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Since I meant for these to be read but I guess the app said no LOL




100 cases 😨😨😨


i love how you’ve got us ↪️↩️⤴️⤵️🔀🔃🔄🔁 our phones it’s got me cackling


It depends on the device, I think. I could read them just fine when I zoomed in.


Zoomed in, my face against the phone, flipping it around. I was able to read it fine, but reading the uncropped articles made my day. Thank you quim! But also—50 years and 100 sexual assault cases. Then putting sang chul’s face on it makes me think that he was the one behind a good chunk of these SA reports


the article about nessa 😭


Randuld snuck them into the country, yui found out?? I 🥺


thanks i didnt catch that! 😁 gonna go scream in a pillow


If you try hard enough, you can read most of it and conclude the rest😅 But nothing beats reading them in high res😩 I'm on edge because of the articles. Being able to confirm theories, getting additional and new information. I love it!


What does 20WA mean in terms of amount of time passed? If 20WY to 20XX is roughly 26 years, then geez, Young-Chul looks good for his age and was chairman of the Board for a long-ass time. Unless it’s Sang-Chul’s grandfather… 🤔


Rand has such an interesting story


Oh dang, the 50 years of SA cases at the school… coulda been gramps all along…


One question: So the present time is in year 20XX and the transcript says 20XP does this means it's from 8 years ago or did you just want to allude to the fact that it's not from the present year?


Yes to the first question, It's all in alphabetical order. To make it easy for you (and me) to keep track 😂


The one in the photo is Sang Chul. 💀 A long line of degenerates in that family it seems.


Thank you so much Quim!


Thank you for blessing us quimchee. My heart is so full and satisfied


Wooow such a lot amount of precious information. And answers to questions we have been asking ourselves for a long time 😳 Now we know Randulf past…What happened to Nessa and why Nol hates his birthday 😢 and that this tragic event and Young Kim downfall is definitely related to Yui. After what I just read, I wonder if the category of this comic would change from "drama" to "thriller"?


damn i wanna cancel my plans just so i can stay and read lol i know it will be here when i get back but i wanna read now *sob


once he got successful i wonder why he didn't leave with nessa and nol. i'm confused on some timelines but will return to try put it all together. now when i reread it will definitely feel different. yui is one of the most interesting and harrowing antagonists i've read


I think he tried! There was a newspaper article in earlier episodes that stated Rand and Yui separated for a period of time, I think he tried leaving her at one point. There were also implications he was involved in a legal battle with Yui, and lost. I believe it may have been an attempt at divorce and that was what he was referring too when he told Shinae that Yui won’t let you go.


oh man thank you for this! now that you mention it I remember. I definitely need to go back and reread.


I'd like to read Randulph life story too. Its sad someone who was orphaned made a name for himself only to end up tied to someone like Yui, who it is obvious has blocked any happiness or sense of freedom for Rand. And if Nessa was the love of his life if she is dead that's another tragedy he had to face. Now I can see why seeing Nol bloodied and lifeless was even more traumatic. He has had it rough and now the trauma is happening in his son's life. I want both of them to find happiness, peace, and stability in their lives 😭


I tend to pay more attention to Yui and Rand details in the story lolll so I drill this stuff into my brain. You will also notice in Nol’s flashbacks, Nessa seems expectant. Like she expects Rand to be with her and Nol when he has his things sorted. Nessa to Nol: “Soon you’ll get to see him! He very much wants to meet you!” And “Looks like it’s not time to see him yet.” So I wonder if Rand HAD planned to leave Yui and be with them long before they arrived in USAsia (ofc before Yui likely lured them by illegal means)


I don’t think a marriage to a very powerful family who basically adopts him (or so many of us assume) so he can lead their business can be dissolved as easily as a normal marriage. As you may know, there are theories going that Rand isn’t Kousuke’s biological father. If this were true we don’t know if he knew or not, but the bottom line remains—he also had Kousuke to consider. We can see that he does care about him. How could he leave him alone? We don’t know how much worse it could have been for him had Rand not been around. And honestly, I doubt very much that Yui would allow Rand to go. I’m sure we will get to the mysteries eventually but it never struck me as simple to get out of that marriage and ties to the business.


Wait, so this confirms that Nol is in fact wHite? I thought he had a dash of Asian.~ I'm just curious. I love how diverse these characters are.


I wonder what the age difference is between Rand and Nessa. He must have been over 30 when Nol was born.

Pidgey koto

I wondered why I didn't see this but realized I forgot to update my teir back after brokeness. I'm happy to see more updates again.