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Double Gael: Two Places At Once

You want the whole package the sensitive lover writhing in your hand as you stroke him, the dominant alpha between your legs, reminding you who you belong to...  

What if you could have both at the same time?  

What if you didn't have to choose...?




damn, every damn time I listen to these, its just so delicious, when you saw you wanna be two places at once, every time I almost spontaneously combust, about 5 minutes too short for me to get my happy ending, but still incredibly yummy


Sweet dreams to me! This was a gem to find. 💗 Grazie.


I’ve lustened to this before but just now heard the other Gael in my right ear.. oh-so-subtle but making his presence known.. around the 1:45 mark. Hawt dayum...


One of my ultimate fantasies cumming to fruition! Mmm damn Gael, you outdid yourself, mo chroi <3


Ooh lovely, nice timng!

Kathy M

Ermagherd derble Gerl!!! 😱😱😱


God help me, I'm going in...


😩 I can't listen now. I'm a little busy. Oh well. Guess I'll have to listen later 😉


Seriously, dude? I can barely handle one of you. Won't stop me from listening, though...😊💋


This double gael series will get hotter and dirtier as time goes by LOL



Rose from Ash

I might have had to pause the audio at 1:35 because I'd forgotten how to breath...


Just to confirm do you wear different hats when you're doing these different characters to remind you who you're supposed to be? Dominant = deer stalker; sensitive = beret




Knew I shoulda stayed home today! It's gonna be so hard to wait until tonight to listen to this. 😵


Hoo-eee!!! That's definitely one for earphones!!....going in for a second offering 😍😍😜


OMFG, I know what listening at work means but I still can't help myself. Its so hard to act casual with this one. 😍😚

Kathy M

You fucking broke my brain! Instant shivers, breathless, stupid glazed look on my face. Ya done broke me.

Meghan McDonald

Wow!!I am on fire.That was so hot.Soaked.First time ever for me to explode.It felt so good! 😛


THAT IS THE BEST FUCKING SENSORY OVERLOAD EVER!!!!!!!!!! GOOD GAWD!!!!💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥 This literally makes me feel animalistic.




Just got back from a meeting...locking my office door...BRB...🎧


Okay, so I just saw that I'm still in the $3 tier. I changed it to the $4.99 tier last time but apparently it didn't work 😐 Patreon, why you do dis? 😩


I believe it'll turnover beginning of June at the time of billing.☺


My ears can only listen to the loudest voice/sounds/moans... Gael, u really fucking our ears in and out 😥

Ellie W

Oh man....this is so so good. I love how you bring each part in and out of focus that's so coooool....not to mention the whole thing was hot as hell!


I think my brain just melted 🔥🔥🔥


Oh no. I to wait until tonight to listen, I'm on my way to an interview and then a photoshoot (behind the camera), I want to hear this soooooo badly. I've never been more grateful for investing in studio quality headphones.


😍😍😍😍💞... I can't be any more eloquent right now. Supremely sexy.


The dominance was both highlighted and tempered by the sweet. The way that they were blended and allowed to play off each other, was very much like a well choreographed dance. With each playing to the strengths of the other. This piece highlights all of the aspects of who you are as an artist. Your ability to be sensual, sensitive, and commanding. Not to mention the total immersion factor. Well done. Very well done.


W00t woOT!


Always show up when I am in class!!! *Sigh* Have to wait until later...


I cannot wait to get home for this one!!!!! Come on hump day get over with already! 😈


GAEL, you know I have NO self control when it comes to your audios, I see something new posted and I just have to listen to it right then. YOU HAVE GOT TO STOP posting this stuff in the middle of the day. One of these days I won't be able to to stop the moaning and writhing in my brain from actually acting out and then I'll lose my job. What's a girl to do with you!? LOL. Oh, wait, I imagine we already know what to do with you thanks to your madd ASMR and audio presentations. Now all we need to know is when we get to do it to you!!!!! Thank you for the distraction Gael, as always its an exceptional piece of work. Bright Blessings


