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How do you let people in after being hurt? What's your favorite Indiana Jones film?

Licensed therapist Jonathan Decker and filmmaker Alan Seawright are dressed and ready to dive into the hero journey of Indiana Jones across five films (but mostly the original three). Indiana Jones is the hero of their youth, but they’re going deeper to look at the strong emotional arcs of Indiana and where he arrives at the end of the final film. They talk about Indy’s interpersonal struggles, particularly with Marion and his father, and how he learns to be vulnerable. Alan sprinkles in movie trivia and explains how Steven Spielberg plays with tone so well.




I love these movies, but never really caught that arc. Love it! Thank you for the deep dive! And Temple of Doom makes so much more sense now, I didn’t realize it was a prequel!!

Mark Badger

There is one way I can relate to Indiana And it’s when he says the line “it’s not the years it’s the mileage”


So my partner and I rented Dial of Destiny solely because we went to a John Williams concert and he conducted the motorcycle chase piece saying that he included it in the concert because he couldn't hear it when he watched it in the theatre with the motorcycle noise over it. We got through to the second motorcycle chase then lost interest. I only like the first three because I grew up with them 😄