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So looking at my working pace, it's safe to say there wont be a release for August.Also I am going to be focus on a commision next on top of that, which would likely take a week or two form my usual working cycle.

So, now the work plan for QiD for next month would be: 

Firstly making the shift from "one turn a day" to "one turn a week" I thought about this for a while,  in the end I believe it'd be better for the narrative pacing.  

Second, I'd like to take this time to draw portraits for the Duke, previously I kinda don't know how should I fit this into my working cycle, since you know, it's a male character.

Third, would be some kind of recollection room, mostly to help people get what they already unlocked and how many contents are left.

Last would be to finalize the character design for the new character Id like to introduce next: 


Then I will continue on with the normal cycle with more major content for September.    



Dunan Rayne

I prefer "one turn a day". I think that's better suited for gamer to play the role of queen. and hope there is a lot of content/npcs/things that she can interact with. Especially sexual content. I want the Queen to go around the streets disguised as a commoner whenever she wants. There will be a variety of consequences depending on her choices and actions in her daily life, but for that, "one turn a day" is a good fit. You'll have to add some gossip about her. People will often make and spread sexual gossip about a young and beautiful single queen. If she had a scandal, it would produce more exaggerated gossip. I especially like the event where the Queen happens to expose her breasts to the public. The opportunity for lowly commoners to see their queen's noble breasts is very rare. queen's huge, sexy breasts. It's even rare for a young beautiful queen with a huge, sexy breasts. Then, sexual gossip about the queen's breasts will emerge uncontrollably among the common people. I'm a big fan of Crusader Kings 2. And I was very excited when you mentioned Crusader Kings. I'm deeply engrossed in all kinds of events and conspiracies going on there. I'd like to see her strong vassals form their own faction. Each of those factions must have various purposes. -Some faction will aim to make the young queen a puppet and they will take over the real power of the kingdom. -Some faction will try to overthrow the Queen and seize the kingdom. -Some faction will collude with the ambitious plot of a foreign leader. They will sell their queens and kingdoms to foreign leader. -Some faction may try to make the queen as their sexual slave. Like Duke. -Some faction are created because of their loyalty to the Queen. They will fight other factions to protect their queen and kingdom. They will try to find and destroy the evil plots of other disloyalty factions. But sometimes due to excessive loyalty, they can treat their queen as a child. They will try to rule in the "right direction" instead of the inexperienced queen, and if the queen resists it, they will try to preach to the queen. -Some faction would think that woman cannot rule the kingdom. They are loyal to the kingdom, but not to the young queen. For them, women are the tools to give birth to healthy sons. So they will try to find a suitable husband and get the queen married as soon as possible. make the queen's husband the king of the kingdom. The Queen is not the only one whose factions are up against. Each faction will clash with and compete with other factions. She'll need a loyal spy master to discover and respond to such factions' plots. Anyway I want to see her struggle to defend her dignity and kingdom against factions. The young and inexperienced queen will not have many people to stand by her side. She's not smart, the kingdom's financial status is on the verge of bankruptcy and the her army is weak. The only weapon she has is a beautiful face and sexy body. And she will have to actively use her weapons to protect her throne and kingdom. She should either turn factions on her side, or induce them to fight each other.


Thanks for the feed back. But sorry,my decision on "one turn a week" is final. It just makes more sense to let some things keep running on a monthly bases, yet don't take forever. And, no, factions of vassals will not be a big part of the game. My focus would be a bit more on diplomacy with other nations and sub-nations (traders' leagues and the church.) that's just easier for the game to have a variety of characters.