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How do romances in romantic comedies compare to real life? What’s your favorite ‘90s romcom?

Licensed therapist Jonathan Decker and filmmaker Alan Seawright are doing a blast from the past by watching and ranking ‘90s romcoms. They’re ranking the romances from Clueless, Never Been Kissed, Pretty Woman, Sleepless in Seattle, and While You Were Sleeping. Jonathan ranks them from worst to best in terms of relationship quality, and Alan makes snide remarks about the quality of the films - though some of them are great - and he really goes off one one of them. Can you guess which one?




Alan, You got me thinking of all the movies with Drew Barrymore that I actually like (this isn't on if them) and I just realized after 30years that, apart from ET, they are all the same character and she makes the same choices in every movie.


Wow, I took a very wrong message from Alan's rant, which is a fervent wish that if you haven't yet done a piece on V for Vendetta, now I really want to see one!


I love Clueless and I can see where AS is coming from. However, I don't think Josh falls In love with Cher simply because she's attractive. She demonstrates throughout the film that she cares for him even if she finds him irritating - at first. For example, when she tells him to stay over at theirs so he can escape mom's new overbearing hubby. He thinks she's funny and clever - Cher makes Josh laugh whilst discussing Shakespeare with his pompous female friend. The film goes to great lengths to say Cher is more than just a shallow ditz: she is clever, quick witted, tenacious and cares deeply for her friends and family. Family means a great deal to Cher and that includes Josh. Josh needs a home and finds it in Cher and her father. It's not hard to see why he would fall for Cher. Josh sees what the audience sees: A beautiful, thoughtful, intelligent and a strong young woman (actually a teenager but whatever). I'll get off my soap box.


While you were sleeping is the better relationship, Clueless is one of the best movies out there. It is just totally amazing.