I listened repeatedly during my entire lunch hour. Best lunch hour EVER. Gael you little 😈 you. Was always satisfied with one of you, but experiencing two...that is some next level naughtiness. Cannot wait how you raise the bar on the next one. I hope my ears, mind and body can take what's to cum...I mean come. 🎧💋😉

Greek Goddess

Omg that was lethal!Lord have mercy!Listening at the same time Alpha Gael/sensitive lover was the sexiest thing Ive ever listened to 🤤🤤🤤🤤


Well damn 😳😩😍


You said dick more then 3 times!! 😏


Thank you baby Jesus for this wonderful gift...should i be thanking jesus for this?? Lolol good lord this was hot. I think itd be pretty cool if the interacted with each other probably as well. Like not sexually ot anything but itd make it more realistic i think. But its whatever this still had me writhing lolol


I really wish I could insert a gif response right about now! Still recovering...


oh these are only in their infancy! There'll be much more experimental audios and much dirtier audios! They are very intricate pieces that take a LOT of time.....there's probably like 24 hours of work put into this piece.... Its made up from 4 different audios.... So! Hold tight! More to follow!


Ooh, I'm in for bedtime treat! Is 8 pm too early to go to bed early??


I literally need to calm my tits😂😂. They wont behave. Its been an hour.


So I finally had a chance to listen. This was so hot 🤤😳 I'm so glad I decided to listen with no people around. I definitely had a hard time controlling my reactions 😅🙈


Whew. I need a minute to compose myself 😳 Or maybe about a week 😅😂😂 Hot damn 🔥🔥🔥😍


Hmm, I gave it a try... it´s a good piece, a really good audio. Very well edited and tuned. It´s like a song ...a strong, sensual sexy duet... or is it more like a terzet, including the listener? XD But I don´t know, for me somethings amiss? A little dissonance (or maybe the lack of one?) Maybe it´s too refined for my taste? Too polished? ...hm... just saying. It´s a good audio, but not my first choice. Though it has potential. XD

Kelly S

9:39 - 9:44 - right ear Gael was the sexiest fucking thing I've ever heard you do. I don't know why, but, like, I wasn't even "enjoying myself" and it was like I just got knocked breathless by that... Dear God, man! You sexy, sensual, creative man! 😍


I'm worn out again! 😥 I can't imagine getting dirtier.....actually🍆👄💦. Sorry if I offended anyone...no sleep for 3 days and then Gael pops in 😈!


Goodness!!!! 🔥


I don't think I'm ready for this Gaelie (x2), I don't think I'm ready for this, your audios too delicious for me babe 🎵 😂




Your just amazing at what you do...your strong, irresistible and powerful voice ugh I would follow it anywhere you double trouble ))


Holy hell. I ... (keep deleting what follows) can't think clearly. 🌶🌶🌶 I am so ready for this theme to happen again...and maybe even with more of a in control Gael. (ie I'm gonna make you c vs do you wanna c) Thank you for this!!!! Muah 😍😚

Yemaya37(Water Witch)

This just made listen to it 3 times back to back....I am used to being a dominant....but I'm submit myself totally to you. 🔥




This audio is pure gold! I've enjoyed every single tiny minute of it! It's just stunning! ❤️🖤💛

Gri (Sassy_One)

More near death experiences to come in the future...😵😵😵 Yaaasss!!!


