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A dom audio that draws on different styles of kink

Warning! possible triggers!




We definitely speak the same language here!!! Talk to me like this + give me a rope and hot candle wax and you get everything you want from me... and I mean everything!!!!!!!!!


Where have I been? I've just found this gem! Good Lord. I love the way things shifted up a gear at around 31:55, and when you dropped.................. "mo chailín"......I'm sure the screams could have been heard some distance away...my GOD.

Hallie Balloon

Im new to all of this and just been randomly going through audio and happen to stumble upon this. Where have I been this whole time! Ive been missing out for soooo long! That ending is the best thing I have ever heard oh my gaaaaaahhhh! ...I let out a loud fuuuuccccckkkk uncontrollably. Never have I ever thought someone who I never met or even seen could have such a profound affect on me! Learning new things about myself feels so amazing.


Shibari is so much fun and relaxing when done right by the right person ... mmmm


while this is not my thing, it was also rather hot, the last 10 minutes, woooh baby


That orgasm was amazing, so hot 🤤 BDSM and just general rough fucking are my fave, you’re so good at it.. Well, you’re good at everything it seems 😜


Another one already?? I need to finish the other one first. What are you doing to us?? 🎧💋


Wow. 40 minutes long? 😍 Looks like I'm going to be awake for a long time 😈


Fourth again? Fourth again. Totally called the audios released in rapid succession part 😎


Gael, I've got housework to do stop trying to tempt me away...... actually no don't stop ❤


AT LONG LAST! SHIBARI! 😍 *intense internal screaming*


I just finished the other one and now another - and even 40 minutes?! Guess who's not leaving her bed today, oh well.


LOL! its only an intro into it Noodle ;) I have a long way to go myself but dipping my toes in the water is a start!




Yep, that's clinches it! You are definitely trying to kill us! 😉😁 You are going to have all your lovelies in erotica-induced comas if you're not careful! 😂


Annnnd....Gael takes away all attempts at sleep once again. Nice Sir. Nice.


I am in the supermarket. With a 5 year old. And no ear buds. Why, Gael? Why now?? Just, why??? 😕😥😢


There's no sleep in this harem


Just listened to the whole audio......omg! Is it possible to cum without being touched? This is my favorite one so far.


Put the coffee down Garl


Those sweet giggles near the end and how you were saying "oh, mo cailin... oh, mo cailin..." that was so cute 😍


I dont know which is gonna take me first, this chest cold or these audios. 😵 Excellent as always.


Feel better, lovely Cat! Finally got over my cold yesterday. Gael audios and bed make all things better! 😊


Damn! What about a Vicks vapour rub dom audio 😳


That's just wrong on so many levels! 😂 Hmmm...on second thought...🤔😉


I just don't want to move at all now. I just want to lay here in bed, half naked, on my back and fall asleep. That was so sexy 😍


So this is why my mom taught me how to tie my laces perfectly...mmm...👺


Thank you sir. From the bottom of my G-spot!

Misa Amane

Oh snap, I love shibari. This will be fun. ^^


Did you roll up your sleeves when i was laying the toys beside you? That's what my brain made out of those sounds... And it's a good thing i was alone because i did open my mouth and stick out my tongue! You have way too much power over me... I could be your fucking mind controlled sleeper agent... And how did you know when my eyes were closed? Wizard... And the wax-kiss-wax-kiss sequence was brilliant! It reminded me of previous erotic hypnosis experiences where the hypnotist used fractionnation (moving the sensations elsewhere in the body or blocking them only to bring them back harder and stronger). It is a goood deepener for the sensations and for the hypnotic trance, to snap out of it only to go back... As opposed to giving to much sensations everywhere and diluting the sensations. Good idea! Oh and having us facing you, watching you... that close attention... Your cock on our tongue... God! More cockworship please! Open your own fucking church where we can bow down and adore you...


