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Hi guys,

I was out of town this week (Vacation!) so I don't really have anything this week, sorry :( I was really hoping to have the second picture I commissioned, however it still not ready

Anyway, the official release date for Sextape is set for 12th of March and that should be met, only think that's left is the application which is done by third party. However, if I complete the project sooner, I will send the link to all eligibile patrons the moment it is ready, I think you deserver that much :)

With this, I am getting to some organizational changes:

- right now, everyone with successful cumulative pledge of 5$ and above has been receiving link to 'My cocky maid', including people who pledged later. Unfortunately I have not been keeping track on who became eligible later, feel free to remind me and I will send you the link.

- however, with the release of Sextape, there will be two products available and each 5$ successfuly pledged will make you eligible for one of the project of your choosing. So if you pledged 5$ you can choose either 'My cocky maid' or 'Sextape' and you can ask for the other one next time when at least 10$ is pledged etc. Since this is new change, I will keep March as a transition month so if you have pledged at least 5$ until you are eligible for both during this month.

- I will do some changes to the pledge tiers, mainly, I will be cancellingthe 40$ tier. This tier has nearly 100% decline rate and it simply doesn't work. I don't blame anyone, but I don't want to keep it as it is, sorry. I will let anyone affected know one more time via PMs.

If you have any questions, rants or anything you want to tell me, feel free to post it here!


Andrew Rowe

As I recall, I wasn't thrilled with "My cocky maid". Would you send me a link to the full video or send the complete, joined set to my email. I hope "Sextape" is up to your standards, e.g. length and quality.


I am not sure to which complete video you are referring, You already received My cocky maid and Sextape is not done yet. Neither of them is complete video, they are both part image, part animation set.

Jack Mack

When we receive Sextape will it just be the picture/animation files or will it be packaged in software form? I would strongly prefer the former because its easier to deal with.


Interesting, I created the application specificaly for the ease of use. Which other software you use to move between pictures and videos in the specified order? Or do you prefer some other way of browsing them? This time I have a flash developer to help me, so perhaps there is something I can incorporate in the application to make it better. In any case, both pictures and videos will be attached as regular files.

Andrew Rowe

Would appreciate a download of "Sextape". Did u get my request for a long video? E.g. "Office Nymphos", "Fuck the Police". I loooove these videos.