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I just wanted to 'check in'

Happy Saturday!




I hope it's not creepy to be commenting on something that's like 4 years old, but I'm currently trapped under a sleeping kitten and can't go workout yet so put on a ramble to nap to instead 😂 I love how you talk about Seanie here and I do hope more reaction videos for him come up soon, I love him dearly 🥰 Also I can hear you shifting around in your chair and it's turning me on wtfff ok byeeee 🤣🤣🤣 Thanks for the smiles this Saturday, have a great day G! 😘


Lol just listening to the rambles to...4 years later better late then never I suppose lol...just wish I’d been around when the erotic rambles were happening lol


Have a good weekend, Gael ❤


Got work today 😢 come down to navy pier giordanos for a deep dish pizza 🙂😏


New ramble? Yay 😍 I'll listen to that after the 'Sensual Shibari' audio 😏 Have a good weekend! 😁


Enjoy your weekend, Gael! Can't wait to listen to this later. 😘


Perfect time just as I'm starting to cook. Thanks Gael ❤️


Wahoo!!!! Thank you Gael!


YAY, ramble time! Just in time for my long drive back home. Happy Saturday love! 💋💕💕


Your rambles give me life. Can't wait to listen, yay! ♡


Love Giordanos! Get it everytime I'm there. And Portillos Italian beef...mmmm!


Why is there an armed penguin? Not nice...


I love swearing as part of an innocent conversation....and you do it well......I mean, you do it fucking well 😜


Thank you so much for the ketchup and updating us. I hope that you can get some more sleep.


Yes, we need a video of you recording as Seanie. ❤ There is always the "face blur" thing that you can do. 😉


💖 You made my morning much better!


He's going to shit in your pants 🤣🤣🤣


That part when Gael broke a laugh about "Christian Gael" . Im dying of laughing. God bless my soul. His laugh is everything.


Woohoo! Just in time, it's my lunch break. I can listen to this while enjoying my zucchini ribbon salad. Thanks, G! Have a good one! Have a good weekend Lovelies!


It's also really hot in NYC right now.Hope you have a great weekend!


Can't wait to listen later!! Woke up to a Chopper Rescue for breakfast and now a lunch ramble?!!! Awesome! Soooooo..... can we get a dinner DESSERT?? Pretty please?? Happy Saturday Sexies!!

Kelly S

*insert obligatory "pipe work" joke here*

Kelly S

Enjoy your Saturday sexy people! I'm about to watch a couple movies. My darlin' isn't feeling his best, so we're taking it easy today before he goes back in to work tonight.

Kathy M

Can't listen in right now but I always love peeking at the comments to get a tease at what people are laughing about 😳

Kelly S

Oh fuck... I hate to admit that I have spent WAY too much time waiting for, then wondering how I missed, the "ketchup" part of the ramble... SMDH...


"I'm gonna shit in your pants" I can't stop laughing 😂


Gael! OMG! You are the Energizer Bunny!! Goodness Boyo!


Its called 'Gynaecologist". DNA test, Gael. Hahaha


I love that you've watched Friday!! One of my favorite comedies of all time!


Thanks for checking in! I hope you get to relax a bit this weekend. Happy Saturday!😘🤗


Oh no did I miss this?! I've been out having a few drinks with some girlfriends! Hi everyone! Hi Gael, you sexy beast! *could be a little drunk 😁😈

Rachel Baird

Travel?! Islands?! Oh! Please, take me with you!!! I love traveling! Trying to plan a trip and do HomeAway. Want to go to soooo many places.


Yay! Just in time for the gym! So much more fun on the eliptical listening to your stories than the same old music playlist. Course the looks I was getting while I giggled along -- is it wrong to laugh while you work out? 😊 Thanks for "ketching" us up -- have a lovely Saturday. 😚


Yay! Thanks for the shoutout to the newbies! After a long, hot morning of mowing my lawn, I got out of the shower to see this post. This was a delight, and just what I needed today. It really put a smile on my face. You are a long, cool drink of water from an oasis. Congratulations on that jump in Audible! That's awesome! I look forward to anything new you have in the pipeline. :) Btw, I think the comedian's name you were searching for is Larry David. ;) Enjoy your Saturday! ❤


You go "lay that pipe" Gael! And don't let anyone shit in your pants! Just as a favor to me! Hmm?