Holy crap, you put 24 hours of work into this? Shipping costs be damned, I'm extra glad that I bought some merch today. Even if all of this isn't about money at the end of the day, people still deserve to be compensated for their time and effort. I know a lot of both were put into this audio, and it certainly showed in the final product. That is some hardcore dedication you got there, champ! 😏<br><br>I'm glad I listened to this <i>after</i> I got home from the gym, though. If I'd listened to it beforehand, I'm sure my form would've promptly gone to shit because I'd be too busy wondering what a personal training session with Gael^2 would be like. I imagine Angel Gael would be all encouraging and helpful, saying things like <i>"That's it, keep your core tight and apply lateral pressure to your feet while you push through your heels! Maintain a nice, supportive arch in your back as you lift! Remember to stay well hydrated because moisture is the essence of wetness, and wetness is the essence of beauty, mo grá."</i> Devil Gael's brand of helpful would be like, <i>"Be careful, you might hurt yourself if you don't throw your butt farther back when you do squats. Here, let's do some practice ones together. I'll get right up behind you and move with you as you squat, and I want you to push that ass so far back that it's pressing against my bulge- I mean, the front of my gym shorts as we go down together...I'm sorry, what was that? I didn't catch what you just said...'Inappropriate?' You said you think it's inappropriate for a trainer to get that close to a client? Oh, no, that's not what I'm trying to do. I'm just a big proponent of preventing weightlifting injuries, is all!"</i> A Double Gael gym audio, ladies - how freakin' fetch would that be? #allthefetch


I'm usually all for the dominant, devilish Gael but those delicate whispers were on another freaking level! More tingly whispers puleeeazze!!


Fucking fuck. I mean.... hhhnnnnggg.... I don't think I've ever imagined that particular dynamic but dayum, mister. Daymn. I totally qued up the afterglow audio after. 😚 thanks, luv.


What a way to end the day, with a hot double Gaelgasm. I shall have sweet dreams tonight.


Gute Morgen Mädls - gals! A wonderful Donnerstag - Thursday to y´all! Hope everyone is well? I have to admit I enjoy my Fragen vacay (I think I´ve done it for 5 months by now! Haha... how crazy!) So please someone (Amy?) ask some daily Fragen, ja? And Fräulein Doktimus asked about the scientific background... it´s all for "Sirenity - Science" of course. I always imagined... One day in a far away future a young aspiring erotic audio artist (someone like Gael´s heir XD) will stumble upon all of these data... and he will create the ultimate audio ...probably destroying and enslaving all womenkind... muahaha... Enjoy your day, bis später my dears XD


Well.....this made the car ride home interesting! Another excellent piece - looking forward to more ;)


Waited all day until I could find a few moments alone to listen to this (really, “Gael”, your need to post these when you know many of us are at work – shame on you! LOL). After I spent many hours humming “Anticipation” and being looked at by my family like I was the cat who ate the canary, I finally found a chance to listen. This audio was amazing from both a sexual point of view and from a technical one as well. I wasn’t sure what to expect with the Double Gael idea, even though I had listened to the Angel/Devil Gael audio before. Were you going to be two separate people with two separate characters? How exactly was this going to work? The way you scripted this was fantastic and very creative. The distinct personalities you created, while still being aware that this is the same person, were really well done! The way you mixed the tracks (24 hours worth of work – definitely could tell!) was so cool, as well! I listened with a pair of giant headphones (no ear buds for me for this one) and I was blown away. Really, simple ear buds just couldn’t do this justice! (Ladies, if you can, definitely use the highest quality headset available – the difference is so worth it!) As for the sexual point of view, oh my god, this was really incredible! The way that you were in the moment for both sides was just amazing! I was right there with you through the whole thing, and really wanted to give you a standing ovation at the end! Bravo, sir, you’ve done it again! So looking forward to what your next Double Gael installment will be!


Hey, Claudia! Enjoying your vacation, I see! LOL Happy Thursday to you! We are expecting another hot one in Virginia today – we broke heat records yesterday (over 100 degrees by late afternoon). This is May, not August! Oh, well, that’s why I love air conditioning. Your questions for today, ladies. --What is your philosophy in life? --Which type of date do you prefer: clubbing, a romantic dinner, or cuddling while watching a movie? --Do you prefer backpacking or a luxury hotel? --When was the last time you were happy you lied? --What is an absolute no-no in a relationship? --Finish this sentence: The world would be a better place if… There you go! And I would like to invite any of the many new people we have here to join in in answering the questions. It is for science – really!


