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The Doctor is in... as long as you're a teenager.

Haven't had enough Tiger King yet?!

Oh, you HAVE had enough?


Tiger King: The Doc Antle Story tells the story of - you guessed it - Doc Antle. Mysteriously (until now) absent from Tiger King 2, the Doc himself wound up getting his own season. Kinda. I mean it's three episodes. Is this Tiger King 3? Truly no idea.

Dude's a super creep so buckle up.

And of course... GO TIGERS!!!!!

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Lol I was in the same boat as you Eric, those last few minutes of episode 2 had me hooked and then episode 3 was just disappointing. They completely ruined any suspense that was built up from the cliffhanger in episode 2 by just accepting Paul Lewis’s story as fact. With Tiger King 1 as you said there sort of was an ending but at the same time not really however at least it got the discussion going and eyes on this whole fiasco, with Tiger King 2 and now this it sort of felt like they were saying a whole lot of nothing, sure we have some new information we didn’t know before but in reality does any of it matter when nothing has really changed? It feels like this whole story hasn’t moved forward since the end of Season 1. There’s inevitably going to be a Tiger King 3 so I just hope by that time something noteworthy actually happens that moves the story along or even put’s an end to all of this.

Abby Mason

I thought it was going to show some justice for the women who were mistreated and groomed. That would've been powerful and informative. But it wasn't. ALSO, one thing I caught was when the guy said, 'Did you see him fall?" And David went, "No, someone else saw him fall." I think that's the show's way of saying that Antle did it without being able to be sued for slander or whatever for insinuating that Antle did kill him.