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  • 2-08 Stranger Things _ Season 2 - Episode 8.m4a



Eric & Jacob are continuing their descent into the Upside Down with a marathon of Stranger Things Season 2!

Getting closer and closer to Season 3...

Ready for another commentary track? Browse the full library!



Monty Pearson

Fuck with the boy, you’ll get the hell...


it’s so adorable how every time eric tries to make a modern rap reference or joke he asks jacob “is that how it goes?”


When the camera panned up to reveal Eleven, there was a small part of me that hoped it was actually just the old black lady that sat next to Eleven on the bus

Jimmy Scrambles

I know this is probably not going to happen, but it would be awesome if Eric posted the episode 9 commentary track on Sunday, before the month was up. I only pledge to my patreons every other month so otherwise I’ll have to wait until August 1 to get the conclusion to season 2 lol.


Will and Eleven are the worst characters this season


just watched hellboy because of how much you guys reference it and goddamn that is the biggest hand I've ever seen

Kyle Burdick

I can't even with you two xD. With Sean's character.