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And the draw winners are:  

Carolyn Jeffery 

Lauren Sage


Midnight Erza


And Rhea

I will draw more next week and even more as I hopefully begin to get freed up!

Happy Friday!




Lucky ladies!! ❤️


Enjoy loves ❤❤❤


Congrats! 😋 Happy Friday, everyone 😁

Greek Goddess

Congrats Ladies!Gael I can't imagine what's the first word 😂😂😂😝


Happy Friday everyone congratulations to the lucky girls and happy Friday to you Gael 😘😘




Well, hype hype hype... but I totally forgot what we are winning 😂... anyone can help me?


Yay ladies!! Cong


Congrats girls!! Freed up? 😱😱 the Lion is unleeeeaaaashed!!


Congratulations, ladies😂


You are getting a PA from Gael, an audio created for you. Just send him a Private Message (PM) and tell him what you'd like! Enjoy, lucky girl -- PAs are lovely! 😚


How do you get to enter the drawings?? 😭


I'm kidding. I'll probably just ask for a ramble. I'll have to give it more thought.


Woohoo congrats Ladies! Happy Friday!


If u pledge for $4.99 u will get a chance to get ur PA....


Its 3.29 am now, and Im still cant sleep... guess ganna change the pace now.... and my favorite f word is FOOD


Congratulations! Happy Bank Holiday! 😎


Enjoy lovelies and happy Friday💙💚💜


Congrats and happy Friday!! ^_^


Longest week ever!!!! Still another week with the students, ugh!!!! Lol! Happy Friday y'all!


Yay! Happy Friday to all! ☘️😁☘️


Happy Friday, and congrats to all the winners! :D :D


Happy weekend! Congrats ladies!


Feeling your pain! I have students until June 15th. Summer can't get here soon enough! 😊


Congratulations to the draw winners! Enjoy ladies! 💗


Guten Morgen Mädls - gals! :) Yay! It´s Samstag - Saturday... hope everyone can enjoy it? And maybe have some time to relax? I have to work a little, but just till noon and the weather shall be really good. :) Right to some Fragen... are you in the mood? Ja? What paper that you’ve written are you most stolz - proud of? If you could live in any TV home, what would it be? If you could ask your Haustier - pet 3 questions, what would they be? What’s your favorite kind of sandwich? What’s the first thing you do when you get home from a trip? Danke for your answers... bis später XD Don´t forget to think about the new project... I post it here again :) "Naughty Thoughts Of Gaelandia" Same rules as before... I want you to record a little piece (.mp3, .wav, .m4a works fine) Length up to 2 minutes... just tell your naughty thoughts, maybe some dirty talk or moans? Or anything that crosses your sexy minds. (Let´s turn him on... shall we? Time for revenge!! Hehehe) EDIT: It doesn´t have to be a 2 minute "moan-orgy-cosmic orgasm-sound thing" (though that´s all right too! XP) Just record what you find erotic or sensual... some whispers? A line from your favourite poem/novel/song? ASMR crinkling sounds? A delighted sigh, because of something Gael said....? I will collect all your audios, edit them and send them to Gael. As before I promise I won´t listen, and I won´t post the finished audio publicly! It´s solely for Gael´s ears and entertainment!! And again I will make sure he will listen and enjoy and will express his everlasting gratitude... hahaha Deadline... let´s say... June 5th? Ja? Sent your (sexy) audio to: the.frau.claudia@gmail.com If I forgot anything or if you have questions just ask :) Danke and see you later my dears XD


<b>(Ugh, Patreon, you murderous son of a b*tch, killing yet another one of my comments. Not cool, bro.)</b><br><br>Happy Samstag, Frau Claudia! It's either answer your lovely questions or do boring paperwork, so I'm going to pick the <i>fragen</i>.<br><br><b>Written work that I'm most proud of:</b> <del>The crappy video game fanfiction I wrote as a teenager.</del> Hmm...I'd say the honours thesis I did as part of my Bachelor's degree. The thesis itself was nothing special (<b>spoiler alert:</b> I didn't advance the current body of knowledge about the anti-cancer properties of a strain of <i>Lactobacillus</i> bacteria in any meaningful way), but the year of research upon which it was based was one of the crappier years of my life. I was struggling a lot in the lab and having a miniature existential crisis every second day, so the fact that I was able to write the fucking thesis and graduate is something I'm damned proud of. 🤘 <b>TV homes:</b> I'd live with Will Smith and his family from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air! Or on days when I'm feeling more wholesome, I'd crash with Sheriff Andy Taylor and Opie from The Andy Griffith show 🤗 #andygriffithfangirl <b>3 questions for my pets:</b> 1. Why do you torment me with your incessant yowling in the wee hours of the morning? 2. Why on earth do you keep trying to eat plastic? It HAS to taste like shit and it makes you vomit or poop plastic every time you eat it! 3. What's it like to be able to lick your own junk? (Asking for a friend, I swear) <b>Favourite kind of sandwich:</b> A human sandwich consisting of me being simultaneously ravaged by Vin Diesel and The Rock! 😍😍<br><br>Unless you meant food. In which case I'd go with a steak sandwich, with clubhouse and grilled cheese sandwiches being a close second and third 🤤 <b>First thing I do upon returning from a trip:</b> Take off my shoes and collapse onto the couch, provided that my bladder's empty. If my bladder's full, I obviously take care of business first.


