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Hey guys,

as mentioned I had some issues with the render PC. So today I brought in a new 1300W psu, plugged it in, started the pc and it immediately shut down with a burning smell.

Cause I am an idiot, I turned it on again and one of the cards literally went up in flames :O

Turns out the issue was either in one of the 980ti's, or the PCI-E extender I am using. Anyway, I took the card out and it all works fine, hopefully I won't get any more issues.

I was able to render the Diner for Three scene, just need to put in the sound and I'll be releasing it on Sunday as usual.


Andrew Rowe

Sorry to hear that.


Well I was watching it then, but usually it's running in next room, overnight, sometimes I let it run over weekend when I visit my parents... Right now I really don't want to test if it was faulty card or extender, but if I smell it, it's the card smelling bad, not the extender, so I assume it was the card?


Definitely gave me a scare, also I am super lucky I only lost one card (well and the original PSU I guess).


Oh I could just stick into the computer and see if it still runs, but I don't want to risk it. It is EVGA, but sending it for diagnosis is probably not worth the effort. The extenders are powered and should be pretty good.