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You've gone hiking in the mountains of Ireland when a surprise storm blows through leaving you stranded...

This will go public on Sunday, I thought I'd give you first listen!  


Mountain Rescue | Heroic Romance Role Play (Shy/Charming)

You've gone hiking in the mountains of Ireland when a surprise storm blows through leaving you stranded. ► Get Exclusive Content on my Patreon (Must be 18+): https://www.patreon.com/Gaelforce Check out my other audios! http://bit.ly/2kSlkYl MORE! ► Sexy Downloads @ http://bit.ly/2qrqMnM ► Gaelforce Audios - http://bit.ly/2kSlkYl ► GaelforcePlayroom - http://bit.ly/2kdrogT ► Twitter - https://twitter.com/Gaelforced ► iTunes: http://apple.co/2l3h4ao ► Amazon: http://amzn.to/2nKwxPu



Very sweet and romantic. I'd love to hear one about two people seeking shelter from a storm. You know, avoiding hypothermia by getting out of those wet clothes and skin to skin contact? Could be very sweet and sexy. ;-)






Can't WAIT to hear this one when I get home tonight 😍😘


Yayyyyy I was having a bad night but this made it a little better thanks Gael 💜


There's heavy rain where I am right now. Timing and circumstances are perfect. 👌💋


Good morning all! Maidin maith


This was a really original concept. Great foley, acting, script - awesome! I enjoyed this, reminded me of a radio program. xoxo


Ohh... I like tassty Mountain Rescue guyssss. Firsst I eat the lossst hiker and for dessert the rescue troop.


My Irish is shit, so I'll just say good morning in Svenska ;) God morgon! Hur mår du?


Yay! Good morning, Gael! Have a wonderful Saturday! 🤗


Morning! I don't know when I'll be able to listen, but I already know this is Foxie Approved 👍❤ Have a lovely weekend you all, I'm going to the Hungarian Sea 😜 (aka Lake Balaton)


Good morning! What a brilliant idea. You've found yet another way to make us feel all safe and protected.😙The sound effects were excellent! Btw, that joke made me laugh right out loud. ;)


Love when it has a story to it as well! Good job! Grazie mille!👍👍❤💋

Yemaya37(Water Witch)

How thoughtful of you 😘 Have a beautiful weekend loves!


Waking up in the middle of the night to this surprise...guess I can hold off falling back asleep for a little bit. 😉🎧❤️


What a nice idea! I love it! Shy audios are lovely. 🤗 Would be you please send some Irish rescue over here? I broke one of my toes yesterday night... 🙄 😝


I really enjoyed this One💟and I've got a new joke to tell! 😊Happy Saturday everyone!


This was so cute! The way you were talking about your shyness 😍 And that joke about the couple and the helicopter was so funny 😂😂


Great Saturday morning start! Loved this audio to pieces! Lighthearted, funny, and four of my favorite things: Gael's voice, a rainstorm, coffee, and wine!! Woohoo! Happy Wakeup!!


