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So this is part one of My Naughty Girl

Part Two Coming.....erm......erm.....sooon?





I absolutely LOVE the tone in your voice when you go into Dom Mode, Gael!! 😍💚 I was sitting here during the fingering part, thinking, "I'm sorry, HOW is this a punishment?" and then I got to the end and now my inner Brat is screaming in total outrage at the top of her lungs. 😂 SO not playing fair!!


When you go into Dom Mode, damn! It's like you dripping with sex and sensual tone undoes me every time!. Thanks for another sexy reminder of why I keep supporting you !. My inner brat want to cry and scream at the top of my lungs that your not playing fair. Thanks Gael :)


I can't believe my ears


though most of the time Dom is a little too much for me, you mixed in just enough softer Alpha that I was like yes sir, but that whole not coming til you tell me to, well...neener neener, you're not the boss of me sir!


Ooohhh... don't tease us now, Mr. G... 😈😂😂


Omfg....seriously!? I'm sitting here like, "yep, going to bed." And here's Gael like, "Hahaha, that's what you think."


lol & that's why I love staying up late... :D


What the heck am I doing up this late that I see this! LOL Sorry, but it will just have to wait until later.


I knew there was a reason I was procrastinating going to bed. I was waiting for a special bedtime treat! Thanks, Gael! 💋


Should've came in there with a girl friend, can't spank us both...😏


I'm still up!! It's 1:48 AM where I am right now, and I just got the notification for it. XP I am going to be awake awhile now XD


Ooh, yes, a spanking! Yes, yes -- you must give us all a good spanking! (Especially bad, naughty, wicked Zoot!) X-D And after the spanking... ;-PPP (Dare we hope? You know we do!) (... and now we find out how many fans of that movie there are among us. Many, I suspect.)


It's 2:53 in the morning where I am...and I just finished listening. *throws little temper tantrum* Ja Meneer, I was close! And then....and then.....how in the name of Gael am I going to sleep now? Not snappening. That's how...


Well, I think now we just have to wait... 😜


Aww, I thought naughty girl would get to be in control this time. I guess I am not that good at following directions! *major pouty face over here and the wheels are turning for the sweet revenge! 😈


This is sexy G. Mmmm. I hate being told what to do.....mmmmm...


Am i gagged🤔 i would need to be gagged...i would talk dirty to distract you lol




Gorgeous!!!! Just perfect!


Why did I listen to this knowing full well that I gotta work tomorrow? I'll be thinking of part 2 my whole doggone shift! Thanks a bunch, Gael >///


Here! I'm speechless, tbh... no words. I'll type a proper reply later.


Laying across yr lap... unspanked... unfucked... someone is getting good w this 😏


To beee or not to be naughty? That is the question. Let's see here..Naughty, got me bound and blind folded. Naughty, has me laying across Gael's lap! Naughty, has long delicious digits inside. Naughty. will probably have me feeling a rock hard Gael against my tummy. Naughty, is probably going to result in a spanking AND a mind blowing pounding with Gael at the helm.........May I have the envelope, please....It's La La Land!!! (FUCK!!!! wrong envelope..) to be continued......


😰 That is sooo good!! We need part 2! Please, master? Oh and, while I'm bent over your knees, could you take that tie off my eyes and put a magazine or something on the floor, so I can distract myself while you work? 😝😝


Annnnnnd Sir has run off again....orrrrr he's sitting there with his finger on the button again. That's alright. I can be patie....nope. It's not working.


LOL!!! or you can "wiggle" while he works!!! The end result will be more intense...cross my heart!!!


Gael... Such a tease...can't wait until part two...maybe that's what he's working on..😯


All I can imagine is Gael rubbing his hands together and 'muahahaha-ing' like a supervillian right now - such an evil tease 😋

Greek Goddess

Dear Gael: Wiggle wiggle 😝


Well done, Sir.


Waking up in the middle of the night to find this posted. Make mistake of listening now. How am I supposed to go back to sleep now? Eagerly waiting for Part 2. Please sir can I have some more...soon??? 🎧❤️


Well THIS one got my attention!! 😳


OMG...I love this.! You, sir, are a master at the tease and I love it. So excited for part 2 but I have to go out .....but.... in my mind I shall be patiently lying over your lap.....😉 ❤️


I loved every minute of this. Why'd I poke out my lip when u said "zip my trousers back up", then you said "dont pout". 😂


Love, love, love! Can't wait for part two 😊👍🏻


Thiss recording seemsss to be decidedly un-queenly... hissss... I refuse to lisssten! ... Maybe next time, juicy human... *stalkss away with a swisssh of her nice tail*

Yemaya37(Water Witch)

Omg!!!! You cannot do that!!!! Noooooooooo...... You deprived me!!!!! Uugghhhhh......