Hi, Claudia! I gotta work Saturday, but I'll make the most of it :) Written work that I'm most proud of: I wrote an short story for a class assignment about a little girl who won a city-wide contest with her 'Apricot Melba' dessert recipe. Passed with an 'A' and the teacher thought it was very believable. What TV home would I live in? The Bel Air house in Fresh Prince. 3 questions: Why do you perpetually bark at night? Why won't you drop the ball instead of making me chase you around the yard for it when you bring it back to me? Do you realize that your teeth are sharp when you grab my hand and pull me around? Favorite sandwich? I'm a sucker for the Philly cheese steak. First thing I do coming home from a trip? Go to my room, drop my bag, take off the shoes, go back downstairs and sit. Either at the table or the couch.


Hi, Claudia! Happy almost Saturday to you! Spent the evening drinking way too many margaritas with friends from work, so I am very relaxed, if not finally sober! LOL I hope you have a lovely weekend and get outside to enjoy some beautiful weather! Your answers, my dear: Paper I am most proud of: The paper I am most proud of was a work I did in my grad school literary theory course; it was entitled “Creating Consent: A Marxist Reading of the Modern Educational ISA through the Eyes of Gramsci, Althusser, and Foucault.” In the paper, I studied how the modern American educational system is an ideological tool of the state designed to create hegemonic control of the middle and lower classes. It has nothing to do whatsoever with literature (our lit theory professor wanted us to work with the philosophy behind the theory, not apply the theory to literature). Through this paper, I developed my own sense of how literature works, and found that I lean most towards Marxist criticism in literature, and I developed all of the rest of my work in grad school using that theory. I have the paper published online, and it has been used by other professors and students in their own work, something I find really cool! Favorite TV Home: God, that’s a tough one! I would have to say either Downton Abbey or Monica’s apartment in Friends. Pet Fragen: 1. What do you do all day? 2. Do you really think the animals on the TV are real and playing behind the wall in our backyard? 3. Why must you bring me every toy in your box every night? Favorite Sandwich: Definitely a hoagie from any deli in Philadelphia. No one makes hoagies like they do there! Home from a trip: I always check my phone messages (yep, we still have a landline at home) and then usually grab a shower. There you go, Frau Claudia! Have a great day, lovely ladies!


💖 Congratulations to you lucky ladies of the draw! And Gael, here's to freedom, luv! A round of ginger beer on me! 🍺


What paper that you’ve written are you most stolz - proud of? Never wrote a paper. If you could live in any TV home, what would it be? Can't think of one…I don't watch a lot of TV. If you could ask your Haustier - pet 3 questions, what would they be? To my 3 cats…Why do you decide that 2 am is the time to run and chase each other through the house. Why do you get on my bed at 4 am to hork up a hairball? And for my little dog, why do you bark at everything that moves???? What’s your favorite kind of sandwich? I have 2…PBJ (with Jiff p-nut butter and Welch's grape jelly) and the other is Bologna with ketchup, mustard and lettuce. What’s the first thing you do when you get home from a trip? Put everything away and then flop down on the bed for a nap. Congratulations to the winners!!


Hey ladies! Hope you all are well. 💕 As an English major, (and now professor), I have written many papers and even had a few published. I think my Master's Thesis on Wuthering Heights is my favorite, though. (And yes, perhaps I am a tad obsessed with that book 😋). It was called "He shall never know how I love him: The Problem of Perception in Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights," and it focused on the narrative frame. I argued that both main narrators, Mr. Lockwood, and Nelly Dean, were unreliable, and this the common interpretation of Catherine and Heathcliff as unsympathetic characters is largely incorrect as they're primarily seen through biased lenses. It was so much fun to research and write; I really miss being a student sometimes. I loved Full House when I was little--the family seemed so close, and I used to wish I was a fourth child in that home. Not sure which one I'd pick as an adult. It's not a home, exactly, since they live in motel rooms. but I'd like to hang out with Sam and Dean Winchester on Supernatural. 😍 Questions I'd ask my pets (2 cats, Sam and Dean, and a dog, Buster). 1) Are you happy with us? 2) What would you like us to do for you that we don't already/what would you want us to do differently? 3) What kinds of things do you do/think about when you're home alone? My favorite sandwich is one I make with grilled zucchini, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, and hummus; I usually make these into wraps using tortillas rather than sandwich bread. They are so good! 😋 Nothing better than coming home from a trip! I usually give my pets a big hug, and then call my parents to let them know I made it home safely (they still worry about me even though I'm over 30). Happy Saturday! 💕


If you don't mind my asking, Laura, why did you think Nelly Dean was an unreliable narrator? I could see how Lockwood could be since he seemed prejudiced against Hareton from the get-go, but what of Nelly? Did you think she felt that Heathcliff usurped her role as the unofficial third Earnshaw child? Was she too pro-Hindley?


Hello ladies, relaxing on a Saturday, with my coffee, and a cat on my lap, whom I would love to ask why she feels compelled to chew every set of ear buds I have all to hell. A couple of papers I wrote in school I'm proud of, one was a study of the effects of poverty on bullying and violence in grade school children the other was a study on the inter- and intrapersonal communication styles of midlevel managers of a corporation... soooo glad thats over! I would love to live with the three's company gang. My favorite sandwich is fried zuchinni, tomato and cheese. I'd ask my pet, in addition to the ear bud question, what the hell are you seeing when you are staring at the corner in the bedroom at 3 am. First thing I do when I get home from a trip, is lay down, because I'm usually more exhausted than before I left! Have a good day!

Monique (Mimzz)

Congrats to the winners! Now I'm wondering what can I do to win a draw?


If you join the $4.99 tier, you're automatically entered into draws for PAs 👍 Gael gets around to all the $4.99 Patrons eventually, so it's just a matter of playing the waiting game 🙂


Congratulations Fellow Sirens 😍😍. Enjoy.....just don't forget to tell him exactly what you want...he will get, I promise 😉😉


Whats your first one? Food