Yay! I have to clear out my office to be painted today, and it's approximately 800 degrees out, but having this to listen to while I work has made my Saturday much better. Thanks for always thinking of us, even when you're so busy, and enjoy your weekend! 💗😘




Saturday just got better! Listening to you ramble for over 30 minutes, got so many snort laughs and giggles out of me! 😂😂😂 You sound like you're high on coffee. Energizer bunny 🤣🤣 Thanks for the ketchup! 😂😂😂 Hopefully you can get some more sleep! 😋 By the way, I'm pretty much the same way when it comes to sleep. I'm very energetic when I've had only six hours of sleep. When I get eight or nine hours and then I wake up, I'm also very sleepy and confused 🤣 Okay, now I sound like I'm the one who's high on coffee! Lmfao! Enjoy your Saturday, everyone! 😋


i think you are an alien. sleeping in naps. i would be dead after a day!

Ileandra & Raven

Ooookay . . . so this may well be my favourite audio to date, Gael (even considering Fuck Me, Please - which I'm currently listening to for the 6th time today). I really (really!) enjoy 'behind the scenes' sort of content and sitting back to listen to you talk about your characters and your process was (and is) fascinating. Your work ethic is stella and gives me something to aspire to. You also have a very clear direction which is something I think my current bits-n-bobs across the internet seem to lack. Thanks for sharing this inside peep and everything else you give us whilst being so busy. It's all, so, so appreciated. ^_^

Ileandra & Raven

So . . . I saw this comment before listening and was all 'WFT?!' Now I'm with you . . . still laughing!


Finally listening. The genuine love and dedication you have for your craft, your talent, and your listeners can only be respected and admired!! Much continued success to you and your career!!🎉🎉


I completely agree with you about sitting by the pool. I'd rather be hiking through the greenery and discovering new things. I am kind of scared of traveling abroad because of the negative view on Americans right now. I can easily claim to be half Canadian since I spend a lot of time on the river separating the two countries. I'm lucky that I live in a beautiful little town with a big forest to wander around in.

Kathy M

Can't wait to see what you'll show us on your holiday. The vlogs and pics from last year were great. Maybe you'll let Seanie tag along and put in his two cents 😄💕💗 keep hydrated in all that heat and humidity, it's a killer 💕


Bonsoir Monsieur, this is one of my favourite audios. Because in the background I could hear Culture Club song Karma chameleon ! So Gael thank you so much ! Please don't forget to say to Seaunie a french lady loves him...


Et j'ajoute que tu es un artiste Gael, pour moi c'est une évidence et je ne suis pas la seule à le penser. You're an ARTIST it's obvious (hope my translation is correct).

Gri (Sassy_One)

You're not going senile🤔 You're just fuckin' high on coffee...Ok, got it!


LMAO That image! Gotta love Gael on coffee a 3 hour ramble done in 30 mins! Firing on all cylinders! ♥


A couple of points @ Gael. I don't believe A NY of us would every believe that you are slacking off. You are much too hyper to ever sit and do nothing (unless of course it's to sleep). Which brings me to my other point. I wouldn't know what it's like to sleep more than 4-5 hours at a time. Hell for me to sleep more than 2 hours at once would be a treat. I had another 2 week stretch where I never got more than 2 hours of sleep a night and that wasn't even 2 hours consecutively. Today it all caught up to me and I slept most of the day which means I will be awake all night again. Enjoy your weekend binneas and PLEASE take care of yourself. Don't burn the candle at both ends and make yourself sick where you miss your holiday. You will need it to recoup from working like a madman this month. Then when you get back, tell them to take their job and shove it! lol Slan!! <3


Guten Morgen Mädls - girls. Hope everyone has a great Sonntag - Sunday!? My kitten brought me... another kitten! Nah, don´ t panic! He made friends with a cat from the village... (or maybe he abducted Frl. Doktimus´ cat??) They are partners in crime now. And I have to feed both of them. XD Some assorted Fragen... Have you ever broken a mirror? Can you flip your eye-lids up? What´ s the kinkiest thing someone has ever asked you to do? Do you ask for directions when you are lost? Do you like touching your man in the public? If you were in a car sinking in a lake, what would you do first? Danke for your Antworten my dears... bis dann XD And I have a Bavarian word for you... Servus - Hello/Goodbye It can mean both :) <a href="https://www.dict.cc/?s=Servus" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dict.cc/?s=Servus</a>


