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Hello there guys and girls. I hope you listened last time and tried to get Google cardboard, because I have something special for you. Ever wondered what it's like to be a dickgirl? Well now you can experience it in glorious 2160x1080 and 60 FPS!

Download here:


I have some good results with this app:


use side-by-side 180, tick on distortion correction and No roll, I am using 85 for screen size, but it might be dependant on the size of your phone. Hopefuly at least some of you will enjoy this :)

Of course it should also work with Oculus rift, unfortunately I don't have one (yet!) so I could not test it.


(No title)


Bob Fink

Pretty awesome, thanks for sharing this!


Perfect timing with this. I just ordered Google cardboard which should be arriving tomorrow. First thing in gonna watch!!