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Netflix's The Stranger is essentially an excuse to learn fun British slang while also trying to figure out whether or not half a dozen seemingly disconnected plot lines are ever going to merge. What does the baseball hat girl have to do with the alpaca? By the end of this, perhaps absolutely nothing. Until then, we shall speculate...

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Watch Us Watch | The Stranger | Episode 5


Allison Grace

I'm so ready for this!!! Also random question what model van do you have Eric? Is it like a sprinter?

Katie Holmes

about to watch this blasted out of my mind hope nothing important happens!


I can only watch with your tracks

Kieran Gray

Watched this show not even 2 months ago and I'm not usually someone to rewatch things but I'm loving this just as much if not more the second time around being able to see your reaction

Beth B

I can confirm it is row, like ow, not row like oh.

Morgan Peters

let's be honest though. how badly do you want to go to their beach bar?

Were puppy

Time to chill out with a cup of coffee, work on my comic and catch up to the next episode of "wtf happened to the alpaca: UK edition" I love these commentary tracks 💖😆


I'm so glad someone else can't stand the stranger. First time I watched it I just found her so annoying and hearing you go "I HATE HER." cracks me up xD