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Hey, Superheroes! You voted for Villain Therapy: Frollo to chat live with Jono and Alan on Discord. We'll watch the director's cut together and chat away.

Join us on Tuesday, March 28th at 11 am MDT on our Discord server. We'll hang out in a thread in the #live-chat channel. You'll be pinged when it starts.

Two updates:
1) We're trying out the "events" feature on Discord. You can click "Interested," and you'll also receive a notification when the event is live. Learn more about Discord events here.
2) After many technical difficulties, we think we've got our streaming setup figured out. No more queueing up the Director's Cut on your own. We will stream it to you in #streams and still chat in a thread in #live-chat.

If you want to join, make sure you've connected your Patreon and Discord accounts so you don't miss out!



How do I join the discord server


You were automatically invited when you became a Patron. It's automated between Patreon and Discord. Click here to learn more: http://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-connect-Discord-to-Patreon-Patron-