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Gettin' Jiggy Wit It! (Come on, that should have been the official tagline...)

Just because I consider this to be the worst Saw movie doesn't mean that it isn't a Saw movie, so of course we had to keep to our own tradition and record a commentary track where Jacob experiences everything for the first time.* As someone who is newer to Saw, did he enjoy it more than I did? Only one way to find out...

*An important note about this commentary: it will NOT sync up with the movie properly because we had to watch a bootleg to get it out on our tight schedule. Check out our updated 2021 version that actually does sync up with the movie!

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Austin Mink

Out of curiosity, when will this track be updated?

Eric DeRosia

Any update on when the re release is coming out?

Austin Mink

Wow! This felt nothing like a Saw movie. Let's just let the Saw franchise die. A great trilogy of films. Everything after 3 is like uncanon fan fiction from a fan site.


How can i listen to this with the movie, what time stamp do i start on?


When you say the track is messy, how messy are we talking? If I listen to it alongside a rip of the DVD, do you think the track will get thrown lightyears out of sync or just several seconds? I can live with the latter as I've resynced your tracks to movies half-way through before without too much hassle.

Katie Russell

Thought that girl at the bar was Amanda and I screamed

Katie Russell

Hire me as your PA for your fan script I’m about to get an MFA in screenwriting


hey!! did you guys ever update this track, im just now listening to all the saws commentaries


Actually totally forgot! Will add it to my to-do list for next week, check back if you wanna wait!


Just checking in on this, but also the bootleg version syncs fine with the DVD version I have.

Matthew Turner

They’re making a Saw 9 coming out 2020, story created by Chris Rock... interesting

Connor Meek

any news on when the fixed version will be out?

Helen Pixelen

Hey Eric we're all in quarantine now, get on the new track! ;) Quite funny that I fancied rewatching all the Saws and then you released the Belzebuth track

Helen Pixelen

Actually don't bother, this movie was poor it doesn't deserve a synced up commentary track

Keaghan O'Brien

As a fan of the franchise I actually really enjoyed this installment. Definitely one of the best of the worst films. It was just fun and I wholeheartedly welcome change to a long overdrawn series.

Dan Farman

So, who wants to mention they announced Saw X (not Chris Rocks movie) on 4/16/21?

Wyatt P.

Y’all for real gonna make me pirate this 😂

Ruben Ripalda



am i a fucking goober or is there no audio file attached


Well I mean you may be a goober for unrelated reasons... but you are correct. Will fix shortly!

Billy THE KID Lawrence

Not calling that website House of Jigsaw was a huge missed opportunity

Billy THE KID Lawrence

Eric, please tell me you also thought the cringiest line was Eleanor..... "Jig-Fucking-Saw." Yikes.

Mads Aagaard

there's no audio file? :)

James Chesney

so will the updated version be on the unrated version and include new audio?


So how are people watching this?


I re-watched to the Death note commentary and would love one for the original show even if it's just an episode or two. I'm pretty sure it's on Netflix at least last time I checked, great commentary as usual bois!

Wahkoowah Phoenix

anyone know where i can see a copy for free?

Mike Kuligowski

are you gonna re release the edited version of this now that the movies out?