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I am looking through all the old episodes to check which ones need to be redrawn and I am looking at the prologue.

I just want to hit myself so hard. I wish I fought harder to keep Shin-Hye's eyes to be the same as Shin-Ae. Not that it makes a difference now but while I was working on the episode, my editor told me to change her eye color into the same color as the toy truck because it would have an effect. What effect? I still don't know to this day. He said to change the color JUST for the prologue because it will make it stronger (?) and it can go back to normal in later episodes. "But wouldn't that just confuse the readers when she shows up and her eyes aren't the same as the prologue?"

He told me not to worry of course and that everything would be fine. I still don't know what he was trying to go for because I was right about everyone getting confused and people thought Alyssa was the sister because of the eyes 💀

I'm going to be looking through more of the older episodes. It'll be fun taking note of every piece of editorial advice I wish I never followed. There's a lot of them in the early part of the series 😅



Lo mío con tu editor es muy personal


Redrawing episodes, huh 👀👀 inch-resting.... I wonder what this could be for 👀👀 (oh I'm excited!) It's funny cos the eyes HAVE been a point of contention and in retrospect, it feels confusing. I'm sure your editor had their reasons but... then again... is this the same editor that tells you to simplify your backgrounds?


Speaking of editorial advice lmao thinking of all the gratuitous Nol abs 😂


Oh so you are returning to older episodes because you are preparing for the physical print of I love Yoo please god 😭


The confusion lasts to this very day. There are some people who say Miss Stalker Sister “can’t be the sister because the eyes” and I just have this face 🥹 ~ I also don’t get the purpose behind their suggestion but I also remember some people over there fanning flames early on because any press was good to draw people in.


Yes 🥲 Even suggested just using unaltered 3D backgrounds because no one will care. Like Mr. Editor, I appreciate the advice and even if readers don't care, there's nothing I hate more than 2D characters looking so out if place in a 3D environment and I don't want to create something I can't look at.


Yeah I was assigned this editor in the first place because he handles the Romance webcomics. I remember our first interaction when we were introducing ourselves to each other, he asked me for a summary of ILY so he can better understand how to tackle the story as my editor. I told him and he went "Oh..." 💀


I’ve been meaning to reread everything again and now I really want to! I just don’t pay enough attention to this details 🤦‍♀️


Im sorry what LMFAO. Omg I feel so bad for you, please tell me that you have a different editor or that the editor better understands your story now, cuz my god that seems painful


I should post the Nol ab panels and the original ab-less panels side by side (if I can find them)


No but i TOTALLY appreciate your backgrounds and attention to detail! I know he wants to make it easier on you, I get it, but honestly the way you craft it sets it apart so I applaud you!


It would actually be really cool to see the comparison of your original visions vs the editor suggestions! There's a few scenes that come to mind


I feel for you. 💀 I hope you don’t have to deal with anyone trying to dissuade you from your plans or adding things to fit some marketing narrative lol. I feel like the story became more what you always wanted it to be. I know not everything—there are things you may have wanted to put or add and maybe just didn’t have time/space. It’s one of the things about the weekly deadlines and just nature of webcomics vs say… writing novels. I don’t know if you’ve ever been asked and obviously you’re an amazing illustrator/artist but do you like writing stories in a more novel format or prefer storytelling in comic?


Gadzooks, that explains a lot! 🤣 I'm so sorry you had to endure that, but I'm also so grateful your vision is strong enough to power through all of that confusion, and frankly, BS! Sheesh! That's probably the same kind of nonsense that made their marketing department think the "side hustle" idea was a good one! I swear, some of these guys have never read a comic before. 🙄😑


At one point I even thought Shin-Hye was wearing colored contacts! 🤣


But please don't beat yourself up too much. You couldn't have known. You and your editors are only human, after all. 😉😆


That's fascinating to hear 🙉 thank you for sharing!


Haha I remember trying to find some symbolism with the eye colors and toys, guess that was actually unnecessary😂 On a more positive note, it seems like not a lot of people still doubt Shin-hye due to her eye color though. She just looks too similar to Shin-ae to not be her sister, so you still made it work. The thing about Alyssa (and Meg) being considered as Shin-ae's sister honestly always confused me because even before Alyssa showed up..Meg said she and Kousuke could be in-laws someday, meaning she's Alyssa's sister. Seeing the "What if Alyssa/Meg is the sister?" comments afterwards only made me question if these people even process what they read😅


If you knew all the theories that came out about the color of his eyes! 🤯😂Your editor didn't think that your fandom would be like detectives analyzing all the panels in this comic and their meanings 🕵️😂


They definitely underestimated the fandom and our dedication 😂


Nah but seriously they underestimated everything from the story to the readers lol.


I have thought about writing actually! I wrote lots of short stories when I was in school, even moreso after I quit drawing but then I discovered webtoon and gave art another chance. I do believe my visual thinking is so much stronger than my verbal thinking. Maybe if I practiced writing more? I know I can't draw forever despite how much I love storytelling lol.