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  • Iron Fist (Season 1 - Episode 1).m4a
  • A Series of Unfortunate Events - Netflix Episode 1.m4a



Even before the reviews came in, I had no interest in Iron Fist. I don't know who he is, I don't know what he does, and, frankly, I don't care!

But now that it's basically bombed critically, I had to see what all the fuss was about. Could it possibly be that bad?!

Lets find out...

Also our track for the first episode of Netflix's A Series of Unfortunate Events is here too because I accidentally deleted that post. That is all.

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Hi there I'm new to your Patreon and having fun with all the commentaries. This is my fave so far! I was cracking up through out the whole thing. I know you said in the track you don't plan on watching more but just putting it out there that it would be so awesome if you did more commentaries on Iron Fist, or even the Defenders. There is so much material to laugh at and Its so funny hearing you guys watch it and cringe at all the terrible weird or boring parts haha

Conor Murphy

not my favorite one

Noah Erickson

Now I have a reason to watch iron fist!!


Right when I heard Jacob I got so happy

Cade Onder

It's like you want me to put a gun in my mouth or something.

Simon Latchford

My first response was "OH BABY" But you said this was critically bombed? Lol wtf by who? I guess i don't pay attention to reviews generally but, well i guess this is fuckin why lol. This show is great. Ending was just anticlimactic/too open-ended. Anyway, will be watching/listening asap


<a href="http://rottentomatoes.com/tv/marvel_s_iron_fist/s01" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://rottentomatoes.com/tv/marvel_s_iron_fist/s01</a> #WOOF


Critically bombed by... well, critics lol. Most people didn't like this show though, not just critics.

Matt C. J.

I have never in my entire life known what a critic has thought about anything, until now. Who exactly cares what they think again?

Simon Latchford

Don't usually look at rotten tomatoes cos why would I but dammmnn. Weird critic/audience split too.

albert glowacki

I haven't laughed this hard from a commentary since the mummy. More iron fist please it's amazing 😂

Simon Latchford

7mins in and you've figured the protagonist is boring? Danny is meant to be weird and awkward and upfront... I'll stop I guess but this is all pretty unfair to the show. *Nervous breakdown* PFFT HOW AWKWARD. Even for Jacob who's actually watched some of it, making such a harsh judgement after ONE episode? Ward becomes such a shockingly good character. Just requires a bit of patience and benefit of the doubt, which is hard to come by when you're jumping on it every chance you get. And does exposition really need to be judged in how smooth it is every time it happens in every piece of media? Like no wonder screenwriting today feels to try so hard to avoid obvious exposition to a ridiculousness degree. I'd rather them just get the information out there however and get on with it and not worry about how people who know it's there as exposition'll fuckin poke holes in it. Why would they think a hobo that shows up is super by the way? People with powers are so rare in this world that they're almost myths, they're only common to us because all the shows revolve around them. I also think you can leave the pacing and stuff alone until you've given their own style a shot. Most of your questions have answers, you're just not giving the show the chance to answer them. Like his Dad is meant to look young, of course he is. Buh. There's reason behind a lot of this but you don't even want to care so how can you expect the show to connect? Like, you're not trying to see the value in the show, you're looking for any problem you can, which is textbook pessimism. And that sucks. The show's great. I sort of agree with you Eric in that she show somewhat takes the viewer for granted, but again, I think it lets them take their take and not need to impress you immediately because they already have your trust. I don't think any show really deserves to be interrogated right out of the gate, but this, being basically a sequel show, I think that goes even more-so.


I mean, I enjoy watching my friends' reviews after I've seen a movie and they would be considered critics.


The main purpose of this was to be funny because I had no interest in watching Iron Fist. I wouldn't do a commentary track for a show that I'm interested in, because then I wouldn't be able to pay attention properly.