LOL! The church of Cock? And yeah....I rolled up me sleeves when I was bout to get real busy :)


Aw man, I will be on mommy duty all day today--no sexy fun for me! Looking forward to listening tonight, though. 💕


I'll probably write one of my long, pointless commentaries about this audio later because I don't think I've ever heard a recording that got such a dichotomous reaction out of me before (basically swinging back and forth from "HELL NO!" to "Fuck yeah!").<br><br>But until then, I figured I'd try to add a list of key words to help listeners identify potential triggers beforehand since "possible triggers" was a bit too vague for me.<br><br><b>(Spoiler alert)<br><br>#BSDM, #bondage, #shibari, #waxplay, #D/s, #master/slave, #rough-ish?, #use of terms like "slut", "fucktoy", "plaything" (since I think some listeners have asked about this before), #tickle monster via feather!, #hashtag abuse</b>


💖Our champion at the end, not breathing again! Dammit Gael...I find myself holding my breath along with you, waiting for that intense climax I know is cumming! 😊 And only realized when you said "mo cailín" that there's been no gaelic plámás in these last two audios! Thank you for a delightful morning! Sláinte 💋


Right now I'm listening to 'LIVE' BEST SMOOTH JAZZ HOST ROD LUCAS and only get to hear him about once a month. I will save this for after his show is done. Have a great weekend Gael and sirens. &lt;3


I have no words. Just so amazing 😍😍 Fuck Gael way to make a girl squirm.


"You know your way to your Masters heart don't you?" Me: Yeah!. Through ya chest!. Wrong answer Melissa. lol


As precise a a fucking surgeon.....your attention to detail has me on my back!!!! ........I'm liking things I didn't think I would!!!! 🔥🔥🔥😍

Kathy M

I have to admit I was dubious at first about this audio but by the end you had me. 👍😊💕


To be brutally honest audios like this are the only reason I'm here. More BDSM, Master/Slave stuff. Perfect

Gri (Sassy_One)

I've never doubted your talent and ability to make us feel comfy and safe about new sensual experiences, but it honestly took me some time before hitting play. I have little to zero informed knowledge about BDSM, Dom-Sub Playtime and the like, and admit I was hesitant at first. You have a way of turning hesitation into curiosity, so I HAD TO give it a listen. I don't regret it, AT ALL! You've outdone yourself, Sir. The perfect phrases, the fuckin' perfect triggers! Shit, now I kinda want you to try again and top it up one more notch, G!


Hey All! I am happy you can see what I tried to do here... I try to come at these kinks in a respectful and sexy way....I myself am not even that educated in this and thats why the audio has different aspects of different kinks haha I will get better at it so don't worry..


Hmm...tell us, what inspired you to start making all these bdsm audios?


Well...my next audio book is bdsm and its complete now so you get a break hahaha! well, there's one more track should i post it? :D

Meghan McDonald

Wow!!! I actually moaned out loud when he was flicking the clit.Everything was so powerful and amazing.The feather had me shivering with pleasure.And the sex..FUCK! I am drenched.All that dirty talk just makes me feel like an animal.Gael you are mind blowing.I love everything about it.


Mister 😂 .....love that xx


I think it's safe to stay that Gael's audios have inspired us all in one way or another. Even to the point that it might influence completely unrelated aspects of our lives. Including things like how we would perform on game shows like <i>Family Feud</i>. As MelissaNYC pointed out in a previous comment, it would probably be a shit show:<br><br>Steve Harvey: "What's another name for 'penis'?" MelissaNYC: "Mickey!" ❌ Tara: "Willy!" ❌ Doctimus: "Huge throbbing Celtic Warrior!" ❌ Steve Harvey: "List a common greeting." MelissaNYC: "What's the story, <i>beour</i>?" ❌ Tara: "How ye all doin' today? Are ye doin' well?" ❌ Doctimus: *growl* "I've been thinking about you all day, baby. Do you like it when I press you up against the wall? Yeah? Now give me your fucking kiss!" ❌⁉️ And then Steve Harvey would be all: <img height="195" src="http://gifrific.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Steve-Harvey-Saying-Whats-Wrong-Witchu.gif">


Another coughing fit, thanks, Doc 😂😂😂😡.


