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Some of you ask why I struggle with doing accents, I guess it's in the blood 😳


Irish People Try Different American Accents

Attempting the accents of Boston, New York, Texas, Calafornia & more! Subscribe to Facts. : http://goo.gl/yEIawC Credits : Produced by Creative Nation Music licensed from AudioMicro Related Videos of ours : Irish People Translate Southern American Slang https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Uddek0J2Hc The Foreigner's Guide to Irish Accents https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ee_N3g4ORLk



Well now I do declare that the southern accent was just done all kinds of wrong. We don’t all sound like that! But....then again....we do....(: But bless your heart for tryin’


Hiya Gael!! I'll have to wait til I'm home from work to watch this, but I hope you're having a fantastic day 🤗


I heart her shirt hard. Just sayin. Back to our regularly scheduled program.


I love watching these videos. You should watch the ones where they try different types of foods and alcohols. 😂😂😂😂


trust me you're not the only one! when I first moved to Scotland I struggled so much with the accent and even understanding what everyone says to me 😂 It felt like I had to learn English all over again. Now that I understand everyone, I'm trying my best to acquire the Scottish accent but yeah.. it's not happening. Anyway, sending lots of love and hugs❤️❤️


The Facts guys (and girls) are the best!


Love Facts. XD


Lmao! Love the bill and ted impression! 😂


I had way too much fun watching this 😂 the leather jacket dude always cracks me up.

Kacie Kelly

Don't worry Gael, your own accent is sexy enough, you don't need to do any others :) but I understand your struggle. I have a Boston accent so anyone outside of Massachusetts has a hard time understanding me haha




Ohh, I feel you! My German accent comes through sooo often. I not only look but also sound like a potato. 😂 That video was quite entertaining indeed Ahhah


"I'm walkin here"!!!! 😂😂😂 I don't have a New York accent..but best believe I say it like I do!!!


The slytherin shirt I mean. Patreon be all like "screw yo edits"


I'll be honest. I used to have a hard time understanding your accent and some of the things you were saying 😅 But eleven months later, I have no trouble with understanding it at all 🤓😂 This was so funny. Lmao. I laughed so hard I snorted 🤣🤣🤣 Thanks for sharing 😂😂


The Californian one killed me 😂😂 thanks for the laugh, G! ❤️


Facts! They're fantastic -- and most of the New York / New Jersey accents were at least way better than the "Southern" & Canadian ones, haha!


Johnny did a pretty good job! 😉😂😂


I think certain people just have a knack for other accents. Quite a few of us Americans butcher the Irish accent.


Hey it's Facts the Irish Buzzfeed!!!! I love them!!


Don't worry you're not the only one dear😂😂 We all do at some point. Cousins laugh at me when I try to speak slang from their dialect🤣🤣


I need to hear you doing an audio in an American accent now!!!!!!!!


Oh damn... that one guy that dropped his voice for the Cali accent... I just barely realized I do that. Dammit!!


Oh G, I'd love to hear you try to do a northeastern accent (New York/Jersey/Philly) 😁

Kacie Kelly

I will say though that some of those guys had the Boston accent spot on haha XD


I visited Spain once and everyone in my travel party was so grateful that I knew Spanish so I could communicate with the locals (I'm Puerto Rican & my parents taught me). Imagine my surprise when we were traveling around Barcelona and I could NOT understand half of what anyone was saying. 😂😂😂 Accents (of all kinds) are a blessing and a curse. LoL I learned that trip not to be too cocky of being bilingual, because sometimes that doesn't even help. 😂


Oh, how I 💚 Leather Jacket Guy!!!


That was brilliant!


I was just gonna say the same thing. I don't think it's a regional thing, it just depends on the person. Some people just have that gift (or work really, really hard to acquire it lol).


I am cracking up at the California, "DUH!" 😂 The red headed woman who done the southern accent and said, "I do declare this accent ain't nothing but a stereotype" was so good. Lol That's what you hear in movies though, I don't know anyone in the south that sounds like that unfortunately. Usually they have more of a "twang". Mine is only noticeable on certain words. Lol


So many comments in what..15 mins??!!! See Gael.. You give us Lovelies too much..spoiled we are!!


