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To be honest with you, Ashe's Rodeo is the title I had in mind pretty much when I started working on this project, but I was never willing to publicly commit to that being the title until I actually got around to making the title card. I was just stalling to see if a more interesting or clever title ever came to me, but it didn't. I like to follow the title formula set by Whitemane's Inquisition for any game with a single main character, so Ashe's Rodeo seemed like a natural fit.

Along with the title card being done is also a new hero select screen, which pays some homage to Overwatch's hero select UI. Up next is to do a scene selection screen, similar to Whitemane's throne room. Of course there's only one main scene to choose from for now, so this screen will function more like a brief intro sequence until future updates.

After I add the scene selection screen, the game will be pretty much done. I'll still need to make the acknowledgements screen at the very beginning and the loading screen, but those are minor things. I will for sure want to spend a little bit of time doing what I can to optimize the game and whatnot, but I'd love to be able to see a release later this month. It's still too early to say for certain, though.