I feel you, Cayla... there's just something about a dom...


About to listen, looking very much forward to it! Meanwhile, a happiness haiku: Crisp knotted diamonds Press between soft breasts and thighs: I cum unraveled.


Weee! I'd like a cigarette now, even though I don't smoking. This is so hot.


It's been a long time since I've done one of these, right? <img height="190" src="http://photos1.blogger.com/x/blogger/1148/2088/1600/575272/264113001_f1ed3fb11e.jpg"> (<i>"Not long enough,"</i> some of you may be thinking. So I left a <b>tl;dr</b> at the bottom 😝) I think that one of the best ways for someone to grow as an artist is to try new things and explore topics they might not be familiar in. It seems like this is something Gael is doing through some of these BDSM audios, so I do have to take my hat off to him on that count. Plus, as some of you have pointed out before, erotic audios can be a safe and reasonably controlled environment in which you can delve into sexual interests or fantasies that you might otherwise be unable/unwilling to try IRL for any number of reasons. As the range of topics that Gael explores in his audios widens, many listeners might discover new interests/kinks that they might never have considered before. Or maybe some listeners might think, <i>"Well, now that I reflect on it more, I'm not sure that I'm as keen about [insert topic here] as I first believed."</i> There's certainly nothing wrong with either outcome - I think the way that erotic audios can help people on their own personal journeys of sexual awareness/experience is a remarkable thing in and of itself. As I've mentioned before, BDSM is such a broad domain that everyone could probably find at least one thing that they love about it and one thing that they hate about it. In this audio, the master/slave dynamic just didn't work for me at all, even though it was handled respectfully. I won't go into detail as to why because that's merely a matter of personal preference. It certainly doesn't reflect the quality of the audio in any way, and I've no doubt that a ton of listeners here are going to love the hell out of audio regardless. When I was listening to the audio, there were a couple of points where I thought, <i>"Crikey, mate, that's a didgeri<b>don't</b>!"</i> As in, if the audio was a real-life scenario, I would've used the safe word to stop the scene so that I could sit down and try to explain why a given aspect of it was not okay with me. I've been racking my brain trying to think if I've ever heard any erotic BDSM audios in general that featured scenarios where the safe word <i>was</i> utilized. I don't think I have, but I also typically don't go out searching for BDSM audios to begin with. So if anyone can think of an audio that features the character of the listener - or the artist - using the safe word, drop a comment if you feel comfortable doing so because I'd certainly be interested to listen to it. Maybe a "safe word audio" wouldn't be very sexy, but it could highlight concepts like the trust and sense of safety needed between partners when engaging in BDSM, or the fact that sometimes unexpected things happen and that someone making use of their safe word doesn't necessarily indicate a failure on anyone's part. With that said, one thing that I've always liked about BDSM is how it can help people become, even if only temporarily, "creatures of sensation". Activities like spanking, wax play, ice play, etc. allow you to really tap into how things like pain, heat, cold can be used to potentially enhance pleasure which...I guess helps you get <i>out</i> of the noise and chaos of your mind and <i>in</i> to the quiet simplicity of your body? It's a concept that I find tricky to explain, but I'm hoping at least one of you will know what I'm trying to get at. I guess it's a bit like the chronic pain audio in the sense that there's <i>something</i> that can pull you out of a distressing experience and recenter you in something that isn't distressing, but just with a different background context (e.g., just because something falls under the realm of BDSM doesn't automatically mean that it's "rough"). That's what I thought certain aspects of the audio did, namely the wax play, the use of the feather, and the shibari. Using a feather to tease someone is a fairly benign thing that I'd be cool with doing because light touches are a total turn on for me (e.g., the faint graze of someone's fingertips across my sides and lower back, or soft, breathy kisses on the back of my neck. But don't ever try to tickle my feet because so help me God, <i>I will end you</i>). Bondage and wax play are things that I think could be sexy as well, although they would require more trust and tenderness up front for me to buy into them because they can put you in a position of vulnerability. But if that trust and care are already there to begin with? Then <i>damn</i>, game on please. Hell, one of the sexiest scenarios I can imagine would involve a guy asking me <i>"Do you trust me?"</i>, and being me able to look him square in the eyes and say, "Yes, I do. <del>But don't fuck that up by tickling my feet or else <i>I will end you</i></del>" 😳 I'm probably in the same boat as everyone else in terms of thinking that the ending was one of the best parts. I'm guessing that was the aftercare-ish portion of the audio since it seemed to go from "You're my fucktoy" to practically Take Me (Part 3) over the course of roughly 5 seconds. I think it'd be cool to hear even more of an emphasis on aftercare in future BDSM audios, but again, that's just a matter of personal preferences. <b><u>tl;dr</u></b> For me, this audio is some parts yay 👍, some parts nay 👎, but it nevertheless can be a useful way to safely explore areas of BDSM that you might not be able to delve into IRL. <del>Also, a secret thumbs up for the tonguefucking part because tonguefucking may or may not be one of the best things ever, but you didn't hear that from me.</del>


