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Just something that might hopefully help you during this time...


Hurricane Irma Comfort Ramble

Hey all, I know that some of you are really scared right now so I made this ramble to help ease the fear and bring you comfort. My thoughts are with you. -Video Upload powered by https://www.TunesToTube.com



I so love your stories, if at all possible, would you be able to redo this for download? at the very least for the running part


yessss a ramble, waited so long for this, thank you so much G❤️❤️


My aunt is in the thick of it in Englewood. 80 year old woman alone, with two cats, refuses to leave. If I had a plane I'd fly right down there and punch Irma in her face and bring Marlene home to live with me.


Awww 💞 When I saw this, I thought to myself, "this is going to bring so much comfort to people. Is there any man sweeter than him?" ❤️ Can't wait to listen later. Thanks, G ❤️❤️❤️


I likey the puppies photo! 💕💕💕


Take a warning from a spinal surgeon I knew, running is the worst thing you can do to your skeleton

Kathy M

Aww Gael, we get sinfully hot sexy audio AND a ramble? Just wanna squeeze you 😊🤗💗 Thank you 😊


All I can say is a big big THANK YOU❤You are the sweetest!!!


Thanks again for this. You are thoughtful and kind😊😘


This is beyond sweet, bless you for your kind spirit ❤️😘


Awww 😙😙 G💟💖 (didn't need patreon notif to see this post *Patreon get it together plzzz.*)


Awww, this is great. Can't wait to listen when I get back home. Very nice that you're trying to bring comfort to people that are being affected by Irma. You're such a kind soul.


Thank ya Gael... And this really has nothing to do with this ramble but I just wanna put this out here... I QUIT SMOKING!!! Well Im on my 4th day smoke free..( that is about like 4 months for me) it kinda hard!!! But Im trying to do the healthy thing here.. So pray for me guys..Im getting pretty snappy!!! #smokefree #trying...😣😣😣😣😁😁😁


Truly love your compassionate soul. ♡


This is wonderful for you to do Gael! Prayers going out to those hit by both Harvey and about to be hit by Irma.

Misa Amane

<3 ty for this!


The puppy pic is really cute, by the way ❤️


Ahhh, now this is what I need today, and I am sure so many others do, as well! Thanks, G, for always knowing what we need just when we need it!


Aww so thoughtful.. We dodged the bullet here in SC. Still sending thoughts and prayers to FL though..


Thoughts and prayes go out to those affected by the hurricane! Oh the giggles.<br><br>I laughed so hard at the Mickey and Jellybean wtf. XD<br><br>Thank you so much Gael for the laugh and giggles. XD


I'm crying 😂😂the running story is so funny, I've done the 'race for life' a couple of times and got beaten by 'Peppa pig' and 'captain America' 😂😂😂


I won't judge you Gael for being a "morning bird"..I wish i could be..I'm a "night owl" one of those " Im going to bed at 8:00... come 1:00 am..Im in my kitchen dancing with my pups..to Christmas music..in July!!! 😂😂🎄🎄 (true story)..


Laughed about Gael having a 36 hour memory. That means you either have CRS (Can't Remember Shite) or CRAFT (Can't Remember A Feckin' Thing). Not sure what comes after Craft but pretty sure I'm most of the way there. I can tell you everyone of my brother's, sister's, their spouses and kids (and grandkids) birthdays, ages and anniversaries (also my hubby's family too) but don't ask me what I had for dinner last night because I couldn't tell you. Anyway, this helped take my mind off the safety of my brother and his family in Jax, FL at least for a little bit. You are tooooo good to us Gael! And we love you for it!!! Sending {{{{{HUGS}}}}} to you.

Gri (Sassy_One)

Will listen in a bit (charging my cell atm), but thank you, kind leprechaun, for always having your puppies on mind. 😘 You're a feckin' sweetheart!


Hearing your genuine belly-laugh as you recall the jelly bean story, and see the proud Mayor Pitbull, is a real cheerer-upper! 😊 Strength to all those affected, or having tough times for other reasons. May next week be better 💕


I've tried to listen to this 3 times now, but keep getting interrupted by the natives (aka my nieces &amp; nephews who are weathering the storm with us) and every time I hear the intro it gets funnier and funnier. 😂 Thank you for this, can't wait to actually get through the audio! Stay safe for those who are also or have also been affected by this bitch Irma - can't wait for her to gtfo!


Good Lord. I've been training for a 5K coming up and I don't know that I'm going to be able to do a run without thinking about jellybeans or yelling at babies. lol


I believe that G is right. It can be nearly impossible to imagine that life could right itself when you are deep in the newness of tragedy. But it most often does - we have seen it over and again. Do what you need to do and allow for the possibility of good days coming your way. Love and courage to those of you in the thick of it.


Perfect timing G. I've had so much anxiety about the hurricane and this definitely brought a smile to my face. Thank you. 😊


Those laughs were the best part! 😄😁 Le sigh...


I also have family and friends who are staying. Some may be truly making a choice, but I worry that some are overwhelmed by the prospect of evacuation. Love to you Mangan's Sister.

