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This week we decided to Think Different...

Dunno whether or not it's in vogue at the moment to like Steve Jobs, but I've had the idea to record a commentary track for the original iPhone keynote for a long time and I can't think of a better time to finally do it than around the 10th anniversary of his passing.

I'm joined by my old keynote buddy Jake to share some memories of our viewing parties over the years, as well as find out how few gigs of music these suckers used to hold.

You can watch the keynote on YouTube here!

Ready for another commentary track? Browse the full library!


Watch Us Watch | iPhone Keynote (2007)



This was a great track Eric! Love when you switch up the formula


I think the word you were looking for was also maturity! The development of phones has matured in that there aren’t any major flaws to fix/obvious additions to make. All that is left is little improvements! I think people get a little disappointed when there is nothing game changing on a new phone, but, for the most part, there is nothing game changing because those types of things have already been done!

K.B. Summers (edited)

Comment edits

2021-12-28 13:19:22 I was hoping this was a tease for a Steve Jobs movie track as I just had a Social Network & Steve Jobs double feature. I know you mentioned it on your Social Network track with Miles. I think it's Sorkin at his most-Sorkin.
2021-09-26 03:27:15 I was hoping this was a tease for a Steve Jobs movie track as I just had a Social Network & Steve Jobs double feature. I know you mentioned it on your Social Network track with Miles. I think it's Sorkin at his most-Sorkin.

I was hoping this was a tease for a Steve Jobs movie track as I just had a Social Network & Steve Jobs double feature. I know you mentioned it on your Social Network track with Miles. I think it's Sorkin at his most-Sorkin.

Roman Garcia

Eric reminding me how good I was at typing in T9 blew my mind. I use to text under my desk without looking at the screen.