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This movie made me feel so alone... but maybe it's because I am?

No, literally. I recorded this track alone.

Ladies and gentlemen, I'm excited to share with you our very first solo commentary track!

This Coronavirus pandemic has thrown the world into chaos, and that includes our ability to record commentary tracks together or with guests. While living in a van does make it easier for me to get around, it feels irresponsible to travel and meet up with anyone in order to do so at the moment. Luckily I happen to have the recording equipment with me due to now-canceled plans to record tracks with guests across the country (we'll get to that once it's safe again, don't worry!) so I figured I'd try a little experiment and record a track all by myself.

Now, about the flick:

I don't think I'd ever heard of Outbreak until this month. "Oh if you like Contagion, you've gotta watch Outbreak!" is all I've seen across the internet for weeks now. Featuring a star-studded cast made up mostly of Me-Too'd actors, this movie is sort of the yin to Contagion's yang in that it's a more thrilling, and eventually action-packed, version of the same concept. While Contagion focuses on the quieter moments, this movie focuses on helicopters... and I am not complaining in the slightest.

I'll be honest, I was a bit nervous to attempt a solo track (especially with a 2+ hour movie), but I was telling the truth above when I said I'm excited to share it because I actually had an absolute blast and I really hope you do as well. That said, I'd especially love your feedback on this one so please comment below and let me know if you enjoyed it.

Don't worry: we'll keep the tracks comin every Monday & Friday to keep you laughing during this difficult time. Hang in there and stay safe!

- Eric

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Mitch Kovacs

Hey! Any plans for other commentators to remotely call in and do commentaries with you?

Wyatt P.

This type of commentary format takes me back to the ErickWithNoK days

Luke Schalki

Omg when Kevin Spacey’s name appeared 😆😆😆. Did a spit take to Eric’s reaction


i enjoyed it.


I liked it. I could get a word in edgewise 😂 😂


Such a great commentary! I always love your stuff, and the quality did not go down one bit even with being by yourself - I was laughing the whole time! Thanks for posting, despite everything going on :)

Span King Monkeys

Solo commentary tracks ain't that bad, color me surprised. And by that I mean the actual color surprise.

Morgan Peters

Eric you KILLED this solo track! And by killed I mean *starts coughing* but for real this was so funny and i'd love to see more solo tracks from you in these trying times!

Josh Angelo

A great track. Donald Jessica would be proud.


If you have a remote call in guest, im exited for you guys to have the opportunity to sync with the each other and the audience. Syncs galore!


Great track!


Such a fun experience to sit and watch this (surprisingly awesome???) movie for the first time with you, eric! love it!


Ahhhhhh what a joy to watch with your commentary. I’d seen this movie a handful of times since I was a kid, but this was even more entertaining. I miss this type of “don’t take it too seriously” but still great 90s films. Fantastic. Hope you’re cozy!