Servus, Frau Claudia! Happy Sonntag to you. So kitten has a friend – that’s great news, and much better than coming home with assorted body parts as your present! Maybe now he will have a playmate and not need to bring you more treasures. I am hoping to have a quiet Sunday – go to the gym, work around the house, maybe find time to read for a bit. Here are the answers to your assorted Fragen: Broken mirror: I’ve never broken a large mirror, but I think I may have broken a compact mirror once before – I honestly can’t remember! Eye lid flip: Nope, but I can flutter my eyelids really fast – very sexy, let me tell you! LOL Kinkiest request: No real kinky requests, but I have done 69 with the hubby a time or two – that’s about as kinky as I’ve gotten. Ask for directions: Not usually, but I don’t really get lost very often. I always make sure to study the directions of how to get somewhere, and I have a decent sense of direction (which is good since my hubby would get lost in a paper bag!). I have no problem stopping and asking, though, if I need to. PDA: Yep, but he doesn’t. So, we compromise and hold hands sometimes when we go somewhere. Sinking car: Where I grew up, there was a lake on every curve of the road, I swear! Back roads in Maine are really twisty and turny, and often lakes shores will come right up to the edge of the road. In driver’s ed, it was a requirement that you learn how to get out of your car should it become submerged; we were taught to always keep a hammer or other heavy object within reach for that emergency. The first thing I would do would be unbuckle my seatbelt while I grab the hammer I keep under my seat so that I can break the driver’s side window out. There you go, my dear! Servus! Have a great day, ladies.


I have always admired people that work their asses off to achieve their dreams and follow their heart's call. In listening to you talk about your current job and those demands, how much you are still doing audio, and all of your plans for the future just shows your dedication and passion in creating audios. Much, much respect for you! Thank you for sharing your talent and time with us! I am super excited to hear about more meditations. That's how I originally found your work so they hold a special place in my heart. Please take care of you in these next couple of weeks! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


Love your coffee laden, rambley self! Thank you for the ketchup. The whole "shit in your pants" story omg I laughed so hard. Who are these people who think your slacking?? What are they blind and deaf? Have a good Sunday and can't wait for all you have planned for the future! Sorry this was sort of a rambley weird comment😉


I thought the same..Jesus he's drunk a lot of caffeine, especially at the start...but the end of the ramble he explained it, having already recorded he had to re-record the first part, can't blame him for galloping through it! 😄. Loved this ramble 💖💖


I love these rambles. Thank you Gael for making the time to touch base with us, your future plans, your background stories and just being you. 💖💖


Hi! Haven't talked to you in forever! How ya be?


You are so bubbly. And the coffee makes you even more bubbly. And I was just stupidly grinning throughout the whole audio because your voice is just too adorable. I love these rambles so much I want to give you a big hug. And also make that no-bake vegan chocolate and peanut butter cake I did last week for the office on my birthday. Everyone can take a piece, have a coffee or tea along it and just chat. A Gael-gathering or something. Just having a fun time, exchange stuff and simply being positive and appreciate each other. Gael, you created something. Even more that just audio. You created kind of a community full of fun an support - that's awesome. We all cheer for you to reach your goals and that you enjoy every minute on your own journey! 💕 Stay strong and face every challenges with that bubbly and positive personality of yours. Looking forward to the travel v-log and see the beautiful places you like and share with us. 😇 Now, I will end up my long rambly comment and see myself out. Have a great day you all! Hugs and kisses from Germany ☉


Way. Too. Much. Coffee. Waaaaay too much love. 🤣 I wish you'd make these a few times a month, they're the best!<br><br> Congratulations on the jump in Audible, that's huge! And on your meditation work, it sounds like you'll be able to make a big impact on people who really need help.<br><br>I can't wait to see the vlogs from Croatia. I've seen tons of gorgeous pictures from there. My dad traveled a lot in the Army and always said to stay away from tourist areas and spend my time with the locals. It's made all the difference for me.<br><br>I know you love your work, just don't forget to stop every now &amp; again to make time for pancakes. 😜💋💕


Hey, Gael! A ramble, YEY! I saw this post last night and fell asleep midway. 😣 I even missed the pun in the title. When I listened again in the morning and got the 'Ketchup' joke, I facepalmed. Gosh, that was slow of me. You're adorably corny! 😜 <br><br> Thanks for the update. It's a pleasure to support you because you make us feel valued. Take care, lovely!


