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Hello! I hope April flew by for you like it did for me, and I hope the same happens this month so we can get to the other side of this quarantine as quickly and safely as possible. Hang in there!

As you likely know, we guarantee four Mondays & Fridays worth of tracks per month, so when there's a fifth Friday we skip it. Well we've got five freakin Fridays in May, so I'm gonna use today as that fifth Friday and start the four Fridays worth of tracks next week. Only four Mondays this month, so those tracks will keep comin after the weekend!

As far as next week's movie track goes, I'm leaning toward finally doing what may be our #1 request of all time... maybe!

On another note, we will likely be doing away with the $5 tier soon, same as we did with the $1 tier last year. We already put all of our focus on the commentary track tiers, so we want to cut down on anything we're not giving 100%. Just a heads up for the few of you in that tier!

Finally, should have a brand new video up in the next few days for... KICK-ASS!!

Have a great weekend! <3

- Eric

PS. Rabbit Rabbit, for those that take part in that like me.



Julia Beitz

Thanks for everything you’ve done to keep us entertained during quarantine!! ❤️


I'm having a great time with these solo tracks so I'm really glad you're enjoying em! &lt;3

Emma B

Happy May!! I’ve lovedddd these quarantine tracks


Thanks for keeping us company during this quarantine eric! Stay safe boys💜

Maddie Zimmerman

Thanks for the amazing entertainment during these crazy times. As a grocery store employee, you’re one of the few things keeping me sane at the moment. Love ya 💕


I've been catching up this last week on all the quarantine tracks and they've been excellent! You guys have helped me through so much and I'm so glad you're still releasing stuff during this weird times going on with me &amp; the world. Stay safe!!

Maria Harrington

This tracks are getting me through quarantine thanks for keeping them up during this time I know it would have been kinda easy to drop them. Stay happy and healthy!!


very much enjoying the solo tracks!!!! hysterical as always &amp; thanks for keeping quarentine fun!!! hope you're well.

Stephanie Gardner

See you mentioning May makes think about the May Queen scenes from Midsommar which makes me want you to make a track for Midsommar lol


Stay safe, Eric, and take a shower once in a while. You too, Jacob!

Aaron Tyrrell

Forgive me I’m confused rn does this mean movie track next week and not this week?

Kieran Gray

Right i need to ask... Have yu considered doing the epic (and or disaster) movie? Or is it too stupid to even attempt to watch through? Or maybe you haven't even heard of these but I'm sure you have! Anyway been loving watching through some old stuff recently, keep up the great work.

Christine Petrosian

I'm loving all the tracks!! Thanks for giving us some fun and positivity, especially during this anxious time. It's really helped me get through the tough days! Hope you and Jacob stay safe! ❤️

Semah Davies

the new profile pic is cute lol


This patreon has kept me from being bored at home I think I love you guys😂 I’ve rewatched halloween town multiple times 😭Stay Safe! This message goes for Jacob and Jillian too !

Katie Holmes

well i guess that means i'm rewatching a track tonight! i already rewatched cry wolf this week......let's do spy kids tonight! thanks eric.....and jacob.......for everything!

Miriam Friedman

The movie track you're talking about better be Cirque du Freak or else.. idk I'll just keep hoping I guess..

Sophie Crichton

Thank you for continuing to make tracks during this time!! It really brightens my day to listen to them :)

Beth B

rabbit rabbit in the US? it's white rabbit, white rabbit in the UK!

Sally Parker

These commentaries bring me such joy thank you x


Time for a retro watch.. hmm think I'm in a twilight mood 🍎🐺👴


please watch sisterhood of the travelling pants and dedicate it to Jacob


we need commentary tracks for the matrix since they're all on Netflix

Kieran Gray

Has anyone requested swiped yet? Another one with ya boi Noah

Emma Forrester

I have watched the The Boy track maybe 4 times in the last two days...Funniest thing I’ve ever experienced. I’m THRIVING

Meg Maddox

Thank you for continuing to keep a smile on our faces in these tough times. Please stay safe!

Meg Maddox

Also, I would pay so many earth dollars and do some illegal ass shit for you to do commentary tracks for Netflix's Maniac... it's so good but comical at the same time, and the writer of the Leftovers wrote it and said fans should notice some similarities. And your boy Justin Theroux is in it and Sally Field is a goddamn computer please oh please oh please. It's so damn wild in the best way, just look at the title of this article https://www.indiewire.com/2018/09/maniac-justin-theroux-paraphilia-hysterical-blindness-ending-1202006085/ (spoilers a couple paragraphs into it but they warn you)

Jaxon White

i have not met another person that does the rabbit rabbit stuff, glad to see i am not crazy