Funny! Well, they really tried, and you've taught me that God loves a trier.😆😂Oh G, don't worry, though. For my part, your Irish accent is the exact melody I want to hear. Xoxo❤

Greek Goddess

Haha that was hilarious 😂😂

Kathy M

Haha! Good one! My ability to mimic any U.K. accent pretty much consists of: Would ya like a cuppatay? 'Ello Govnah!


If you watch a lot of Catherine Tate's Show I am pretty sure you can pick up their accent pretty well. "Am I bovvered though?" "LOOK AT MAH FACE, DO MY FACE LOOK BOVVERED?" "me? face? bovvered? I STILL AINT BBOVVVEEREEEDDD". xD oh god, I love that show so much.


Love this! As a kid growing up, we moved around alot and out of necessity (and survival) I learned to pick up accents really quickly. I've had a Philadelphia accent where we drank "cooughee" and ate sangwhiches; a Maine accent, Ayuh, where we pahked ah cahs and ate lobstah; a Picksburg (Pittsburgh) accent where I rooted for the Stillers and shopped at Giant Iggle; and then a southern Virginia accent where you could find anything over yonder, especially down the holler. LOL Thankfully, Northern VA doesn't have one, so my accents are gone. Never could pick up a British or Irish accent -- I sound just silly!


I don't mean to rub salt in the wound, but if you look up TheVolgun on YouTube, he's Irish, but he does a bunch of impecable accents (down to the difference between a New York accent and a Chicago accent, or a Texan accent and a Georgian accent. I can't even do that and I've lived in all of those places); several different types of American accents, a Russian accent, several variations of an English accent, and even inhuman creatures, and he is sooooo good at characterization and conveying things like age and emotion and disposition. It's honestly amazing. I don't understand how he only has 32K subscribers. He's honest to god the best voice actor I've ever encountered.


The only thing I can do is McConaughey "Awlraihhh, awlraihh, awlraihhh.." xD


That dude with the grey sweatshirt is FIRE, though.


Oh shit, and the dude on the right with the beard sounds like Dan Harmon when he does the California accent.


These are my favorite videos to have on for background noise while I'm writing. They make me laugh and laugh. I enjoy watching the Scots be confused and frustrated as well. Hey, I wonder how the Gman would sound trying to pull a Scottish accent? Intrigue...


I love the Facts channel. Those guys are hilarious.


I think the video where Irish people try to identify the American States is hilarious! Once you get past the California, New York, Texas, and the vampire/werewolf state of Washington, it's a free for all. And how does the guy know there's a Kansas City but thinks it's s the capital of Kansas? Oh, wait, people here seem to think Kansas City is only a city in Kansas, so I'll give him a pass. I'm consistently amazed at the difference between what we think we know about a country vs. what we really know. And the US is much more complex than the stereotypes we've created for ourselves.


😂 @ sangwhiches! My dad says that sometimes, but he's never lived in Pittsburgh. It's even funnier since he has a pretty heavy accent. <3


I shared with some friends daily updates of what I was doing in Athens when I was there and they said I sounded like a news broadcast


Don't know why it keeps jumping when I haven't finished typing. Anyway told my friends I would do an audio like a North Korean newscaster but never got round to it


Lmao i love this channel so much❤ have you ever tried our French accent tho?would love to have a huge crack at that one 😈😈😈LOVE your Cork one btw thanks to you i am totally in love with the Irish accent rn .no worries love😏


He's done that one before, it was.... not pretty. Mike Myers level of cringe. 😂


I have an Appalachian/Kentucky accent. The only people who can get that right are the folks that live here. 😐


OMG the Canadian accent at the beginning got me crackin' up!! I can't say I've ever heard a stereotypical Canadian accent irl though, despite being a Canuck born and raised...is that accent from a certain region of Canada that I just haven't visited? Anyone know? I know there are a few distinct accents in Atlantic Canada (where I'm from), but I don't think I have any of those either...no interesting accents for me!


