'm partial to the black-capped chickadee. Had one who used to visit me on my windowsill all summer and even came back for a time the next year. <b>The anticipation is half the fun...</b> — A gaming session with my friends. So many shenanigans happen, because we've got players who want things to go exactly according to plan and then there's <i>that</i> guy who just wants to watch the plan burn. <b>Planes, trains, or automobiles?</b> — While I prefer airplanes for long distances (cross- or out-of-country), in the city, I like our light rail train system. So easy and smooth, like a good tequila. <b>Lions and tigers and bears...</b> — Oh, I can't choose between the elephants and the giraffes. <b>24</b> — Boy, considering I've spent a good chunk of the day at a doctor's office, getting poked and prodded in embarrassing places, and another good chunk in the bathroom, the bar isn't high. I'll say finishing a page of my coloring book at the doctor's office. <b>I can has cake?</b> — Actually, I really can't have cake anymore, unless it's gluten-free—and even then, most still contain dairy and/or eggs, which may also make it unsafe. However, I greatly miss a cake made by some grocery-store bakeries in my region. It's a two-layer white sheet cake with strawberry or raspberry jelly between the layers, and frosted over with whipped frosting. Yum. <b>On the bottom on the bottom is on the top on the top</b> — Left thumb for me.


Guten frühen Morgen Mädls. Hope everyone will have a pleasant Freitag - Friday! I´m early tonight... testing a new firing curve. Do you have any crazy weekend plans? I think I will go on a little cave exploring trip... maybe I will find something interesssting? :) And who told the Queen to try to flirt? She´s slithering around, practising her sweet talk... to no avail! She showed off her cleavage, called me a pretty morsssel and ordered me to suck her shiny tail! Ewwww.... Let´s have the daily Fragen before she comes back. ;)) Would you rather... ...do your own stunts in an action movie, or have a stunt person do them? ...be a stand-up comedian or a concert pianist? ...hold a Schlange - snake or kiss a Qualle - jellyfish? ...eat a small can of cat food or eat two rotten tomatoes? ...have your Oma´s - grandmother’s hairstyle or first name? ...take a trip down the Amazon River or walk the Great Wall of China? Danke my dear Fraugen... bis später XD


Hi, Claudia and all you cool ladies :D No weekend plans for me, except survive work :p She asked you to suck her tail? O.o Wow... Where's the King in all of this??? Surely, he's more than willing to be her flirtation guinea pig! Do my own stunts or stunt person? Hmm...I think I want to do my own stunts. It looks scary, but doing all those cool tricks would be pretty neat. Stand up comedian or concert pianist? I'd want to be a stand-up comedian. I'd love to make people laugh. Hold a snake or kiss a jellyfish? Uhhh...well...I know both are risky (a snake can strangle me and a jellyfish can sting me), but a jellyfish seems less risky. Actually...aren't jellyfish really slimy? o_o I think I'll hold a snake. Cat food or rotten tomatoes? Somehow, the cat food sounds more enticing... Grandma's hairstyle or first name? I'd have her first name; it was Margarete. Amazon River or Great Wall? Both! I may question my decision once I get there, because the biggest spider on the planet lives in South America *shudders* and the Great Wall is HUGE. But I won't regret going and seeing these places with my own eyes. Hopefully, I never see said spider and I don't have to walk the entire Wall.


Oh one more thing..Gael says he checks in on us quiet a bit and loves our banter..and support of one another... I say HE answers some of our dear Frau Claudia's fragen...no?? Just a thought... 😉😉😘😘


Could you do an audio for flirting at the gym?? 😍


Congratulations Ladies 🎉🎉