How´ sss your Ssunday, juicy human femaless? I hope you are all treated like a Queen? I´ m lazing in the sun... the tasssty King iss serving me cocktailsss... perfect!


Good morning, Gael and lovelies! 👋🏻 So out of being bored today, I've decided to listen to all of G's erotic audios, from old to new, without touching myself. I think by the end I'm going to be so hot and bothered. Wish me luck! 😳😅


Haha! That's hilarious! XD Although on weather to think Ireland isn't that far but yesterday it was blisteringly hot. I couldn't wait to get out of the heat! I miss drinking tea because it is too warm!


I'm basically doing the same thing as you, my Queen, except replace "lazing in the sun" with "frantically catching up on work in my office". Oh, and swap the part about being served cocktails by your man with "chugging down an XL cup of coffee with a few too many shots of espresso because my heart is pounding like a four-stroke cycle". ☕️ + 📑🗃 = 💓<br><br>So basically an ordinary Sonntag in Doctimustown! 🤷🏻‍♀️ What kind of cocktail are you drinking?


I know that there is discrimination against Mexicans in the U.S., but did you find that to be the case in other countries? I know Canada has its own share of prejudices, but I can't imagine why anyone would hate Mexicans. I'd hazard the guess that a lot of the movement across the border from Mexico to the U.S. is because people are hoping to have more prosperous lives and more educational prospects for their children, rather than "stealing" American jobs. 😕<br><br>I'll admit that I was (and still kinda am) a bit nervous about going to Mexico because of some of the stories I've about on the news (i.e., Canadians being attacked in actual legitimate resorts). But I guess what's important to remember is that the news typically only reports the bad stuff because that's what draws the viewers and brings in ratings. You hear about <i>one</i> Canadian tourist who was mugged and beaten in Mexico, but you don't hear about the other thousand tourists who went to Mexico and had a safe, fun time.


Morning, Rose! Wait, ALL of them without...?! Ohhh, boy... Godspeed, Rose.


Ok, I officially started my Gaelathon. Wish me luck.


One down, many to go. Now tea. Or maybe a whisky sour. Or both. Then on. WEIEIEIEIEIEIEIEIEIIEEHHHH!!!!


Pace yourself, young grasshopper, steady as you go! LOL


HAHAHA she said young! I guess I'm roughly the same age as you, missy!


Update: I couldn't do it. I listened to six of them. Then I just couldn't do it anymore. I gave in and decided to go at it until I had a nice, intense one 😉 Well, I didn't listen to all of them, but hey, I survived through the six. I'm still here 😅 Whew. That definitely relieved some negative tension I was feeling 😅


Missy?! I haven't been called that in a looong time! 😂😂


Hah, I gave in after 20 minutes. But here's to take 2. Those who are about to OD on GF salute you. And I'm really sorry for hijacking this thread.


Gael I obviously love your audios, but it's your rambles that cheer me up and make me so happy. Keep the rambles coming!

Meghan McDonald

If you get a chance please come back to Boston.I would gladly treat you to something Gael.What ever you would like.


Gosh, I missed these rambles! thing you said about travelling, I totally agree with you. There's nothing worst than waisting an holiday by the pool or taking unlimited selfies all around. I've been to Romania and to Hungary last year and the best thing was to get lost in the nature, culture and traditions &lt;3 there's so much to see!


THANK YOU! Hope you liked it here and did not stay hungry in Hungary ;P &lt;3

Deidra Goodman

Gosh you're so cute!!.. so glad I finally broke down and got on patreon.


Oddly enough, this is my first time listening to this ramble...still trying to catch up over here! I just wanted to chime in and say that I kinda zoned out of the ramble for a moment...got distracted with something else...and what brought me back to focus was Gael saying "And there were children flying EVERYWHERE!" uuuummmmm excuse me!? lol