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How do you make peace with heartbreak? How do you live in integrity?

Happy Halloween! Licensed therapist Jonathan Decker, filmmaker Alan Seawright, and returning guest Rebecca Parham of Let Me Explain Studios are celebrating spooky season by reacting to Corpse Bride. They’re talking about the psychology of heartbreak, mostly from Emily’s perspective, and how she navigates loss. Jonathan talks about Victor’s journey of heartbreak and reconciliation and how Victor, and all of us, can learn to heal. Alan and Rebecca discuss the beautiful melancholy of Corpse Bride’s design, and Rebecca shares why this is the ultimate Tim Burton movie. She also explains the magic of facial animation. It’s all in the eyes!




YESSSSS. Corpse Bride is my favorite Halloween movie of all time. 🥰


My girlfriend and I eat this stuff up! Corpse Bride is perfect because we have both gone through heartbreak and because we love Tim Burton movies! I guess you could say we bonded over our love for your show!


Hehe, I have a friend that works at Laika! 🥰 He started on Missing Link, and was teasing it for months. Then one day out of nowhere he hops onto Facebook and is like, "Hi, I'm doing this thing, we made Missing Link and by the way it won an award okay BYEEEEE!" and we were all gobsmacked! 🤣 He's super busy and doesn't get to po on much anymore but I'm glad he's doing something so cool with his talents and passion. 🥰


Mine is Tim Burton's Sleepy Hollow, but there's not much to therapize there. 😅 Corpse Bride is such a fun romp, and the animation really is incredible.


This stuff hits way too close to home. I've been Emily for 6 to 10 years. How do you get your moral compass back? When heartbroken, you lose it. So how d'you find the compass without the compass?


They missed a perfect opportunity to have Christopher Lee say “you shall not pass” rather than “you shall not enter here” as the undead were walking toward the church.


I know this is Corpse Bride, but saw ParaNorman in there. Would love to see you do an episode on that movie


Finally got my name on the shout out to the patreon 🥰


It's alright, Allan, I can't stand notifications either. You don't have to click the bell lol OR.... You could clock the bell, and then disallow notifications from the YouTube app 😇


I love this movie so much, when I was a child all I wanted was for Emily and Victor to end up together. But growing up I realized that he and Victoria are meant to be


Pobody’s Nerfect, and you gotta try 🖤


Went and watched sleepy hollow since you recommended it. FREAKING AWESOME. Such great writing to lead the audience without insulting intelligence or giving away the twists. Fun effects work and a great ending with Lady Van Tassel absolutely chewing up the scenery.


Her animations are quite funny.