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So,  I didn't finish as much as I'd like with this update. There're still 2  new scenes, but there're less minor stuffs done this time.

And I feel like that my working efficiency has dropped.  It could be  that I am just a little tired from working on the variations of some certain events. Or maybe I need a change of pace from time to time.

Anyway, I'd like to take a short break for a week or so and draw  something irrelevant before I go back to work on the game again.  Hope you guys won't mind it.

Please report any bug you encountered.
Any feedback would also be appreciated.
Thanks, and have fun. 




There's nothing you can do with the locusts at the moment other then wait it away. Painter storyline isn't finished beyond the "needs a little push" realization. You shouldn't be seeing the options. As to the Duke's route, which part are you stocked? if it's the short version of the blow job scene, then you need to raise the Impurity level, if it's the first actual sex scene, then that's where the current version ends. Hope this answers your questions, and thanks for the feedback.


On the Duke's route, I can't even get that far. Every time I show, he gives his out and feels up. I have raised impurity to over 200.


Also on the Recruitment and Morale speeches, You get a skip animation option the second time around. That doesn't work. If you do either a 3rd time you get a black screen and only the menu button seems to work there.


Oh, yea see the issue now, I don't know why I thought that would function as I intended. FIXED.