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Hey, Superheroes! You voted for Lilo & Stitch to chat live with Jono and Alan on Discord. We'll watch the director's cut together and chat away. Joining us is guest from the episode, Rebecca Parham from Let Me Explain Studios!

Join us on Monday, February 27th at 2:00 pm MST on our Discord server. We'll hang out in a thread in the #live-chat channel. You'll be pinged when it starts.

If you want to join, make sure you've connected your Patreon and Discord accounts so you don't miss out!



If we can't make it, are the episodes uploaded later? Sorry if it's been explained before--still new!


Nooooo, why must your always do these when I'm busy :'(


We try to vary the times so people from different time zones can make it. Hopefully next time!