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Thank you very much! Support means a lot to me, I couldn't devote this much time to my craft without the help of others.

Please note due to Patreons content policy on adult content I am more active on my personal website that has Patreon features/accounts built into it via the official Wordpress Patreon plug-in!

Feel free to leave suggestions for new content on my Patreon posts, in my discord (https://discord.gg/mgKkVpz), or in the VIP gallery (https://parkdale.art/portfolio/vip-gallery/). I will listen to ideas that receive a lot of community support but also I will draw ideas that I happen to really like.

Added: 2023-10
Cheers big ears!

Support means a lot to me, I couldn't devote this much time to my craft without the help of others. Feel free to leave suggestions in my posts for future pics. I will listen to ideas that receive a lot of community support but also I will draw ideas that I happen to really like.

Due to Patreons rules I can only show censored versions of the pictures on here, to view them properly you either have to download the attachments or visit my personal website through this link:

Consider joining the Discord server to either monitor or help along with the production of pics!

Added: 2023-01