Guten Morgen Mädls. A happy Freitag - Friday to everyone. Weekend plans? Some adventures maybe? Don´t have much time tonight, so here are the täglichen Fragen... Have you ever wanted to be in a band? What do you put on first when getting dressed? Do you have an innie or an outie belly button? Would you rather have a flaming cat or a dog made out of water? Do you think you could punch someone and knock them off their senses? Danke for your Antworten my dear Sirens... see you later XD Oh, and I saw that some of you are trying to find the Queen´s cock key... well, I´d offer a generous reward for it too! I double whatever she offered! Good luck on your quest...


I love the accent stuff! That lady in the slytherin shirt did solid work!


Guten Nacht Claudia! I hope your weekend is wonderbar! My birthday is on Sunday and we celebrating on Saturday. Spa day, dinner, then an escape room! Sunday my parents are coming and we are having a birthday lunch. Band: I did band when I was in highschool and college. I played clarinet in the concert band and marching band. I do miss it. First thing I put on in the morning: My underwear. Either bra or panties whichever comes first. Innie or outie: I have an innie Cat or dog: I would rather have a water dog. I think that would be less hazardous than a flaming cat. Could i punch someone and knock them off their senses? Never had the chance to but I would like to think I could.


Oh my God. 🤣 Those who enjoyed this one might also enjoy <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvDvESEXcgE" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">this video</a>, where an expert breaks down several actors' accent performances, from the good (Phillip Seymour Hoffman) to the bad (Tom Cruise) to the ugly (Kevin Costner <i>and we all know which movie I'm talking about here</i>). I tried to pull a British (Four Counties) accent at a gaming table once with ZERO prep time (totally off-the-cuff, totally used to be able to do that as a kid) and wound up mashing Cockney with three or four other regional accents that made my UK friend cringe in his seat. Oh, it was lovely. I love how many of the Canadian accents came out sounding almost Scandinavian. That was awesome.


"She sounds like she's from Kazakhstan!" LMAO. Guy in the gray sweater was on point!


Pretty good I think.. I have to use a fake "american" accent at work and I don't even know what accent it is.. Lol.. I work in a call center BTW.. But whatever accent I'm using seems to be working.. A lot of my callers think im in the us (or so they say).. Haha


"But you have to go to Brooklyn...! It's the law!" "*reads the lines* ......Yeah." ROFL!!

Monique (Mimzz)

I have to give applause to the lady with the sleeveless shirt, she was fantastic! I also love the red head take in a southern accent tho lol


Omg, the California one!!!🤣 That cannot be how I sound, right?!😳😳😳 I mean, I do call everyone "dude" and say "totally" a little too much, but...


Oh my the New York/New Jersey one got me laughing!! I admit I sometimes do sound like that but not all of us in New York and New Jersey do. All in all, great video!!!


This video only deepens my love and respect for Colin Farrell. 😅❤️


Ikr, I'm questioning my entire life right now. God I hope not 😂


The smaller red head, the one in the pink sweater and the guy in the grey sweater with her were actually pretty good haha. Btw I promise Californians don't actually sound like that... well, at least not most of us 😂


I think the only people in the vid who nailed the stereotypical Canadian accent were the guys in the sweaters. The low, monotone-ish voice with a slight upward inflection at the end when they said "Eh?" I have heard a couple of Aboriginal people in Ontario who speak like that, and as far as Canadians go, I guess they're about as authentic as you can get since this has been their home country for generations 🤔<br><br>And for the non-Canadians among us, most of us don't actually say "hoser". We pronounce it as "about", not "aboot". The letter "Z" is pronounced "zed", not "zee". Many of us do say "Eh", but not as part of every second sentence. And I personally do use the word "toque" interchangeably with "hat", but only in reference to those knitted hats that wear during the winter 😝 #themoreyouknow 💫


