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So... even back when I posted the first preview for the cowgirl scene, I couldn't say I was totally satisfied with the pose at the time. I figured it was just because it was in its early stages and I'd come around to it after applying some animation and refined the art. So I spent some time tweaking the art and applying some animation... and I still wasn't feeling like the scene was coming together the way I wanted it to. I jumped around from adjusting the code to tweaking the animation to adding and improving the physics, but I realized that I was doing it all to distract myself from facing the realization that I just wasn't happy with the scene.

I finally decided to bite the bullet and just start over on the scene. I wanted to keep the original concept—a butt-focused penetration scene, but tweak the angle and posing to make it both more interesting and more animation-friendly. What I settled on is changing it from reverse-cowgirl to regular cowgirl viewed from behind with the partner seated. It's roughly as far along as the previous iteration was in its preview, so there's still a lot that's subject to change. Basically everything I wrote then applies here.

Looking back, I think I can best describe the past two weeks or so as a serious case of art block, and it totally tanked my confidence and by extension my motivation. I felt like I needed to choose between devoting time to a scene I didn't like or spending even more time to start over on it. Either way, I was scared of disappointing you all because of my own failures. 

I'm so sorry for taking so long to get this scene off the ground, but I wasn't willing to devote so much effort to a version of the scene that I wasn't happy with. Needless to say, I'm not going to implement my previously-discussed Patreon tier changes until this scene is in a reasonably-playable state. 




Take your time ;D


Tbh I prefer this one 😆


Take as long as u need. Us patron (speaking 4 myself) will b behind u.