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In case it isn't obvious, the front-facing cowgirl pose is still pretty early in development, but I wanted to at least show how the sketch visually translates to the game. Yes the layering is all out of whack, trust me I'll handle it but for now it's easier to develop with the layers as they are.

For now, this is roughly the order of steps I'm going to take to finish this pose:

  • Apply physics to the breasts (and experiment with click & drag interactivity as well)
  • Animate and add logic to the left arm so that it can do various interactions
  • Implement the penetration art (right now Ashe just sits in front of the partner during either penetration)
  • Draw the face and all of the mouth assets, and animate all of the voice lines (I'll be using the same voice lines as the other pose, so at least all of the editing and coding is already done)
  • Apply physics to the hair
  • Add futa Ashe along with its corresponding interactivity
  • Finalize the layering to ensure there's no clipping
  • Finalize all of the asset art
  • Add the OW2 and Whitemane outfits
  • Animate the fluids for the internal and external climaxes

Notice that "finalize asset art" part is pretty far along in the list—it's much easier to make necessary changes while the assets are as simple as they are, so I want to make sure everything works as intended before adding full detail to them.

For testers, this is available on the testing page. Obviously it's not much to look at currently and the functionality isn't 100% there yet, but it is there if you're interested. I've also added a new click & drag interaction to Ashe's balls when futa is enabled. This had actually been available for testing for a little while but I had only announced it in my Discord server so far.



Stoyan Dimitrov

Looks awesome, still no idea when this is going to be finished right ?


Oh lol. In my mind I thought front facing view was basically the POV of the guy while she rides.


Nah it's Ashe that moves, not the camera. If I were to do it that way I'd need to redo all the partner assets and background art.