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Here's a recap of what we did last month!

After the busy month of September, October was much more relaxed.

Our September shoot was a great success, and our editors have been working hard on episodes that will come out in the next few months. Meanwhile, we've been working hard on prep for our November shoot, the last shoot of 2023! How is this year almost over??

We published our first-ever Patreon exclusive episode, TV "Brouple" Therapy: Roy Kent and Jamie Tartt from Ted Lasso. We had fun making it, and we're looking forward to experimenting more with quarterly-ish exclusive episodes. Patreon gives us the freedom to be a little weird and cover things we wouldn't on YouTube. Thanks for supporting us here! What did you think of the first one?

Speaking of a more relaxed October, Jonathan spent time in Arizona with his family, and Alan took a few days off for a family vacation. Alan poses with LEGO versions a few of his favorite places in LA.

Here's a sneak peek of what's coming next!

We were invited to Patreon's first-ever Creator Fest. It's a celebration of community and creativity for Patreon creators, and we're excited to meet other creators and soak up as much as we can.

The last shoot of the year will soon be upon us. We've got some wonderful guests booked, and the episodes will hopefully be just as wonderful!

Still chipping away at merch development. We hope to announce merch in November!

How was your month? What are you looking forward to next month?




Glad you guys had a good month! October is always fun for our house, with my birthday on the 1st, my wife's on the 31st, and both of us adoring Fall. So lots of celebrating with friends/family, gawking at gorgeous trees, and all the good things. 🎉🍁🧡


I've been a fan of Cinema Therapy for a while now and the idea of patreon exclusive episodes was the final nudge I needed in order to decide to chip in and support the show financially. Keep up the good work Jono & Alan! :)


Thank you so much! It allows us to experiment with full episodes we don't think would do well on YouTube. We really enjoyed making the first one!