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Apparently the Duke event chain has been broken and won't play any follow up event other than the first one for months...

I feel very stupid right now.

-Duke  event chain now will not stock on the first one.
-Painter event chain  will not load the last unfinished one even when conditions are met.

The link is still the same. 




Is there an issue with black screens? I hit a point with recruiting and raising morale through speeches and just end up with a softlock of some sort. Also having an issue with the locust plague, the event triggered upon the start of the day and nothing happened when I visited; the town was completely normal. I think this is screwing up me not having access to the slums as well. Like the game though, keep it up!


Recruiting and raising morale one should be fixed with the 0.05c one. Locust plague lacks any follow up for the moment, for now it eats your tax for a month or two, and it shouldn't effect the slum event chain, which it's triggered only after the Verrtignis border event, that'd happen after the 7th after you deal with the duke and the province.


More minor problems, when it comes to breasts they're "Bare", not "Bear". I've see this in 3 spots. Also if you go upstairs, what is the 4th Smuggler doing? He seems to be completely forgotten about.


Well, there's just no room for one more dick lol. I mean it's kinda consistent that in the first event he just remained setting on the other side of the table anyway.


Maybe he's gay, but I think it would be good if he used her silky soft hair to jerk off with and drop a load right over her head.