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Insertion Demonstration: https://uploadir.com/u/i8sbta71

It might not seem like much, but the insertion sequence took a lot more work than I was anticipating. Firstly, I wanted to challenge myself to make a fully seamless erection animation, which was fun to make the first time around but much less so when I had to copy and rework it for each of the other characters. The code was also a bit of a challenge—as the cowgirl scene gets more complex, I need to account for more and more unintended interactions. Fortunately, I was able to handle it and the effort was likely worthwhile since I'll probably be using similar art and code for the climax sequence.

To be clear, I don't consider the intro sequence to be totally finished. I intend to add a introductory blurb, similar to Whitemane's "punish you" line at the start of her cowgirl scene. I also might have even more brief dialogue at the beginning once I start refining the UI. I'm also considering tweaking the actual insertion motion to add a bit more "oomph".

With this sequence out of the way, the cowgirl scene as a whole is getting closer and closer to completion! The final big additions are the sound, climax, and background art. There are also some smaller additions like spanking, futa Ashe, and possibly x-ray.




I'd like to think futa Ashe is a "big" addition ;D


Looking good keep it up 😉


Super exciting as always!