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Here's a super early, SUPER rough cut of my Jigsaw review! It has literally ZERO PERCENT of the bells & whistles, hell it doesn't even have COLOR, but I wanted you to get a chance to hear my thoughts on the movie before our commentary track is released tomorrow. (SPOILERS, obviously.)

For those that are unaware, this will be my final movie review. I obviously have no idea which direction my life is headed in the coming years, but I have decided to put this chapter in the rearview and go into the new year with a fresh start.

THAT SAID, COMMENTARY TRACKS WILL CONTINUE. Haha I honestly have way too much fun with em still, no reason to put an end to tracks just yet. Believe it or not, we've got big plans for Pretty Much It in 2018... they just don't include me reviewing movies. I'm not ditchin ya! <3

As this review is lengthier than the others I've done this year, I would greatly appreciate your feedback on whether or not it drags toward the end. I definitely intend to trim some of the dramatics down a bit, but your input would be helpful.

Keep an eye out early next week for the final version! ENJOY!!

- Eric





Holy shit, this was fucking deep :’(

James Chesney

Drags a little , but you teared up and I cried


So for most of the review I was thinking of any suggestions I may have or like "Oh man I hope this opens with a Saw style montage of you at Jake's wedding and then getting kidnapped or drugged or whatever" and then you go and do that shit at the end and make me cry and reevaluate my life and fuck you, Striffler.


Please leave that speech at the end in its entirety in the final version because you gave your boy chills.


I don't know what to say. I want to comment on everything but there is so much in this video. For the actual review part of it I don't think it drags on. The ending is definitely for your long time fans. I really enjoyed the honesty. If you really have to make it shorter cut some parts of the negative feedback. Even though that was great to know as well. The end of this video made me feel the same way as I did in the end of the PMI Friday show. Emotional. I've been following you and what you make since your Cloverfield review. I've never been subscribed to anyone else that long. You're opinion and the way you express it is what keeps people coming back. I know it must be a struggle to balance being creative and having "success" on YouTube. But I really hope you can find something that makes you happy and can challenge you to be creative in this next year. It doesn't always have to be reviews. You will have supporters on whatever your new ideas are. And also, these new PMI reviews definitely ended while it was still good.


Wow Eric, great review. You nailed my thoughts about the film exactly and that speech at the end hit too close to home. I also saw Jigsaw alone and when I tried to tell my friends about it, they weren't interested anymore. I don't think you need our advice on what to cut out. It's your last review and you only get one of those. Do what you feel is right.

Michael Oh-son

Well just know those movie reviews were incredibly inspiring eric. Thanks for that. I'm stickin around

Angel Meza

This an emotional video for not only you but also your supporters. Sorry if you see this as a negative but we not only love your thoughts on the filmmaking industry. We also love you, especially your long time fans who have great memories of PMI throughout the years that we will keep with us until we're gone.

Zach Wolfe

I think it could be trimmed a little bit towards the end, specifically I think some of the dialog shots kinda have too much dead air in them, but you don’t know how much of an impact you’ve made on our lives. This was an emotional video for me. Thank you for all these memories.

Angel Meza

Besides that in-regards to the editing, there are some awkward editing moments which odds are you have already noticed and when your emotional thoughts began I think it would be great to have that be a long take with the only cut occurring once he finishes.

Josh Philips

First of all 1. I am sad 2. Eric write a Saw movie


I understand the complaints from moody Eric, specifically figuring out the whole movie half way through. But gotta agree with happy Eric, I went into Jigsaw with no expectations and left with the same. From the time I was 9, fast forward to me almost 22 I have not seen Saw with anyone because my old friends dislike them. I've seen them all alone, but you were always there, thanks Eric. Id say shave off a minute or two for public release, but this was great for us who have been here for a while.


Sorry to write more about this video, but I dreamed about it and still can't stop thinking about the irony. 8 horror films, most of them crappy and frustrating are turning Eric's life in a new direction. Had he not watched them, he could still be doing reviews or doing something completely different.


Damn, Erikwithnok and PMI pretty much defined my middle through high school life. After watching you for nine years, it's definitely very emotional to watch this.


Go tigers :(

Billy THE KID Lawrence

Oh Eric, this was beautiful. I look forward to the final version. Damn it, man. You are just the coolest. I will follow you until the end and you'll always have my support

Mads Aagaard

looove it so much, i had the same experience! grew up with it, with my friends and had to see it alone and no one cared and i have no one to talk about how horrible it is! so thank you!

Jake Watford

Man the ending was tough to watch. I have been a die-hard fan for many years. I will be here to support you in anything and everything that you do. You will always be one of my inspirations and one of my favorite people. Thank you Eric, we love you


Only Eric can make a review that brings you to the verge of tears for a bad movie. Can’t wait for 2018, bud.

Liana Birke

11:25 - 15:40 so FUCKING RAW ERIC so goddam raw like damn daniel

Liana Birke

p.s. i'm 24, i remember when you used to review music... didnt always like all your content but i love the way you deliver your perspective be it thru reviews, short films (the Hot Girlfriend one of my faves), or the podcast that is now dead. hope you're able to find what's missing

Jack Guidera

Damn, what a ride! The speech at the end about feeling trapped broke my heart, Eric, I had no idea that you'd been feeling this way about the reviews. To give some context, I first started watching your content back when you were speculating about Cloverfield and Super 8. (Speaking of which, Rocket Poppeteers never really came to anything, huh? Hahaha!) One of my first memories of watching a YouTube video is your review of, IIRC, Saw V, when you had all your friends review it with you. Fell off when the podcast started, but got back on board freshman year of college and felt like an idiot for having ever stopped watching. Finally jumped on the Patreon train once you started the "Two-Faced Eric" reviews, because the La La Land floored me. So even though I might seem like a new face, I've been around for a long time. "Long-time listener, first-time caller," basically. I find it really impressive how you've been able to reinvent yourself so many times, considering most content creators tend to be too lazy to shake anything up once they find something that "works." You're like the anti-Doug Walker, which I intend as a very high compliment. I'm sad to see this current style of reviews end, since I've loved the split-personality format. But at the same time, I want you to be happy and making what you're interested in created! Can't wait to see what you've got planned for 2018, and I hope you'll still tell your thoughts on movies from time to time. Uh, I guess that's... pretty much it?


i didnt want it to end....