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A movie night turns naughty!




I’m listening with the whole new idea that you aren’t acting out your orgasm. So much hotter and it was hot before. 😈


First! Wahoo!


Thank you Gael, for giving me a reason to stay in bed a little longer. BRB. 🎧❤️


What a lovely start into my Saturday! Thank you Gael! 😇


Fourth? Fourth. And alive at home. This'll have to be another exercise in delayed gratification in a sleep >> audio sort of way 😴 But I'll give a pre-emptive thumbs up for this audio, as well as the other four that will probably be released in rapid succession today. 👍👍👍👍👍


And of course I am off to graduation in 5 minutes. Always when I have to work 😊 Save this for later -- have a great Saturday! 😚


Netflix: Are you still watching?


*pulls out the earbuds* Why not? Can't sleep anyway 😈


Doc! You're alive! So happy everything is okay. You know, definite Gael -- or Seanie -- scenario possibilities in your story. 🤔😉


Wow 2 new audios in one night? Just when I wanted to sleep too. You spoil us Gael. 😘


Wow. Just wow 😳😍 I wasn't even touching myself listening to this audio and now I'm soaking wet 😍 And you know I don't think I would have been comfortable saying this in the first few months I started listening to you. My inner sex goddess has come out of hiding because of your erotic audios 😈😍


Me: Finally! I can get some sleep!!!! Gael: Harem sirens don't sleep! *releases tons of sexy audios to keep us all awake* *evil laughter* Me: FML


💖 Y Gael?? No 'Y' Gael! 😉


💖 Everytime at the ending I'm like, "Breathe Gael! Breathe!" 😁


After listening to this there is only one word Gael..... BREATHLESS lol 😥💓


Question: Can this motherfucker get any more sexy? Answer: Hell YAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!


"oh this asmr popcorn sounds really good! I could eat the entire ba... Wow that shifted fast!" all the sounds coming out of your mouth... You have a spectacular range of vocal expression! And to think that "we" are responsible for such heavenly sounds... Watch out, you are boosting our self-esteem. Soon, we will be unstoppable...


Nice. Between this and the Shibari one, I am going to throb everytime I have a flashback!


What movie were you watching G? I need to get a visual going. 😁


This one has my preference ❤️ 😌 What's the movie you were supposed to watch??

Kathy M

Poor Gael, just wants to watch his football game or a movie but can't catch a break! 😳🙄😂


100% my cup of tea💕


"You've got a better rating than this movie "😂😅 Thank you for the two new audios, Mr Force!


"You're not gonna jump my bones again, are ya?" Uh..Hell to the Yeah!!!! Gael! You're not safe! There would be no movie! No work!!....Baby just get an IV.....There's no time for anything else!! I would have to hire body guards for YOU to allow you to do your everyday activities. I would have to be restrained like Hannibal Lecter just so you could eat your cereal in the morning! Ok, ok I'm kidding.....about the body guards! (Don't be Scurred!)


Mmmmmmm so good!!!


I love how you were not the instigator this time! 😈This was was sexy as hell and my personal fav...so far anyway! Who needs a movie when we can...grrrrr!


This was absolute music to my ears. Not feeling too good today so I thoroughly needed this cheer up. Thanks Love! 😘


Aww, love this one! So playful, so sweet, so hot & sexy & *rawr*. Audios like this make me grin like a loon... X-D


What girl would want to watch the movie when she could do that to you instead?! 😂I like that you resisted a bit in the beginning--but persistence pays off. 😉


Such a sweet audio! You have gotten so good at these -- definitely the master. Not going to get long-winded as I said way too much in my Sensual Shibari comment that applies here. Suffice it to say that I loved this one!


If this was real life, and you said "Make it disappear" my inner comedian/magician would most definitely respond with "Ta-da!!!"


Now this, I can get into. Well, except the facesitting, that still squicks me. But I'm always the one who can't make it through the movie without getting handsy. And I adore a fella who isn't quiet while he's getting head. Let a girl know she's doing a good job, you know? 😀 And finishing inside always does it for me. Thoroughly enjoyed.


Lights, camera, ACTION! Very, very enjoyable performance. So many lovely lines.


I know I'm in the minority, or possibly the only one, but I wasn't a big fan of this. The sex seemed very disjointed and all over the place. <br><br>The loud spanking and pounding noises were a little jarring and distracting. All the talking and throwing out commands were so fast I couldn't figure out what positions you were in or what was going on. <br><br>I love dirty talk and being told what you want but this seemed really abrupt and the dialog felt almost crass to me in this scenario. It's not the words or the sex, it's just something I can't put my finger on.<br><br>I'm sure it's a personal preference thing. The way this started and what it transitioned to just didn't seem to match up in my mind. It was like taking Pleasure for Pain 2 and dropping it into the middle of All About You.




Yummy. I could listen to Gael say the word girl over and over.


I am new here the first thing I click and OH MY GOD Gael


people who are only subscribed to your youtube channel are truly missing out 😂