BDSM isnt my thing, I listen when Gael does them because well its Gael. But up until he told her to go to the table to choose two items, he could have just as well been speaking to a dog which I suppose is part of it (idk &amp; idc), even if he went all the way there with leashes and whips and whatnot for me I'm more interested in the finished product how it all comes together and how he makes it work for you even if you're not that into the master/slave of it all. And it did work for me despite that. My preference however is for him/you (if you're reading this) to explore being more dominate without playing the role of a "Dom" in this sense. Like the part when he says you want to rub your clit but you cant. In this scenario I can't because I'm tied up, but how about I cant simply because you said not to, even if you have to move my hands a couple of times the authority comes from your tone and being "my man" not from me being a slave. A real life regular everyday situation where I dont need a safe word because I am safe and there's no question of it.


👆🏻This right here. What she said. 👏🏻 And LOLed at the "Crikey, mate" bit. 😂


I'm not one to fangirl over much of anything but I'd be remiss if I didn't say your craft just keeps getting better and better. While I've certainly dabbled in D/s dynamics in the bedroom, the role of Master/slave has never really been my thing. But this was incredibly delicious {as usual} - well done!! Oh, and please don't ever say we'll be getting a break from your BDSM-themed audios. That would be very sad news indeed. xx 😉


Honestly, I was nervous to listen to this. Had it been done by any one but you, I would have tapped out. But I am finding that you are the exception to my every rule, so I listened all the way through. And true to form, you portrayed an intimate moment respectfully and with love, as I have come to expect from you. Well done, Sir. And, as so many ladies have already pointed out, you cum so beautifully. (Yes, I am blushing profusely just typing that, but it needed to be said, dammit, because you are just that good! 😊) Thank you for what you do. 💋


Laura, I also agree with you. Especially about him being the exception (and the cuming but I'm gonna stop talking about that cuz its getting weird)


Ropework, wax-play, and Gaelic endearments in the aftercare phase? Holy fuck, it's like my birthday came early! (Pun very much intended.)


Kitten play is my most carefully hidden kink (I even have a custom hand made ear, tail, and collar set), so I'm SO EXCITED about this; the sub roll is general enough to easily cater to subcategories, and a lot of the behaviors mentioned (crawling into the room, being called a good girl, carrying something in your mouth, language like "play" and "toy", etc) apply perfectly. Others have mentioned kinks not necessarilyy lining up with every day personally, and I completely agree, since I'm usually extremely stubborn and independent. I would probably classify myself as a switch rather than a sub, but I probably prefer a submissive roll slightly more often than a dominant roll. The thing with kitten play, and any type of submissive play, really, is that it leaves you very vulnerable, particularly emotionally, so it's not something I'd ever engage in unless I was in a very close, trusting relationship. I think a lot of people feel that way. I'm not currently in a relationship like that, so that part of myself gets locked away; it's really refreshing to have a space where I feel safe to let that side out, and I think that's exactly what you've provided here. I think you did an excellent job, and I'm very excited to see what else you can do.