LOL, you're like me! I dive right in. Bring it! 😂 Does"Eye of the Tiger" start playing in your head too? 🐯🤣😜


The devil's in the details my dear. A sexy Irish devil. 😍😜


Ah yes, thank you for your enlightening answer, Frau Claudia! Years ago, when my younger self was first learning about the scientific method and how to design research studies, I learned that sometimes the best question to ask is the most direct and simple one. Science may be a fickle mistress, but subtle she is not 🔬<br><br>With that in my mind, perhaps <i>Freitag's Fragen Frau</i> (Amy? Amy. You've just been <del>voluntold</del> humbly requested) can propose the following question:<br><br><b>If Gael (or his heir apparent) was planning to create the ultimate audio that would short circuit the female psyche and allow him to enslave all of womankind (but in a sexy way), what elements do you think he should include in it?</b><br><br>[/science]


Hello Amy! Hope you're not melting. Lol it finally stopped snowing here about 2 weeks ago. --What is your philosophy in life? I don't know that I have a singular, overarching philosophy. --Which type of date do you prefer: clubbing, a romantic dinner, or cuddling while watching a movie? I think the last one wins by default as I haven't done the first two (on a date, at least) --Do you prefer backpacking or a luxury hotel? Both! Depends on my mood and company. --When was the last time you were happy you lied? Hmmm... outside of work, I'm rarely happy when I lie and don't remember the last time. Otherwise, I work at a nursing home- I try not to lie outright, but I'll shade the truth like a pro. --What is an absolute no-no in a relationship? Infidelity. I would never be able to get past it and would never view the person the same again. --Finish this sentence: The world would be a better place if… Conservation of our natural resources were taken seriously on a personal AND global level. (Lord, I'm a nerd.) Thanks for asking the questions today 😊


The piece I have been waiting for in the Double Gael series...I heard the preview on YouTube and I was like, "Oh my God, he's finally done it!!" I rushed to listen to it. From the moment I heard you say "I wanna be in two places at once" in two voices...my brain just melted... This piece is amazing! If I ever get for the personal audio drawing, my request will definitely be in this vein.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-31 21:05:25 えぇもん拝ませて頂きました😍 おちりのあなまで素晴らしいエロさです🥰
2017-05-18 05:49:32 1. Technical Achievement Award. The skill and consummate craftsmanship in this piece are hust stunning! 4 separate audio tracks? I believe it! The way you orchestrated them... the timing, the play of which voice is on top when, the "well-choreographed dance" of the action, as Frishawn so aptly put it... Hats off to you, sir: the work you've been putting in to master your craft really shows, and really shines!

1. Technical Achievement Award. The skill and consummate craftsmanship in this piece are hust stunning! 4 separate audio tracks? I believe it! The way you orchestrated them... the timing, the play of which voice is on top when, the "well-choreographed dance" of the action, as Frishawn so aptly put it... Hats off to you, sir: the work you've been putting in to master your craft really shows, and really shines!


2. Listener "Satisfaction" (please read quotation marks as dirty double entendre, not sarcasm): Holy. Fuck. (Very nearly literally!) Couldn't find my earbuds, but even missing out on directionality, I realized not even 2 minutes in that I couldn't help arching my back. Seriously, if you keep making me order new ovaries to replace the ones that go supernova, the nice folx at E-Bay are going to have my payment info memorized before long! (That's ok, I'll be too sated/relaxed/exhausted/euphoric to notice, let alone mind.) Delicious, sexy fun, and the triple overlapping finish was fucking fantastic! And you say there's even dirtier Double Gael in store for us? Dunno how we all managed to win the karmic lottery like that, but I'm sure as hell not calling for an audit! B-D Bring it! ;-*


Hfjdibejdbfhufhdh! That is pretty much all I could say after I finally got to listen to the splendid treat! Wow! The ladies are right, you have freakin reached a new level with this work of art! Both ears were hearing new sounds and talk about tingles galore! I have to say my fav Gael was the one in my right ear. Be sure to let him out to play more often! I have no idea what you have in store to make the next one(s) hotter and dirtier, but sign me up!


