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Happy Monday!

As I mentioned last month, today we're making up for that Fifth Monday that we skipped to start Clickbait early.

But have no fear... or rather DO have fear... because this Friday begins SPOOKY MONTH with a new movie track, and then new series tracks next Monday.

Until then, keep your eyes glued to Miles' and his new wife Sarah's social media for any glimpses they may share from their wedding this past weekend because it was incredible. Congrats to the Bonsignores!!! ❤️

📍 Los Angeles, CA




Arman Zaidi

love yall ❤️

Meg Maddox

Congrats, Miles!!!


yayyy congrats miles!! i have some guesses on what spooky tv show will be done in October but I refuse to humiliate myself by being wrong. see ya next week!!


congrats miles!!!! hell yea!!!


congrats miles!!

gemma ripper (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-28 13:19:19 congrats miles!!! <3
2021-09-29 03:08:38 congrats miles!!! <3

congrats miles!!! <3

John Lee (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-28 13:19:19 Congrats Miles!! A great day for a great boy (&gt;'-')&gt;
2021-09-30 02:56:38 Congrats Miles!! A great day for a great boy (>'-')>

Congrats Miles!! A great day for a great boy (>'-')>