Greek Goddess

I love rambles! ❤️You are so funny!I laughed so hard with your story 😂Thank you 🤗


That story was...a wild ride from start to finish. Sending my thoughts to everyone in the hurricane's path ❤️


Love the "feel goods"! Thank you for that! We all need distractions from sh*tty times and you provided yet, again! Thank you, you thoughtful man, you! I've called balls jellybeans before, now I have more of a reason to do so😆! What was he thinking? "I'm gonna keep my jellybeans warm with ma ball heat?". The hell, man? And I did NOT know there was shrinkage when I guy ran. You'd think with the constant impact coupled with gravity, it would be distended...I guess I'll offer some compassion if I ever come across "Wee Willy Winky" and ask gently, of course, "Did you just finish running?" If the answer is yes, I'll offer a postponment for our "date." If he looks at me cross and ask "Why would you ask me that?...". Well then I'll offer...a kiss, a hug, and a pat on the back...as he departs...(Sorry, gotta be real!👊 Friends tho?)


Aww Elaine a man can't help if he has tiny bits. What's that? You can't help him either? 😂


Very helpful Gael. Thank you &lt;3


Guten Morgen Gaelandian girls. A pleasant and safe Montag - Monday to everyone. Hm...I see there has been some discussion lately. There´s nothing wrong with that, we are 870? Sirens now so a little hickhack - bickering is just normal and healthy now and then... :) And now we should all make up, be good girls or good-bad girls and remember to play nice!? Ja? This is Gaelandia, we are the tribe of the sexy Sirens and we are all here to have some good (sexy) times and fun. This should be a safe place for everyone... sub, dom, sweet, dirty, shy, bold, human, reptilian... to each her own. XD Listen to Gael, have a little banter, find advice and support, cum like a fountain, explore new kinks, discuss an audio ... and of course answer the Fragen! XDD So here we go... let´s keep it simple ´cause it´s Montag. This or that? Picnic or nice restaurant? Numbers or Buchstaben - letters? Crossword puzzles or sudokus? Wine or Bier - beer? Boots or sandals? Twins or triplets? Drawings or paintings? Mint or Zimt - cinnamon? Fast or slow? Pen or pencil? Danke for your Antworten as always my dears. Try to enjoy your day... bis dann XD


Howdy Claudia! Let's get to it...Edge goes to picnic though I enjoy both - it's mostly about the company. Numbers - for sure. Crossword puzzles - though not too hard cos I like to have a fighting chance. Wine - not even close. Sandals are more practical for day to day in TX. I have more paintings in my house - I did not realize I had a preference, but there you have it. Mint - hands down. If I can only choose one, then slow - because either can be good for many things, but only slow will do for some important ones. : ) Pencil - cos I think fast and tend to revise. Many thanks for the fun!


Thank you, Gael! I love how thoughtful and caring you are. You truly are a bright spot in this often dark world we live in. Those of us across the pond really have had a rough couple weeks! Between hurricanes and wildfires, we have been tested and a lot of heroism has been shining through! Our country has seen one end of the extreme to the other...Too dry in the Northwest and too wet in the South. We often don't hear about all the good people are doing because news seems to only focus on the bad. There is good happening...you just have to dig a lil deeper to find it in the media. I have two coworkers whose spouses have been out battling the flames of forest fires, going weeks without seeing their families. I pray for relief for all. My heart goes out to Florida right now. Stay safe. 💛


You really know how to bring a huge smile on my face G😁😁😁.I'm Taking the bus tmrrow : round 2 on this ramble! -giggling party-!!! My opinion: I really love your rambles,shout outs and all so if you want to do more of them : i am 100% in boi!❤💛💜 - Thanks G- Much love to florida,texas... lovelies🙏💓❣hope yall safe ladies💞


I'm close to being smack in the middle of the country (Rocky Mountain region) and my friend remarked that she was pretty sure we've got Mordor to the northwest and Isengard post-Ent-War to the southeast. She respectfully requested that we toss our magic golden rings into the nearest convenient volcano.


Between the spicy food passing, the snatched up baby, the jelly beans on nut sack, and that damn Pit Bull, I'm still giggling!!☺️ Love the rambles and your humor!! 😁


I lost it at "nipple lube." I am a grown-up. 🙃


Thank you so much G for this! This is really a difficult time for a lot of us here in the States. My heart is broken for the families that are in the path of this storm and for others who have familes in the path of this storm. The devastation that Harvey and Irma have left unreal and a hard pill to swallow. This has put a smile on my face. I asked if everyone could just lift up a little prayer for these families. Thank you so much and G you are the best!!!!! 😘


