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Recorded in 2014

2021 Update This old commentary track has been edited and re-released. For a few years we went through a sort of "anti-PC" phase and used hurtful language in an attempt to be edgy, but in reality it was just shitty. We can now assure you that this track is safe for all to enjoy!



🎧 Download this full commentary track for free: https://patreon.com/posts/203316 ✅ Follow me: http://instagram.com/striffleric 🎤 Guests: http://twitter.com/jakebaldino & https://youtube.com/c/MikePeterson91 💬 Join us on Discord! http://discord.prettymuch.it 📺 Watch more of our commentary videos... https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyqhcz5TY4jKivlXT5dO_1rAan4FjwL91 🧬 Produced by: http://existence.media Plot (via Wiki): In 1973, the people of Newt, Texas, led by Burt Hartman, arrive and burn down the farmhouse of the murderous Sawyer clan in an act of vigilante justice. The arsonists are proclaimed heroes of the community, and the entire Sawyer family is killed. However, an infant with a burn mark on her chest is found by one of the townsmen, Gavin Miller, who promptly murders her mother, Loretta Sawyer. Gavin and his wife take the child into their care and raise her as their own daughter. In 2012, a young woman named Heather discovers that she was adopted after receiving a letter informing her that her grandmother, Verna Carson, has passed away. Heather, her boyfriend Ryan, her best friend Nikki, and Nikki's boyfriend Kenny travel to her grandmother's home to collect her inheritance. Along the way, the group picks up a hitchhiker named Darryl. Upon arriving, Heather is given a letter from Verna's lawyer Farnsworth that she neglects to read. As the group explores the house, they decide to stay the night. Heather and her friends leave to buy food and supplies, leaving Darryl behind to look after the house. Darryl begins stealing valuables and is killed by Leatherface when he unlocks the door to the basement freeing him. Heather and her friends return to find the house ransacked. While Kenny is preparing dinner, he goes downstairs to the cellar where Leatherface impales him on a hook, before killing him with a chainsaw. Heather finds Verna's decomposing body upstairs and is attacked by Leatherface in the kitchen, but she manages to escape. Nikki and Ryan draw the attention of Leatherface, while Heather gets in the van and picks up her friends. Leatherface cuts one of the tires with his chainsaw, causing the van to crash, killing Ryan on impact. He chases Heather to a nearby carnival, where Deputy Carl is patrolling the grounds. While at the police department, Heather begins digging through the files, learning how the Sawyer family was killed and empathizing with them. The sheriff and Hartman send an officer to investigate the Carson estate. Over the phone, the officer reports his findings. He finds Nikki hiding in a freezer, but inadvertently shoots her dead before he himself is killed by Leatherface with an axe. Leatherface cuts the skin from the officer's face and uses it to create a new mask. Enraged by the officer's findings, Hartman vows to end the remaining Sawyers. Heather leaves the station and meets with her lawyer at a bar. He tells her that Leatherface is her cousin, Jedidiah "Jed" Sawyer, who survived the burning of the farmhouse. Heather escapes the bar when Hartman finds her and runs into Deputy Carl in his patrol car. As they drive away, Carl reveals himself as Burt's son. He kidnaps her and takes her to the Sawyer family's slaughterhouse, and ties her up to lure Leatherface. Listening over the deceased officer's police radio, Leatherface learns of Heather's location and goes to the slaughterhouse to kill her, but releases her after seeing a Sawyer sigil birth mark on her chest. Leatherface is attacked from behind by Hartman and his friend Ollie. Heather takes the opportunity to escape. As Hartman and Ollie prepare to throw Leatherface into a meat grinder, Heather returns and kills Ollie, and tosses Leatherface his chainsaw. In the struggle, the sheriff arrives but hesitates to stop Leatherface from killing Hartman. Leatherface severs both of Hartman's hands with the chainsaw, causing him to fall to his death in the meat grinder. The sheriff lets Heather and Leatherface go. Afterwards, Leatherface and Heather return to the Carson Estate, where Heather reads the letter from Verna. It informs her that her real name is Edith Rose Sawyer, that Leatherface lives in the basement behind the metal door and that he will protect her for the rest of his life, but it also requests that she take care of him in return. Leatherface buries Verna's body. Heather accepts how Leatherface's mental state drove him to commit his crimes and accepts him as her only family. This is an audio commentary ONLY. It is meant to be watched along with the movie so you can raise or lower the volume on the commentary or the movie itself as you wish. #texas #chainsaw #3d



"do your thing cuz" what a 2013 thing to say