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Hey guys!

Like I mentioned in the schedule post, there will be a change in how requests are handled going forward. I want to get more people involved in them while making the whole process scale more easily, so here's my plan:

$50+ patrons can submit a request prompt every month, and those prompts will go into a poll that you guys will all vote for (with tier based voting power). Then based on the results, I'll pick the top few and do them for that month.

If your prompt doesn't get picked, just submit it again and bully people into voting for it.

Thundercock+ tiers will remain unchanged.

>Why the change, Anon?

I'm simply putting more and more time into the game (and hopefully it shows) and the amount of requests I have to do keep growing and growing. It's a great problem to have but it started to impact my work by the end of 2023, and simply increasing the price would just be kicking the can down the road.

 I'd rather pull the band-aid off all at once and do something that will be sustainable for years to come than have to adjust prices every year, and I think this is a decent way forward.

But let me know what you think, and send me your prompts!


Story Anon



I think this is a good idea. Making it so that you can guarantee that you'll be able to handle the request load each month is much better than requests coming or going as the workload ebbs and flows. I think the voting thing will be fun, I look forward to hearing everyone else's ideas and explaining to them why they aren't as good as mine.