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Hey there guys,

since I have two titles out now, it's getting a bit more complicated to see who is eligible for what, so here are the guidelines:

- Each successful pledge (pledge that is not declined) of 5$ dollars gets you access to one title.

- I am talking about the cumulative number, if you pledged 1 dollar for five months, you are also eligible.

- So If you pledged 5-9$ , you can get either Cocky maid or Sextape, if you pledged (again, cumulative) above that, you get both.

So if you are new, or just crossed the threshold, let me know via pm! Unfortunately it's bit hard for me to keep track of all you guys :D

As for the progress, unfortunately I have been really busy with some RL stuff this week (work and some family matters), BUT I did find a possible way to work with the new software!

One more thing, I will be looking into the declined pledges a bit more, I would appreciate it if you could re-check your payment info etc.

For those who are interested in more technical details:

- Until now, I've been using Poser - it's a great software, but it's stock figures are shit, I've been using figures from another software (DAZ) but they are pretty laggy in Poser and the workflow is not pleasurable at all.

- I decided to go straight to the source and work in DAZ direcly. If you have ever seen or bought a 3D image set, there is like 95% chance it was made in DAZ. It's pretty good for still images, but absolutely TERRIBLE for animation. If someone says he's animating in DAZ, he's either lying, or really really patient.

- However, I discovered that I take the DAZ figures and port them over to Blender- third software, which is more complicated than the previous two combined (but also more powerful) make the animation and the port the animation back to DAZ to render it. Right now I am investigating this route and it seems it could be doable.


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