The time and effort to make this type of quality audio is fucking stellar. It's incredible the detail put into this. You have quite the talent sir. I'm excited to see where this series goes. You're amazing, Gael. What did we do to deserve you? &lt;3

Kiara. B

sorry if this is a question that has already been answered, but I keep on seeing $5 and $15 patreons that have personal audios? If you "win" the chance to get the personal audio done do you pay $5 or $15 to see it from Gael? I am very confused.


Holy harps and shamrocks!! That was amazing, your moans and' please ' made me melt into a happy puddle 💗💞


Where can i find Gael's old stuff now that it's no longer on Litrotica?


Hey, Mar go -- I do know that you can find many older titles on his website, gaelforceaudios.wordpress.com. I think you can also find titles on gaelforceplayroom.tumblr.com.


Jaysus. Best wake up call ever.


That is an amazing sensory experience. Thank you 😀


This is awesome!


Patreon's being a douche today and it killed my comment. So now I'm forced to resurrect it over here. Amy, here are my answers to your lovely <i>Fragen</i>:<br><br>I'm a bit late to the party with these questions, but I've been running non-stop for most of the day. I'm tired, my eyes are burning from sort of environmental allergy, and I didn't get to eat lunch until 3 pm today. 😣<br><br>But other than that, I'm doing swell 😌 How are you guys?<br><br><b>Life philosophy:</b> 1. Do what's right 2. Do your best 3. Treat others the way you'd want to be treated 4. Always remember that you're special <b>Date night!</b> I'd pick cuddling while watching a movie. My date and I could laugh and joke around if we were watching a comedy, or I could cling to his arm and bury my face in his shoulder during the scary parts of a horror movie (not that I'd be <i>scared</i>, of course, but...uhh, it would be a romantic gesture!), or we could debate the theoretical feasibility of concepts presented in a sci-fi film. Or if the film we're watching ends up being a total dud, we could always make out on the couch. 😎 <b>Backpacking or luxury hotel:</b> I haven't really gone backpacking before, so I'm not sure how much I'd enjoy that. I've never stayed in a luxury hotel before either, but whenever my standard hotel room has been upgraded to a nicer suite because of some booking mishap, I've loved staying in fancier rooms 🤗 But ultimately I'm not picky - just give me a comfortable bed, a shower/tub that isn't disgusting, and walls that are too thick to hear guests fucking in the room next door, and I'll be content. 👍 (Free continental breakfasts are an added plus) <b>The happy liar:</b> I called my mom on Mother's Day, and when she asked how I was doing, I told her that I was doing great and everything was fine. I guess that's <i>partially</i> true because it's not like life is absolutely terrible right now, but I'm struggling in certain aspects. But my mom's more of a worrywart than I am, so I'm glad I lied because I don't want to cause her any unnecessary anxiety. <b>HELL NO's when you're dating Doctimus: </b>Abuse of any kind - physical, verbal, emotional, or sexual. I might not always see eye to eye with my hypothetical better half, but there's no absolutely reason for either of us to resort to being abusive. If a guy ever hit me, I'd be calling the cops and pressing charges so fast that his head would spin. <b>The world would be a better place if...</b> We tried our best to take care of ourselves and each other.


