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Hi everyone! 

Do you know when you're sitting at your desk, you get an idea and think is going to be a week, two tops? And then you start designing and that alone takes a week and a half, and then printing everything takes another two weeks and by then you just are two far in to quit? Well, that happened again to my with this video. I started  designing a marble dropper and one thing led to another and now we have a complete marble music machine. 

The latest premise I set for myself was to have a marble music machine with everything required to make some music and it seems that I managed to do it. The machine has 8 marble droppers for eight note channels, a marble receiver and a marble lift. Everything but the note drum is printed in Anycubic clear basic resin which ended up being the best of all that I tried but I lost a LOT of time testing the printers before I realised that the resins where at fault. As a side note if you're printing with resin and are having adhesion issues set the first 10 layers to 100 seconds each and go down from that. 

I really liked this build and I hope to be able to go mental with it as I have a few ideas that would make it play real music with relative low effort and maybe end up going on a world tour, who knows! 

If you have any questions or comments I'd love to read them so leave them down below. Thanks!!!




John Stevenson

This is a cool idea with almost infinite room for expansion and creativity. Some thoughts: 1. First and foremost, what is the current status of the Big Tank? I've been getting worried that project has been abandoned :/ 2. Would definitely prefer if Miranda's Marvelous Marble Music Machine v2 used physical means to create the music, such as guitar strings as suggested above, or xylophone keys 3. As something to think about much further down the line, a way to electronically reprogram the notes instead of hardcoding them with screws. Not even sure how this could be accomplished, but the ability to use it as a jukebox with multiple songs on demand would be very impressive Keep up the good work!

Ivan Miranda

1.- The big tank is still in one piece but it has a few broken pieces and needs a new cover and a new transmission so it is indefinitely on hold. It is one of the few projects that hasn't been scrapped for parts so I still intend on finish it when the stars align again. 2.- The midi pad is there to give some audible feedback for the marbles, I should have said in the video that it is just temporary. The first instrument to add will probably be the guitar as I have a very cool idea to make it playable. 3.- If the midi pad is temporary more so is the drum. I have a few ideas about pop-up pins that can be mechanically deployed so it can be automatically reprogrammed but I haven't gotten to the point of giving it a deep thought session as it is too early to set some of the variables that will affect the design. Thanks!!

Tom Conklin

Awesome video we cannot wait to see how you improve on this design