Yikes, those typos. That's bad. But the mobile site is terrible and won't let me edit, and I'm getting used to typing on a phone I just got yesterday, so hopefully​ you can at least get the gist of what I was saying. 😖


Gael, I'm getting these vibes of you almost taking full inspiration from your followers and I'd like to recommend an idea.


I know you do a lot of demon or monster Gael scenarios sometimes but have you tried considering a different species. Like, a nymph or elf. You could be a forest elf in the mossy green forest of Ireland, looking for a lover. This is an idea I've brought up before on one of your rambles but you never got to it. I just thought you could broaden your horny creature scenarios.😘


Right!? He must go to her and tell her how he feels at once! ( It's Taylor Swift, isnt it? That bony bih).


I knew you were up to something when you posted that pic on Twitter the other day; add to that your hinting at kinkier things to come and I figured it was only a matter of time! Getting really good at teasing us, aren’t you?! I have to admit, I have no experience with BDSM at all, and I had no idea what Shibari was. So, like any good and curious student, I Googled it. I found the whole subject fascinating; the idea that this style of bondage originally used for the purposes of incarceration has become an art form is intriguing. The pictures I saw were eerily beautiful; odd -- since the ropes and knots were designed to highlight areas of the body -- that I didn’t find it to be objectifying. Instead, it seemed to be about celebrating the beauty of the human body, not about degrading or shaming it. While I don’t think I would ever want to be the subject of this art, I can appreciate what is being done. Once I had the context for the audio, I listened to it. Certain areas worked for me, others didn’t. I wasn’t worried about triggers as I knew I could turn it off if I wanted to; besides, I find I am curious about the way these scenarios work. I realize that the places that maybe didn’t work for me had nothing to do with what you were doing or saying, but that I had no context for the experience. In your other work, I can imagine what is happening and what I would be feeling because I have done/felt things similar to what you set up. Here, though, I have never been tied up, so I have no idea if I would be excited or scared; I know what feathers and hot wax feel like, but as I have never experienced them in a sexual way, I couldn’t quite get into the moment. Absolutely nothing you could do about that; if you were to describe everything in detail the audio would be awkward and downright boring! I see this more as a way to pique one’s curiosity, to maybe see what it feels like in real life and decide if it is enjoyable or not. The discussions we’ve been having here about whether or not a woman has to be bound during sex are really very interesting. I agree with Cat in that I like the idea of being told I can’t do something or feel something; it becomes the idea that I am not fighting a physical object, but myself and my own will power. Having to control myself, at least for me, gives me a sense of power in the moment, the idea that I don’t HAVE to listen, but I WANT to listen. The use of physical bonds would seem to take away that choice, even with the use of a safe word available to end the experience. Knowing me, I would hesitate to use the word anyway out of not wanting to displease my partner. I wonder if the sense of helplessness I would feel being bound would be exciting to me or scary? Not a judgment I can make without trying it, but I am not sure if I am willing to go there. One thing I do want to say about the audio as a whole, and so much of your work as of late, is the way you have begun to build the intensity in each scenario. You’ve said before that erotica is all about pacing, and you are absolutely right. But your pacing lately, at least for me, has been dead on. The build-up has been stronger, the moments of leveling off timed just right, and the ending happening at the point where you don’t think you could take much more – definitely difficult to keep from going too far without a release! Your level of intensity in the moment has been incredible, as well. Whatever/whoever is inspiring you to just let go and place yourself totally at the mercy of the moment needs to be commended! Amazing how hearing you totally vulnerable can add to our own sense of satisfaction and release. Once again, I say Bravo, sir! I hope you continue to explore more of these themes – it allows so many of us who are curious to explore them with you!


I like the idea of his presence being enough to inspire obedience. (that's what Alpha means to me) You WANT to do what he wants you to do cuz you know its gonna be for your pleasure/benefit and his. You cant just give that to anyone, they have to be "that guy". That guy is few and far between but they're out there 🤞. I looked up different images of Shibari too, there are some that are really beautifully done.