Frau Claudia, may I pick your brain for a moment regarding the topic of cats? Given that you have two adorable murder kittens, I'm sure you must be well versed in the matter of unusual feline behaviour.<br><br>I picked up my cats from the catsitter's yesterday (they stayed at her and her husband's house for a month while I was visiting my family). Cream, my big ginger giant, is his same old lazy self. But Roz, my grey and white little lady, is completely different.<br><br>I'm questioning whether Roz died while I was out of town, and whether my catsitter buried her in a pet sematary (the Stephen King kind) to resurrect her. But instead of the ground being sour, it was actually really, really sweet instead, because Roz is now about 1000 times more affectionate than she's ever been.<br><br>Before I left, she would only let me pet her once in awhile, and even then she would typically run away after a minute or so. But now she's all about giving those affectionate nuzzles and headbutts, she'll let me pet her until <i>I</i> get tired of it, and I woke up during the night to find her curled up on my stomach, purring away contently.<br><br>So my main question is, is this all an act to lull me into a false sense of security so that she can catch me off guard and murder me in my sleep? If you've ever seen the interaction between your murder kittens and their prey just <i>before</i> they rained hellfire and carnage upon them, were they super nice at first? Or was it all <i>"Let's just skip the small talk and go straight to the part where we eviscerate you, eat you, and then bring the scraps home to our lady human as trophies!"</i> and such?


OMG!!! The only YT "show" I love more than Facts is Are Ya Having That? I LOVE LOVE LOVE Leather Jacket Guy and Johnny BS except when they talk over the top of Levi!! lol


This sounds really ominous. Cats who are affectionate! I mean, nuzzling? Headbutts? PURRING? Uh oh. Hiiiiiiiiiide! Is Foxie still hiding behind the wall o'text? Because that's where I'd go. Oh wait, I am there too, I never left yesterday ...


She said cawfee perfect!!! That's how I say it. lol


Guten Morgen Schätzchen. Hope everyone has a safe and sweet Samstag - Saturday!? I´m in a rush tonight. I need to kick Lil´ Seanie into submission... But of course there´s enough time for some Fragen! :) And... Fräulein Doktimus, did you get your Nummernschilder - license plates renewed? Hm? XD How old were you when you had your first Handy - cell phone? Can you read in your Träumen - dreams? Would you rather stub your toe or scrape your knee? If your BF/husband was bit by a zombie, would you shoot him? I´m off to kick the damn kiln´s Eier - nuts... Danke my dear Fraugen... bis dann XD


Happy Saturday to you Claudia! Well after a long week of reviews, tests, webinars etc. I'm planning to go sailing tomorrow (still Friyay here😉) How old were you when you had your first Handy - cell phone? Gosh I think between 18 or 20? I'm old during my younger days we had pagers I had those in highschool😊😂 Can you read in your Träumen - No. Would you rather stub your toe or scrape your knee? I'd rather scrape my knee If your BF/husband was bit by a zombie, would you shoot him? YES!😂😂That's if I HAD a BF/HUSBAND (single lady here🤣🤣) Sorry guys😉😁 That's all folks and don't hurt youself in kicking Lil Seanie's nuts😂😂 I mean kilnś nuts😁 Happy weekend everyone!


Jusst a little warning... If I won´t get any sssubsatntial newss about my losst Cock Key anytime soon... I will evisscerate one of my captive audiosss. Sssincerely Her Royal Highnesss - Queen of the Lizards


I...I got nothing. Zero. Zilch. 🤷🏻‍♀️<br><br>Eviscerate away, my Queen. Better that the audio take the damage than one of your loyal human subjects (i.e., me).<br><br>Fare thee well, poor little captive audio! We hardly knew ye. ⚰️


😂 Even us Americans struggle with some of those! I love watching those vids though!


Loved this! Frickin' hilarious!!


I've had to watch lots of videos like this for a previous job and I swear my ears were about to bleed after 3 days! Gael's accent though is the subtlest irish accent I've heard in my life! Or am I biased? (And my ears looooooove his voice)