This was a much needed respite in the midst of a stressful and worrisome day for everyone here it seemed. Your timing, as always, was and is impeccable. The stories and your message were such a joy to listen to, the ray of positivity I needed today. Again, I thank you! And for the people who were and are affected by the weather over the past two weeks, please know that all of you are in my thoughts and prayers, as are those who are affected by tomorrow’s anniversary. It has been wonderful to watch our community come together and support each other during all of this, whether by offering laughs or virtual hugs, or by just being available to each other when needed. It reminds me again why I am proud to be a part of this group of wonderfully, caring people. Claudia made a very good point about healing and moving forward, and G made a very important point of putting aside differences and getting along. I wholeheartedly agree with both sentiments. I stewed and worried all day, uncomfortable, wanting to say something, but thinking the better of it. I wondered why we were all so affected by what began as a simple poll, and earlier a simple audio, so, being the teacher I am, I researched and I read and I watched. What I found is a simple emotion that we all have that we don’t like to admit to – vulnerability. When G puts forth an audio, regardless of what it is, he is vulnerable to what the public will say. When we comment on those audios, or participate in any of the conversations here, we are equally as vulnerable, opening ourselves up to strangers about some of our most private feelings, experiences, and ideas. Our sexuality is something that makes each and every one of us vulnerable to some degree or other, and sharing that sexuality opens us up to a host of different possibilities. Disagreements happen, discussions can turn on a dime, and people can get hurt. But, in the spirit of healing and moving forward, I want to encourage everyone to remember that we are all vulnerable here. In my research, I found a really good TED Talk on the subject by Brene’ Brown. In it, she discusses how vulnerability is the basis for all things we do, from changes we make to the art we create to how we associate with other people. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCvmsMzlF7o" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCvmsMzlF7o</a> Please understand, my comment is not a lecture or a condemnation of anyone here, nor is it a chance to rehash what was already said in earlier posts. Instead, it’s just my way of trying to encourage us to remember what G has said to us before about being a light in the world, a place of positivity. Thanks for listening.


First - such an adorable thumbnail 🐶❤️🐶. I could have stared at those puppies all day. Second - thanks for the much needed hilarity and good news. I am still giggling about those damn jelly beans. You had me in tears with that one 😂. Also picturing you running and getting passed up by a giant teddy bear 🤣 fantastic!

Kathy M

Sweet Jaysis! I was on the edge of my seat listening to you build up the end of the race. In a million years I'd have never predicted what actually took place. 😂 and the jellybeans. Can't even. Congrats on your run and ty for a much needed fun and funny ramble. More of these is always a welcome respite from the craziness of the world. 💗👍😚


Tassty humans... I´m sstill missssing a certain key! My patience iss about to run out... I will torture some captivesss if you won´t give me any cluesss soon! Remember the lasst time I mutilated one of the poor little captivesss!? <a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BypRzl9PJumvQ3VnMEVSQzNKT0k/view?usp=sharing" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BypRzl9PJumvQ3VnMEVSQzNKT0k/view?usp=sharing</a> Ssso ...I´m waiting.... *taps her beautiful tail impatiently against her ssscaly thigh*


My what a beautifully exquisite tail you have that is tapping oh so impatiently, my Queen. I do wish I had more news to report, but we are at a loss. Seanie is nowhere to be found, and no amount of coaxing by our lovely beours seems to work to bring him out. G has been very busy this weekend entertaining the visiting Alpha G and, by his own admission, climbing the walls like Spiderman, so to speak. We will keep trying, your highness, and hopefully we can get someone to budge. Not even the threat of turning our beautiful resident Fox into a rug would cause our Mayor to relent, so I am not sure if the possibility of a mutilated audio will help.


Also, I've been listening to this rambles twice. And absolutely in love with the pure-i-cant laugh. Twice, also I died at the Baby story and Jellybean story. XD<br><br>I always wanted to do a half marathon, but I can't since I had injury on one of my knee. 2-3 miles was okay. Above that, be prepare to catch me. Haha. Guten tag everyone.


Still need to listen. But I know I will love it ❤😊


Round 3🎧😌🙂


Guten Morgen Mädls. A nice Dienstag - Tuesday to everyone! I see... Herr Gael annoyed the Queen yesterday. She was fuming! She turned into an interesting shade of scarlet...the King had to restrain her. And she screeched something about cursing the Irishman´s puny cock... O.o I have to go back to bed... where the mosquitoes will eat me alive. They are terrible this year! Some assorted sexy Fragen for the sexy Fraugen... Do you remember the first time you felt erregt - aroused? What’s your favorite way to be verführt - seduced? Do you prefer sex at night, in the morning, mid-afternoon, or jetzt - NOW? Have you ever masturbated in a public bathroom? Have you ever blindfolded or handcuffed your partner? What’s your favorite blowjob technique? That´s enough, danke for your answers my dears... bis später XD


I believe the Irish's insolence has got you hot and bothered Oh Queen.


@LJ - kisses are hot! 💋💋💋💋


I finally have enough power to play this. Thank you, magic man!


Your enthusiastic story-telling and laughter are incredibly infectious! PS - I don't think I'll be eating jelly beans for awhile. 😕

Monique (Mimzz)

Thank you so much for this, its definitely most needed at this time. Most ppl here in FL are dealing with outages and gas shortages and its crazy right now. All in all I'm glad my family made it through the storm alive and well.


Still don't have any electricity at home (due to hurricane Irma) to listen to this audio completely. Soon....hopefully soon.


First, it is so sweet and kind of you to think to comfort others in this way, thank you. ❤ Second, and this may be a strange part of your story to focus on, but mickeys do that when guys run? I'm learning a lot about the mysteries of the male anatomy from you. 😂