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Also before any of you start getting worried about Yu Jing's driving, her car isn't high nor is it short enough to go over that giant speed bump without the undercarriage getting scraped so she's going over it her own special way. It's super irrelevant info that doesn't really add anything 💀




Relevant tidbit to me who obsesses over details because OCD tendencies. 👀


The blood! 😭🩸


Yu Jing being a badass over here🤩


I've always loved seeing your scribbly little thumbnails and how you translate it into the panels. I've missed your drawing livestreams - and I don't say this to guilt you because you're doing great work lately and if livesteams impede on that, I'm not going to ask for them lol. I just want it on the record that I'm always fascinated by your work style and seeing how you scribble up thumbnails that become the beautiful panels we get to see! ALSO love the "meh these details are irrelevant and won't affect the story but I HAVE thought of it!" tidbits. True writer mode lol. Anyway basically as always I'm so in awe of what you do!


Also I'm really intrigued by this viewpoint because we can see that Meg looks like maybe she's panicking, with Kousuke and Rand in the area and Hansuke headed towards them; Dieter and Soushi are together; Shinae stands alone watching Yujing's car; and then we have Minhyuk off to the side, a bystander to this world, to this new life, really, that Shinae has been swept into. I imagine he's at a loss as to how to proceed - how does he comfort her in this situation? He's always been at her defense but this is out of his league. What a strange, strange night for him 💀


how you go from the 1st to the 2nd stage will forever impress me 🙏


I think the man next to Kousuke and Meg is Jayce since Rand had a kind of red suit and he would be in the car with Yujing driving off to the hospital?


You are right! He didn't even occur to me lol like I acknowledged Yujing driving off so duh Rand can't be there 😂💀


What devious sorcery is this?? 🤯 LOL! It really does look like magic, though. 🤩 I miss your streams, too. However, if they drain you too much, or are too distracting atm, it's perfectly understandable. Looks like it's crunch time, just don't forget to breathe, stretch and hydrate. And please, for the love of all that's holy and good, put the pen down long before those palpitations start. ❤️


Just wanna say, as a MINI owner and a person who runs a MINI car club, it made me so happy to see one in your comic 🔥

Christine Ayomide

Seeing this makes me wonder how and who carried Nolan into Yui Jing's car? Rand? Rand with help of the other boys?


Episode streams are definitely a no for now. I get the worst performance anxiety and brain farts when I'm streaming new episodes 😂 But I AM going to have to work on new illustrations soon (also redraw the first arc) and those I can stream :) Not sure if I've ever done an episode thumbnail stream but I feel like that would be a fun thing to do. Watch me do my scribbles while you guys try to figure out what I'm drawing 😂


Sometimes I don't even understand my scribbles 😂 I end up having to look back at the script to remember


Rand is too big to fit in her car so your brain couldn't acknowledge it 😂


I wouldn't say Badass... More like she values her car a little more than the passengers 💀💀💀


Oh heck, it's just us weirdos! 🤣 No, I totally understand how we can be a distraction, especially when you're in the zone! When I hyperfocus, the rest of the world doesn't exist. Any major distraction, like a phonecall, can make me erupt like Mt. Doom in The Return of the King. 😤🤪 Do what works best, while still taking care of yourself as best you can. 😉


HAHA! There we go! But now that we're on that subject, I'm just trying to mentally envision this and I think we need a crack doodle one day 😂


i'm sorry but this is magic how is this even possible 😂 then when you said you used to make you're own Sketchup backgrounds...WHAT! lol MinHyuk been making me real curious lately. He's been on the sidelines judging and I just want to park in his brain and know exactly what he's thinking of all this lol. Look how he got his arms folded standing to the side. And the king of the comic Lil Buddy is also there making sure everyone is behaving appropriately cause he's tired of everyone's shit 😂 He is like I have stood by and watched you all act a fool long enough, I'm tired! Now I have to intervene lol At first I didn't know who was next to Megan but I see it's Jayce. Also an interesting perspective art-wise. Eeeeek I can't wait! (idk if links are allowed but its just an excitement gif to further express said excitement) https://media.tenor.com/0sV5HiSLDesAAAAC/charlotte-la-bouff-excited.gif


Whaat?? Are you planning to redraw the first episodes? Is it to make a print version of ILY???


I noticed that Jayce has a book in his hand, maybe it’s the bible..


Not sure about elsewhere, but here in the States the MINI USA website has a page for finding local clubs. Facebook also has a ton of clubs,including international. League of Extraordinary MINIacs is the leading group for that!


I also thought like you. I think those 4 people are: Soushi, Dieter, Rand and Hansuke. Because Min-Hyuk stays in the corner, Shinae is too smol to carry Nol and the others are with Kousuke


Bruh, my only ability would be that first sketch 😂😂❤️❤️❤️