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This movie made me feel so alone... but maybe it's because I am?

No, literally. I recorded this track alone.

Ladies and gentlemen, I'm excited to share with you our very first solo commentary track!

This Coronavirus pandemic has thrown the world into chaos, and that includes our ability to record commentary tracks together or with guests. While living in a van does make it easier for me to get around, it feels irresponsible to travel and meet up with anyone in order to do so at the moment. Luckily I happen to have the recording equipment with me due to now-canceled plans to record tracks with guests across the country (we'll get to that once it's safe again, don't worry!) so I figured I'd try a little experiment and record a track all by myself.

Now, about the flick:

I don't think I'd ever heard of Outbreak until this month. "Oh if you like Contagion, you've gotta watch Outbreak!" is all I've seen across the internet for weeks now. Featuring a star-studded cast made up mostly of Me-Too'd actors, this movie is sort of the yin to Contagion's yang in that it's a more thrilling, and eventually action-packed, version of the same concept. While Contagion focuses on the quieter moments, this movie focuses on helicopters... and I am not complaining in the slightest.

I'll be honest, I was a bit nervous to attempt a solo track (especially with a 2+ hour movie), but I was telling the truth above when I said I'm excited to share it because I actually had an absolute blast and I really hope you do as well. That said, I'd especially love your feedback on this one so please comment below and let me know if you enjoyed it.

Don't worry: we'll keep the tracks comin every Monday & Friday to keep you laughing during this difficult time. Hang in there and stay safe!

- Eric

PS. Watch Me* Watch? 🤔

Ready for another commentary track? Browse the full library!


Watch Us Watch | Outbreak



I was just being dragged for never watching this film oh fun!!!

Emma B

I LOVE THIS MOVIE. My 9th grade biology teacher made us watch this...twice.

Emma B

It's so endearing that you have all your friends birthdays in your phone

Katie Holmes

ERIC! this was so good! as someone who watches quite literally every track y'all put out this is just as good as the rest! your love for movies even made me emotional and as much as i love y'all making fun of shit movies/tv it is great when you guys watch great movies and recognize how good it is! i love the solo tracks and i wouldn't even mind a jacob solo one in the future if he's up for it! this was such a great time and i can't wait for more! (also side note you saying every actor was me too'd i was like no way??? and then immediately looked up every actor just to see an article about how much sexual harassment they have done...............you hate to see it)

Moses Ochs

Before I started the track I was worried about this being a solo track but it turned out great!!!

Helen Pixelen

Eric: this is literally #MeToo the movie Also Eric: ew why do they keep inappropriately touching the women?!

J.S. Myers

Would you guys try recording tracks using like webcams for this current pandemic situation going on? I dont think any of us would mind the drop in audio or video quality. These solo tracks seem great too though but just figured I would ask

Sally Parker

Thank you so much for this, I have never heard of this film and I really really loved it, it was so awesome and your commentary made it even more so!


Syncing up separately and comedic timing would take a hit so that’s where the real decrease in quality would be. That matters more to me than the audio/video!

Ashley Hogan

This was so much fun! I also had never heard about this movie but your giddiness and excitement was contagious (huuurr) and I'd be up for more solo commentary tracks if it's all you can do atm!

Rei Zak

So glad you watched this with me! This movie gave me a phobia of monkeys when I was a kid that has lasted to this day. I read the book in biology class and was again assaulted by nightmares due to the gruesome descriptions of the infected people. Hope you're doing well. This was so great!

Alex Nowell

this was amazing! please do more solo tracks!

Semah Davies

Your reactions to the helicopters brought me so much joy! Loved this!


knock knock who’s there? ford ford who? ford motor company


Damnit Eric I have such a crush on you and your van life. Also I'm glad we got a van commentary I feel like its what we never knew we needed. Hope all of PMI is healthy and safe! <3


ERICCCCC im only 50 minutes in but i'm right there w you when you keep saying how much you're enjoying it!! IT'S SO GOOOOOD. the shots of the military going into cedar creek were breathtaking and horrifying.

Alley Box

oh godd, I read this book in high school, it was so graphic with its descriptions lol. excited to go through it again 🤠


Had never heard of this and also didn't know Morgan Freeman is also a creep. Also you can't casually mention you JUST NOW realized there's a Marble Hornets logo on your van. I'd be spooked to sleep there after noticing that

Emily Collier

i live in ohio and we don't have 7/11 :( would kill for a slurpee

Noe Ramirez

This was so much fun! At first, I was unsure about a solo track, but I ended up laughing my ass off so much during this!

Thalia Castro

i think you should bleach your hair only if you're gonna do a cool design

Thalia Castro

also you should watch the invisible man like this


i wish you couldve seen my face when kevin spaceys name popped up


if there's one plus side to self-quarantine it's getting the chance to catch up on all the tracks I've missed lets GOOOO

Connor Clarey

forgot how fun this movie is to watch, amazing commentary as always

Robert Gonzales


Amelia Maureen Rose

Wow, this was great. I love survival movies like that (if that's what they're called). It reminded me of Towering Inferno and Poseidon Adventure (The Original), which you should totally watch. They hold a lot of nostalgia. You really can't beat practical effects.