Naomi, I am interested in this. It doesn't turn me on, but I'm interested in what aspect of it does it for you? Please feel


(Patreon eating my comments) I'm abso (fucking) lutely not into BDSM and that kind of lifestyle,so that I'll make it short and just say a big YES to the feather part and the ending...apart from that, new fresh ideas/experiences associated with this kind of audios are always welcome Gael!follow your heart and break the rules, these beours are with you!!!


I think I'll go back to lurking. Lmao. My naughty comments can get out of hand sometimes xD It's your fault, Gael 😛 As I've said before, your erotic audios have made my inner sex goddess come out of hiding sooo... yeah. It's your fault 😈 But I'm not complaining 😂😂 So yeah. I think I'm going to go back to lurking. Unless you don't mind my naughty comments 😈😂


I'm sure someone has already suggested it, but I would love to hear a pure aftercare audio - especially considering your recent focus on BDSM. It wouldn't have to be anything crazy long, maybe just a good 10 minutes of reassurance and loving care? I know there was some aftercare at the end of this audio, but I would love to hear more! Thanks, Gael!


Rose you forgot to say LMAO😙💕


Edit: reposting my comment because Patreon won't let me edit 😐 Good afternoon, lovelies and Gael! 👋🏻😁 So for the first time I listened to one of the erotic audios at college in a room full of people. It was the Naughty Movie Night audio. Let me just say it was very hard to control my reactions. One person even asked me if I was okay 😳 Whoops 🙊 But doing that was so worth it. I feel so naughty. Lmao 😈😂😂 Have a great rest of the day! 😍


Ohdearlord! I shivered and groaned my way through this audio. Gael, you are magic😍


If you've never posted a comment describing how your panties were completely, utterly ruined after listening to a GF audio, your naughty comments have not even come close to getting out of hand. 😝 Not that a "ruined panties" comment is out of hand, but rather this community is a super chillaxed place and almost anything goes as long as it's respectful 👍


A very sweet and loving Dominant Gael. Shibari is awesome. I knew a couple into suspension shibari and it was amazing to watch. Think you could discuss that idea with Gael?


Took a while before I was finally able to listen completely. I first stopped at the ropes (which meant I got nowhere since that was how it started xD) and then at the candle part. Kinda like using my safe word 😶 But yey I got through them and all the way to the amazing, wonderful, fantastic (any positive hyperbole you can think of) end. <br><br> I've come to realize, like some of the others, that I might be brave enough to do this if I trusted my partner and Gael's previous sweet audios made me trust Gael so yea... 😊 I loved the aftercare at the end with "Baby you are so beautiful..." Playtime was over and seemed like you were back from master Gael to sweet Gael. Makes the character easier to trust when you end with these sweet moments. I wanted to rub my neck on you like a thankful cat! *prrrr*


I actually enjoyed this. I love the kisses while pouring the wax, it's like a "I know it's uncomfortable, here let me make it better", or a "I'm sorry" type of thing. That orgasm sounded a little submissive and super hot though. 😉


Discovering Gael has done a Shibari audio and reacting gleefully to this: 10 seconds Finding your ropes and rigging up a suitably fancy chest and hip harness set up to wear while listening to it: approx six minutes - would've been quicker but celtic knots are fiddly as fuck.... How far into 40 minute audio when heard noise over headphones and thought roommate was back: 24 minutes Amount of time taken to tear harness off to prevent having incredibly embarrassing discussion: 15 seconds Time taken to realise that noise hears was just the kitten knocking something off a shelf: 2 minutes Time taken to untangle the ropes which you tore off in such a hurry: half an hour and still fucken counting!! 😂


Well, I just found a new kink. Thank you Gael! I'll be your slutty candle wax girl any day.


My master gave me a feather and a candle and I loved it this audio is just amazing ❤️❤️❤️🔥🔥