So finally had a listen, and oh Gael, this was absolutely delicious, I mean seriously, how can you top that? I continually ask that question and there you go with every new audio, better, hotter and just re-imagining what audio eroticism can be! I cant wait to see where you take this series! Loved when it split at 4 minutes in and they were both whispering hot deliciousness in my ears. Very very well done, and I echo all the previous sirens comments, you can really tell how much time and effort you must have put in, the layering effects, scripting and so many aspects I dont even know about. I think I read like 24 hours this took? Ya know I am hella busy and have very little time to myself and often I'm often thinking I really need to find some time for me, but then I think of you and I'm like naw I'm alright! So thank you very much and AAAAAA+ babe! Ok can ya tell I had two glasses of wine with dinner? I'll shut up now! Maybe I'll have another and enjoy some fragen and banter with my fellow sirens, how y'all doing tonight good?? Anyone here? So here we go with questions, life philosophy: You only have one so live it up! Definitely cuddle up and watch a movie, I am a homebody always have been. Backpacking or luxury hotel, I am a hedonist so I'd go backpacking and then check into a nice hotel and enjoy a spa. I cannot tell a lie, okay I'm lying. Truly though I think little white lies are okay as long as you are not trying to hurt or maliciously deceive someone or if your doing it to spare someone's feelings. Relationship no no, I gotta go with Doc, abuse in any form, and I'm gone. The world would be better if...leaders of countries would make their citizens well being a number one priority and not their own twisted agendas or needs. Have a lovely day or evening ladies!


Fuck me. That was amazing. Love that- also happy the second wasn't Seanie.


It would've been pretty epic if it had been, though. I think I know what my next PA is going to sound like. 🤣


I love your answers as always, Doc! I think I would definitely pick the cuddling for a date night, as well. And I hope your eyes feel better; I sympathize with you about running crazy at work. I will be very glad when this school year is over and I can take a break this summer.


Hey, Calma -- thanks for answering! Hmmm... backpacking to a luxury hotel/spa, now that is a cool idea. May have to give that a try sometime. And I hope you enjoyed your third glass of wine! LOL Thinking I may crack a bottle open this weekend as well. Have a great night!


Well hot damn, sir. Fuck me twice on Sunday. That was delightful. I was not aware of how fully I was missing out enjoying storytelling rambles only. Still love story time but...yessir. I'll be more attentive when a naughty audio pops up from now on.


Hereby I requesssst a double Gael audio... regular Gael/Lizard King. You two shall fight for the privilege to pleassure your Queen... and of course winner eatsss the loser...


Weird. I can't comment on your "wrestle with me" audio 😕


@Calma C I can't comment on your comment either. Tf, patreon? 🙄 Anyway I do remember seeing that he said he doesn't block his patrons. It must be patreon acting up again


I received email notification but cannot open it. Saying "page not found". 😟

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-04 08:33:43 I just read the english text and I shuddered. After all, in reality I'm a cleanliness freak and I hate even the seen or touch of faeces. However, I'm also a bit of a pervert - just like you - and I love this cute turtle character! 🙂
2023-04-04 08:33:43 I just read the english text and I shuddered. After all, in reality I'm a cleanliness freak and I hate even the seen or touch of faeces. However, I'm also a bit of a pervert - just like you - and I love this cute turtle character! 🙂
2017-05-19 23:07:27 Guess I'm listening to this one again then 😈😏

Guess I'm listening to this one again then 😈😏


OMG Gael! I have never been more turned on in my life! My whole body shook! Amazing!!!!


Holy shit this one was extra amazing 😍


I keep cumming back to this one, I just can't help it 😉 😈


Talk about a dream cumming true! Oh my Damn! I commented on a similar audio stating I didn't know which one I'd prefer. Well you, my sexy Gael, have just solved my conundrum....BOTH it is!!! You have just created a deeply ingrained need, desire, appetite for more of this ear-gasm dueling! I couldn't keep still! I LOVED how each persona took over intermittently. It was beautifully erotic. Double Gael is the epitome of a threesome and this audio was THE absolute perfect portrayal. Take a bow, my dear! (I would stand up and clap, whistle and cheer if it weren't after midnight...neighbors you know) Extremely orgasmic!!! Thank you! Thank you!! Thank you!!!


How dare you sir..... *puts audio on a loop

Ileandra & Raven

Ho-ly-fuck-balls. *fans self* Just the other day I wondered about a more tender/submissive version of Gael . . . this'll do. ^_^ This'll do juuuuuuuust fine.


