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Okay so we've got a unique situation coming up in our schedule and I'm still on the fence about it, so I figured I'd ask what you think.

If, for example, we had a topical multi-movie series of commentary tracks recorded and ready to go that will lose relevancy over time, should we...

A) release them weekly like we usually do?


B) drop them all at once and then not release any new movie tracks until the week after that series of tracks would have finished being released weekly?

You might be thinking "Don't you guys sometimes drop a full series of tracks at once without this issue coming up?" We've been able to do that a coupla times because our schedule is so full that can't fit them anywhere and don't want to hold onto them for months until they're no longer relevant. Squid Game, Tiger King 2, and Prank Encounters 2 come to mind.

In this case, the next month or two are gonna be tricky for recording because... to be honest, everyone either has COVID right now or is gonna get it. So dropping a bunch of tracks at once that could otherwise be released weekly and help get us closer to the end of winter isn't a great idea. This poll doesn't apply to how we release tracks going forward, because weekly is definitely better. It just applies to the current situation!

To be clear, this is not about getting more tracks or less tracks. You'll get the same amount of tracks over the same amount of time whether you get all of em now or weekly. If it's still confusing, picture it this way: We guarantee four new movie tracks every month. Whether we release one track per Friday across four Fridays OR we release four tracks on one Friday, it's still four movie tracks that month. Make sense?

No guarantee that the results of this poll will decide what we do, but I'm curious what you think! Are you cool with, in unique situations, getting a bunch of tracks to binge at once at the expense of a coupla weeks without new tracks? Or would you prefer to wait for them to release every week as usual?

Vote below and lemme know!

And thanks for bearing with us during another freakin weird time! ❤️



I'm banking on binge culture

gemma ripper

i like bingeing what can i say

Danielle M Cardillo

Id rather binge it. Usually nice to have all them available if I’m planning on cleaning on all day.

tiny biceps

You dang bingers!! I want my weekly treat because Im a good boy.


Just fuck my shit up Eric

Julia van Tol

I like the idea of them being posted at once so you can binge them and not be spoiled by seeing it everywhere. That being said I never mind waiting and I like having a weekly thing

alex monkhouse

Binging definitely, also would love to see you watch the scream movies since the 5 is coming out!

John Lee

Gaten will always be relevant


down with binging culture!!!!


I always kind of watch on my own schedule so putting them out all once gives me more options. But I’m honestly happy either way!!


I’m indifferent honestly. I think releasing the tracks individually is probably the safest bet but at the same time if you post them all at once and then are unable to meet up with anyone to record the upcoming tracks then you could always just go back to recording solo tracks for a little bit until you’re able to meet up with one of you’re friends again to record. Honestly it’s up to you what you feel would work best for you and your schedule :)


I'm curious what the tracks are now

Steven Ciulla

Hmm... I wonder if these tracks will make us scream? (Just a guess)

Emma B

I voted all at once but just to be clear I am happy either way!:)

J.S. Myers

It's also about what ever is gonna be easiest for you, we don't want you to sacrifice your life or your schedule so do whatever works best


You should release them whichever way is best for you since recording is gonna be weird for a while. ❤️

Kasandra Burgos

I’d be fine either way. We’re so used to binge watching culture and sometimes it is less enjoyable because everything is available to you. It can be overwhelming sometimes. Personally, I love the anticipation of a new track whenever and whatever it is😁

Matthew Innello

I’d be fine either way. The way I see it it’s your content. Release it however easy it is for you. Won’t bother me in the slightest.


Fine either way as well! Plus we would still be waiting every week for some juicy tv tracks anyways so either way we’re waiting for something! If you do release them all at once so they’ll still be relevant that's up to you, I feel within the community we'll talk about whatever whenever haha. But like some others said up there… if you do release them all at once and then maybe do a few solo tracks until you can record safely with friends again I would not mind!


will still love you either way ❤️

Andrue r.

I vote all tracks now. Also. Off-topic, watched a movie on Netflix I feel you'd like. Called Rebirth. Anyways take care


My money is on it being scream lol


I just watched your Identity track. I think you'd really like Bad times at the El Royale.

Kaitlyn Dvorak

Hmmmmm maybe release the first couple at once and then release the others weekly? Idk what this is about so it could be a terrible idea but 🤷‍♀️

Dan Farman

Either works for me. Just take care of yourselves

Kaitlyn Dvorak

I instantly forgot this was around 4 tracks 😭 BUT 2 immediately and the next being weekly wouldn’t be bad 😅 gives a binge ability while still being excited for another release


I absolutely hate binging I would prefer spacing everything out. But you guys are awesome I'll support any direction you go


i'm good with waiting but either option is fine! also i'm thinking the franchise you're talking about is scream and if that's the case i'm gonna be very happy. seeing the new one tonight and i'm so excited!

Steven Len

I tend to lean towards staying with weekly, but it honestly might depend on what series the tracks are for.


if they lose relevancy over time I think it makes sense to release them together so the people who care about that can watch them in quick succession and those who don't can choose to watch one per week.