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👉 1841 書店全球發售《覺醒的道路:前中共香港地下黨員梁慕嫻回憶錄》


⏺《覺醒的道路:前中共香港地下黨員梁慕嫻回憶錄》 序言 -- 我們不是機器零件,而是活生生的人:我和慕嫻前輩的緣份(上)


⏺《覺醒的道路:前中共香港地下黨員梁慕嫻回憶錄》 序言 -- 我們不是機器零件,而是活生生的人:我和慕嫻前輩的緣份(下)






多謝梁女士挺身而出發聲,書寫中共的地下組織和活動,讓普羅大眾了解中共如何做思想工作以及個人感受。最近,彭博的專欄作家裴敏欣一篇題為「China’s 1% Is Watching the Other 99%」,估算替中共當informants約為中國人口的1%即1千4百萬,比例約等於柏林圍牆倒下前的東德。中共以一幅不切實際的美麗遠景,以造假和妖魔化對手,又或者把自己說成是受害者,蠱惑人心,再利用人性弱點加以利誘,動之情,誘之利,吸納社會各階層的目標人物,構成龐大的情報網和行動組織。總之,基本策略是你須要什麼你在想什麼,中共就會順勢而為。以前國內一位朋友對我說:「放一把火」。


I truly appreciate that Ms. Leung managed to finish writing her books during her time of illness. Her efforts fill in the gaps in the CCP's history and provide us with a deeper understanding of the inner workings of this top-down, highly bureaucratic, well-organized, and ruthless structure. It is worth studying what drives the minds of CCP members and "little pinks." Can we simply conclude that money and power are the only driving forces? Do they have a sense of national identity? During the Cultural Revolution, Mao and hordes of "red walking dead" discredited Confucianism, considering it one of the "Four Olds." It promoted the idea of eradicating feudalism and encouraged the labeling of "bad elements, rightists, monsters, and freaks." The significant growth resulting from economic reforms over the past 40 years created the concept of a rising China, where the nation's power was believed to be on par with the only superpower—the US. However, this core idea today is being challenged as China's economy, after years of decline, is now in freefall. The regime is facing a crisis of confidence and national identity as people realize their assets are depreciating, and the numbers in their bank accounts are more for display than usable, tangible currencies. The Chairman now pushes a sweeping ideological initiative to redefine national identity by rebranding the once-discarded ancient philosophy that advocates for a fusion of sympathy and societal harmony. His newfangled thought is paired with Marxism, emphasizing that Marxism is its "soul" and the recycled philosophy is its "root," although it is laden with Chinese characteristics—long-winded but empty. Will underground members and little pinks still be able to cash in for serving the tight-fisted party by adopting this new identity, or will they be reluctant to deliver jobs by being paid peanuts, regardless of which identity is being exerted on? If the latter is true, perhaps the most effective way to hinder their aggressive acts is to make their campaign funds go broke.