I see lots of mentions of clones and threesomes and time travel, but the first thing that came to mind was parallel universes and a divergence á la Community. Are you a Dan Harmon fan? Anyway. The parallel universe impression is too strong and too beautiful to let go of. I love it.


24 hours is a ton of work to put in on this. Thank you so much. We all appreciate it a lot Gael. ☺️☺️ On another note: I'm proud of controlling myself till the end. That exact moment he tells you to cum. Fuck. Lol. That very moment when 2 gaels both started to speak ( the " I wish I could be in 2 places at once" part) was so sexy. It's really hard to explain. The moment I heard the 2 voices overlap ( 1 voice laughed- so cute) I had the most devilish naughty grin on my face. 😅


The key to 6 back to back orgasms and still wanting more: this audio.


Oh my. Loving this so much. Thank you for all the work you put into this. You're amazing 😘😍


I'm woefully behind on my feedback. Not sure if you'll even see this. Holy fucking christ on a pogo stick. Damn. All I can say is I am so grateful for HFOs since I have to listen to most of these at work. Of course, I listened to it a few times to make sure I could focus on the cumulative effect and then to each Gael so I could give the proper feedback. For science, like. 🤓😜 I have never had any interest in the whole 2 men experience. I'd rather focus on one person and sex has always been more about the emotional aspect for me. And when I've seen this scenario elsewhere it always seemed like it was focused on the men and portrayed in a demeaning manner for the woman, like it was something being done to her rather than something she wanted or initiated. This was a completely different experience and I loved it. From the start you made it all about her. You made it clear how much she was turning you on and how irresistible she was. You put her in control. I thought it was brilliant to use two sides of the same person and not have them interact with each other. It's a realistic depiction of what people feel, you want them so much you want to be everywhere at once and you sometimes are torn between wanting to make love and wanting to get down and dirty. The lack of interaction allowed both to focus on their individual experiences and on her. From a technical perspective, the foley and editing were near flawless. The way you faded in and out between characters really helped us to experience both aspects. The volume level of the background were right where they needed to be. Sometimes it can be confusing or difficult to follow when there is too much going on or there are huge diffefences in the volume. The only thing that I found to be a little off was the beginning. I'm sure it's because I had a preconceived idea of what would happen because I had heard the first two Gaels audio. I could tell it started out with sensual Gael. When he growled it was a little less clear and I wasn't sure if it was primal Gael entering in or not. It cleared up shortly after and before he actually did show up. It would have been impossible to pick between the Gaels this time. Sensual Gael was such a turn on becuase of how turned on he was by her and how willing he was to be vulnerable and let her know. Oh those heavenly sounds he made! It's what every woman wants to hear. Every woman wants to know she is the source of so much pleasure. When I heard alpha Gael in my left ear, I actually let out a little "yay" and giggled. Damn that was fucking hot. When he loses control and takes her oh my fucking god. Also something I love, to know I turned my partner on so much that he can't contain himself. Very well done, Sir. 💋💕💕


Oh...my... I have no words...Ohh my god... I mean the teaser on youtube for this was amazing for starters.... and then this.... oh.my.god... if there were ever a time that the phrase "I literally can't even" were legtitimat​l​y appropriate​​..... right now is it... I'm floored. Thissss.... this was AWESOME! like there was a full minute that I think i ended up holding my breath at cause holllly shit....sploosh. &lt;3 =^.^=


I know I'm late to the party, but OMG!!! Especially at 5:30! I don't know how many times I played that part!!!!


The teaser on YT was so intense that I had to wait 5 days before listening to it (for my own sake) !Oh MY Sweet LORD, glad I survived it ,wonderful audio Gael !still trying to recover from it -gasp-💛


WOOOWWWW!!!!!! This is my absolute favorite one. I have never felt anything so real. Gael I wish you were my boyfriend.


oh my god ❤️❤️🔥🔥


Holy wow.....


How many times did I go back and listen to the Double Gael saying "I wanna be in two places at once" along with the little evil laugh......??????......i kinda lost count! Hot as fuck!