Wow 😮 I agree with JustJoan - this sounded like it could've been a radio program! The sound effects were blended together very well, and the portion where it sounded like you were wearing an aviation headset was awesome. Even if it was only a small part of the audio, I thought it really showed that you were paying attention to detail. This audio reminded me of Double Gael: Two Places At Once in that it has levels of intricacy that you just don't <i>hear</i> in most audios. Hell, when I compare it to the firefighter audio, which also made great use of sound effects to enhance the realism of the piece, it sounds like you've progressed a <i>lot</i> over a short period of time. Even though it'll be posted on YouTube, I'd nominate this audio for being on a Best of Gaelforce audiobook (or really any sort of audio portfolio) because the skill and effort put into it really shows. 🤓👍 There is, I hope, going to be a Part 2? Although this was probably meant to be a romantic, swoon-inducing <i>"Oh, my hero!"</i> sort of audio, I'm getting a creepy vibe from the listener's character 😳 I didn't think that most people carried flares during mountain hikes (I thought that they were primarily used at sea, and that Ireland's restrictive firearms laws would've made them hard to acquire in the first place). And even if a hiker was seasoned enough to be carrying around flares, surely she wouldn't have gone alone. Add that to how she "accidentally" left her wallet in the helicopter, which just so happens to contain all of her identifying information to make her easy to track down and return it to her. Sounds a bit like she's luring Gael to her cabin, right? And once he's there, she's awfully insistent that he spend the night. I get that she probably feels indebted to him and that it's absolutely pissing rain out, but to invite a complete stranger to stay overnight when you're staying in a remote cabin by yourself? Sounds a bit suspicious. 🤔 I'm all for female empowerment, so if she wants to make the first move by kissing her knight in shining armour, all the more power to her. But is she kissing Gael because she's all hot and bothered, or is she just distracting him until the sedative that she secretly slipped into his coffee takes effect? 😧 And then POW! 6 hours later Gael awakens in a daze, lying in a bathtub full of ice, with one of his kidneys and a lobe of his liver missing. Because it turns out that his damsel in distress was really a psychopathic peddler of organs to sell illegally on the black market. The whole mountain rescue was just an elaborate scheme to win the trust of someone who would be in peak physical condition and therefore likely have healthy internal organs ripe for the plucking. 😵 Or they could just have hot, raunchy mountain sex in a Part 2. That would work, too. 😜 (Thumbs up for the helicopter joke! 👍 I'm going to tell it to my dad the next time I see him because he's a huge aviation fan. He and I have gone on a few helicopter rides together, and I'm pretty sure he would've done the exact same thing as the old lady in the joke. 🚁😦)


Did you get greedy and leave nothing for the hungry murder kitten, my Queen? I hear a soft meow and the scratching of claws at my apartment door - I think he's found me and he's probably famished from his long journey here 😵


LMAO!!!! Holy crap Doc, that took a dark turn!! Hahahaha! I think more likely was it's hard to establish reasons for romancey times between strangers in a 12 min audio. Or hey she really does need that kidney! ♥

Kathy M

Ehh, should've left her ass on the mountain and picked me up instead 😜


Can we have a rollercoaster, too? I do love me a good rollercoaster! 🎢<br><br><img height="190" src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5a/Drayton_G-Force-1.jpg"><br><br>(<b><u>Note:</u></b> You must be 18 years of age or older to ride. Please secure all loose items and keep your arms and legs in the car at all times.)<br><br>(<b>Edit:</b> I just noticed everyone in that picture is a dude. So <i>that's</i> where all of Gael's male fans hang out 🤔💡)


Definitely Foxie Approved ❤😍


Happy birthday, Molly! 🎂🍰☕


Such a sweet story! Who wouldn't want to be rescued by a sexy shy Irish helicopter pilot, being plucked to safety during a thunderstorm? And then to have that same man come to your cabin and stay for coffee and kisses, what more could a girl ask for? Add to this your ability with mixing the sound effects and dialogue, and your ability to move the story along, and you have a top-notch piece of work here. Excellently done, sir! I am going to jump on board with some points that Doc brought up about the female character. I was trying to figure out her motives here. First, why does she have a flare gun? Flare guns are not a usual item to include in your pack -- they are bulky, adding weight to you pack, as well as the possibility of starting a forest fire is far more likely than someone actually seeing the flare should you shoot it off. Instead experienced hikers carry something to create fire, something that reflects, and something that makes a shrill noise -- these are far more convenient to carry as well as more noticeable. Next, an experienced hiker would not have necessarily needed rescue during a thunderstorm unless she was in an area that was prone to flooding, she had become injured or trapped, or she was hopelessly lost. If she were prepared enough that she felt the need to bring along a flare gun, then you would think she would have rain gear in her pack, as well as something like a tarp and rope to create an emergency shelter assuming that she were on higher ground. This way, she could hunker down and wait out the storm as opposed to roaming about in it potentially becoming lost or trapped. Finally, an experienced hiker going for a solo hike would have taken many precautions -- a well-stocked pack that would be ready for any weather or emergency situation, an itinerary shared with people so that someone would know where she was and her plan, a knowledge of weather conditions as well as knowing how to be aware of changing conditions, and sticking to well-traveled areas that are familiar. I got the impression that our character was wandering willy-nilly through the Irish mountains, that this was a lark and she was caught unprepared. So, maybe Doc is right -- our hiker had nefarious intentions! I'm not sure the kidney scenario is true (although it did provide a good laugh!!), but maybe a seduction, knight-in-shining-armor plan instead. She saw our sexy shy Irish pilot in town, did a little research , and decided to get stranded in the hopes that he would rescue her. Then, she plants her wallet, knowing that he would be honor bound to return it since she made sure he knew where she was staying. Our hero, of course, plays right into her plan, the weather cooperates, and the rest is romance history. With all of that said, a good story causes the listener to suspend disbelief and just appreciate the experience, and this story certainly did just that! Hero rescue stories are such lovely tales that can cause the warm and fuzzies when one just turns off the brain and enjoys the scenario. So, I agree with Doc -- definitely one for the Best of Gael list!


