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澳洲《60分鐘時事雜誌》再講述香港痛苦現狀:"Danger for Hong Kong's next generation as Communist China tightens its grip",開場白聯繫到近日的美英澳安全同盟:“It’s no wonder Australia the US and UK have been shoring up defence tie, beating chest with multi-billion dollar announcement about building nuclear powered submarines. It’s all about countering China’s expansion with just the moment seems unhindered. Take what the communist regime is systematically dismentling in Hong Kong…”,高度推介。


How Hong Kong is being beaten into submission by China's regime | 60 Minutes Australia

Subscribe here: http://9Soci.al/chmP50wA97J Full Episodes: https://9now.app.link/uNP4qBkmN6 | Game Over (2021) It's no wonder Australia, the US and UK have been shoring up defence ties, beating chests with multi-billion-dollar announcements about building nuclear-powered submarines. It's all about countering China's expansion, which at the moment seems to be progressing unhindered. Take what the communist regime is systematically dismantling in Hong Kong for example: Democracy. The freewheeling spirit of the former British colony is being smashed into submission with brutal crackdowns, mass arrests and the end of free speech. It's game over for pro-democracy activists who are now faced with a stark choice --- either back Beijing or be punished. WATCH more of 60 Minutes Australia: https://www.60minutes.com.au LIKE 60 Minutes Australia on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/60Minutes9 FOLLOW 60 Minutes Australia on Twitter: https://twitter.com/60Mins FOLLOW 60 Minutes Australia on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/60minutes9 For forty years, 60 Minutes have been telling Australians the world’s greatest stories. Tales that changed history, our nation and our lives. Reporters Liz Hayes, Tom Steinfort, Tara Brown, Liam Bartlett and Sarah Abo look past the headlines because there is always a bigger picture. Sundays are for 60 Minutes. #60MinutesAustralia


James Lo


Weeky Wong

教授極佳推薦。黎智英先生、周小龍先生的勇氣令人感動,祝願佢哋好人有好報,也祝福許志峯先生和 Alexis 平安,在海外為香港繼續努力。