Kathy M

After reading these comments Ima waiting on part 2!!! Not gonna get me!!! Muahahah!!!


You are such a tease...I love it😍


Me: I'm not going to beg... I'm not going to beg... 😣 Also me: Please, sir. May we have part two? Please? I'll be a good girl... 😈😂😂


If Gael insists that you remain bent over his knee while he finishes his work, you can "accidentally" keep poking and slapping him in the face with your nice tail, my queen. And if he chastises you for continuing to be naughty, just tell him that prolonged periods of immobility give you mussscle crampss and that those disssruptive movementss of your tail are involuntary reflexesss. If his work requires him to "get the numbers to add up", he's probably not a herpetologist and therefore couldn't really argue that you're not having legitimate tail cramps.<br><br>Or at least that's what I'd do if I was an anthropomorphic lizard. Since I am but a mere human, I would go into brat mode the same way I would've in the Pleasure Key Part 1 audio. After humouring him for 5 minutes, I would start singing at the top of my lungs (I might be blindfolded with my wrists bound, but he didn't invest in a ball-gag!) Good luck trying to make the numbers add up while I <del>mercilessly butcher</del> sexily croon Marvin Gaye's "Let's Get It On", Gael. 😈🎶


Oh dear, what a way to wake up on a Sunday morning, bent over Master's lap. I try to be a cailín maith as I await Part 2.


OMFG...what an anniversary present!!! How soon will we get part 2? Remember, I'm an impatient person. lol


Oh my, what a delicious way to wake up today Sir Gael ... delicious and merciless... I demand my spanking, there's other ways to get what I'm looking for if you are that busy "SIR", but lying on display over your lap, as you key away, affords me none of those.... there's housework to be done, not to mention that the bed needs to be turned down - before I warm it in anticipation of when you have completed your "work"... Sir ( in a snarky tone I might add!)


So good, but I also say HA! Like you'd be able to continue your work as I start undulating my hips across your lap! Revenge Revenge!😍😈


Not sure who is the one being truly punished in this scenario -- seems to me Gael is getting the raw end of the deal! LOL


Really, Gael, this need you have to make us beg! Well, you made me beg once before, and I do not intend to now -- so there, lol! And please explain to me how being tied up and placed across your lap while you work is a punishment, hmm?


Right?! Sounds an awful lot like my happy place! 😂😂😂


So many feisty comments. 😂 Lovelies after my own heart. ❤ I'm too argumentative for this, I have a serious issue with authority. There needs to be something in it for me to play along! Part two, please! 😂😂


Happy Anniversary to you and Mark! 🙌💑💐 May the two of you have many more years of wedded bliss to come!


Rubbing your leg sensuously like a bad girl? Of course not, Sir! I was just checking for drool / regaining feeling in my limbs since you *made me sleep across your lap all night* while I patiently awaited my punishment. Joke's on you: I bet your legs fell asleep with me draped across them for so long. Joke's on me: now you can't fuck me 'til the puns &amp; needles pass. Hmm... Ok, Sir. Having a good think about my choices here. ... ... ... Now can I have that spanking? ;-P


So you are saying the weight off my own body is massaging my belly on your lap, really close to your cock.... With those tapping sounds like hundreds of triggers per minute in my hears and pulsating through our connected bodies... Just say the word, man...


*kicking my feet really fast, still draped over your lap* Maybe we should all just start singing off key and really loudly.


Dear Sir Gael, I must just be really off today, but the last several minutes of it, this sense of calm and peace just washed over me, like okaaay,  can't think of anywhere I would rather be, I could lay across your lap for as long as you like.  Are you sure this is a punishment?   Oh and by the way how are you getting anything done??  I have a fine ass, (ok not really, but it's all fantasy anyway) so pretty sure your hella distracted. Dear Not Gael, this was an excellent piece, I love how you do that low growly deadly voice!  Nice work and can't wait for part two if you can rouse me from this blissed out state I'm in...😌 weird like.


You flipped the script G!. Ladies, If you ever find yourself with total control at first, NEVER give that up or you'll find yourself ass up with a nose bleed. LOL.


Asking your self .....😑...WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED!!😏..humming... Britney spears " give me more" haha


Hah, no, you did that yourself and this is your punishment.


Great foley and acting. I loved the dialog, especially the "I don't know whether to kiss you or spank you" line. Love the tie blindfold and the belt on the wrists. Holy hell the finger fucking was amazing.<br><br>My opinion, that voice isn't necessary for you to sound commanding or dominate. And it sounds unnatural to me.


Loved this &lt;3