Very nicely done! I have needed rescuing a few times (although never by helicopter, thankfully), and there's something about a strong and capable man who takes care of you. 😍 And I love shy guys, too, so that was a bonus. I really liked this one. 💕


Amy, can I make you my official go-to person when it comes to getting advice on how to not die when you're stranded out in the wilderness? If I had been in the scenario presented in the audio, it wouldn't be Mountain Rescuer Gael coming to get me. It would be Coroner Gael hiking up to a makeshift campsite to examine a pile of skeletal remains 💀 that appear to be human. If he finds my iPhone, let's hope he doesn't look at my browser history 😵<br><br>(I have no wilderness survival skills, I guess is what I'm trying to say 😝 Although I could probably get the attention of a swarm of sexy Irish emergency personnel after I inadvertently cause a forest fire [I don't know how to make a controlled fire] or trigger an avalanche on the mountain [I just have really bad luck sometimes] 🤷🏻‍♀️)


Gael you could be speaking the ancient 'Latin of the pig' 🐷 and your voice would sound amazing!! Al B Sure's song "Rescue Me" popped into my head when I started this audio. This was very cute and sweet! And was surprised you had coffee in this audio instead of tea! Your shyness 😳is adorable!

Rachel Baird

I love rescue stories. You're perfect for the job, no matter the situation. I wish I had someone like you to rescue me from...well, why go into it? Nice job, love. Keep up the good work! You have my support👏🤗😘


You are so freaking adorable Gael! Amazing audio and I appreciate how much time and effort you put into making them :)


What a creative scenario with a touch of danger and sexiness at the end! This was very well done, sound affects and the attention to little details really makes it!


This was really good! Your reaction and response to "her" thank you kiss was very sweet and adorable. There was no way I was-I mean, "she" was letting you out in that downpour after you rescued "her"; that would've been mean :3


Well dear, you've officially perfected all the sweet, charming, sexy, funny character qualities. I want to see grumpy or mildly aggrivated Gael. It will make me feel better about myself to know you have bad days too. JK...😜😋💋💕


Laura Emily! Look at you!! What a great picture!!!!! Whoohoo Sexy Momma!!!!!

Ileandra & Raven

Okay, that was cute. I'm glad I waited for a quite moment to enjoy this properly. I'm so behind, but daaaayum, I love catching up. ^_^


Really late on the comments but I just subscribed so it's allowed lol. This was one of the first audios I heard from you and honestly I keep coming back to it 'cause it's so damn sweet and I love the story of it all. In fact I love it so much that it inspired me to create a character based around the archetype you made, it's just that influential and incredible. So this is a thank you from an illustrator to an audio author for making a sweet as sugar story and inspiring me in my own stories. &lt;3