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2024 is our year boys, and we're going to start strong.

Up above is our release schedule for 2024 and it's our biggest one yet.

10 planned releases for 2024! More than any other year! No casuals allowed.

Chapter 50 and 51 represent the pivot where the beginning of OoT ends and the end of OoT begins. Everything will change after this year, and the entire story has been building up to that exact moment.

In light of that, Chapters 50 and 51 will come out together in one release. That means it'll take a bit longer than a normal end of arc chapter but contain proportionally more content as a result. Any of you old timers who were around for Chapter 22+23 have already experienced this, since those two came out together as well.

In addition, I'll be updating how requests work for 2024 so that they're more engaging for the entire community and fit into my workflow better.
I want them to remain a perk that rewards people for sticking around and supporting, but obviously not everybody gets to participate currently. That will be changing in the near future, so stay tuned!

We'll be back with new previews and other nonsense soon, here's to 2024!

We're all going to make it.


Story Anon



David Labelle

So great to hear. Look like this year will be the 'lightning' rooster year.

David Labelle

I do wonder, what the 'Pre-Pro' of January stand for?

Story Anon

That means Pre-Production. It's for things like updating character models, making new sets/maps, making the new trailer, etc